Education, School, and Behaviour

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The university’s research focus "Education", which was established in 2008 alongside the research focus "Religion" at the University of Erfurt, has developed dynamically in recent years and is based on the interaction of research on education, school and behaviour. This involves research into the acquisition of competencies and the question of the conditions these acquisition is based on. This concerns language and decision making development, questions of inclusion and learning as well as health and media. In its breadth of content, its methodological diversity and homogeneity, the research focus at the University of Erfurt is increasingly popular among early stage researchers. This allows for a constant reflection on structural developments in research and teaching, especially in the Faculties of Education and Economics, Law and Social Sciences, and the Faculty of Philosophy.

Projects of the research focus (German only)


Children and young people in Germany have different educational opportunities depending on their social status and ethnic origin. Early-stage researchers from various German universities have now joined forces in the SUBSES research network to look…

As part of the seminar "Health – Climate Crisis – Communication" (BA Communication Science), the Institute for Planetary Health Behaviour at the University of Erfurt is organising a lecture on Tuesday, 18 June, in which sociologist Dr Axel Salheiser…

The University of Erfurt is hosting the annual conference of the Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Schulgarten, which will take place in Erfurt on 26/27 September. The theme this time is "Historical learning in school garden lessons".

The Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) is funding a research project on the visualisation of nutritional recommendations with around 400,000 euros over the next two years. The joint project entitled "FBDGVisual – development and…

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