Health Day "Addiction vs. Health"

Psychedelic picture

The university's 8th Health Day will take place on May 16, 2024. In keeping with the theme of "Addiction vs. Health", there will be numerous offers and health information for all members of the university. The health and substitute health insurance companies and other health stakeholders will be participating with attractive activity stands and interesting offers. 

From 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., we have prepared a varied program for you to help you lead a healthy and balanced life. Immerse yourself in the world of temptation and learn how to resist temptations to protect your health. Find out about the risks of alcohol and cannabis consumption and get tips on how you can implement a responsible approach to alcohol and a healthy diet. Discover the positive aspects of sport and exercise, but also the dangers that excessive exercise can entail. The Health Day is a good opportunity to consciously take time for your own health.

Click here for the detailed program  (only available in german)


Overview of the programm

8:15 a.m. Opening,  Lecture hall 2, KIZ

  • Welcome by the Chancellor (Christian Schellhardt)
  • Lecture "Media Addiction" (Prof. Dr. Sven Jöckel) 
  • Sports talk (Austrian national player Hubert Hager) 
  • Lecture "Cannabis legalization and the effects on road traffic" (Head of the Medical-Psychological Competence Center of TÜV Thuringia, Marcel van de Wal)

Health check and blood donation 

  • 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. ,"Vitaltest" (AOK PLUS), F.012 KIZ, Registration by email to 
  • 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Digital sleep radar, (Die Techniker), R 1.08 KIZ, Registration by e-mail to 
  • 11 - 15 Uhr, Blutspende (Suhl Blood Donation Service), old Checkroom Audimax, Registration is not required

10 a.m. - 2 p.m., nformation stands and Aktionen, Foyer KIZ

  • AOK PLUS, Die Techniker, "Alcohol-free enjoyment - fully trendy" presented by BARMER, VR intoxication goggles course by Debeka, university health management, helpline, Verkehrswacht Thüringen, Nal von minden GmbH, "Welt der Ver-suchungen" foundation, campus school garden and much more.

Exercise and relaxation activities 

  • 9 a.m. - 3 p.m., Taster course VIMODROM, Foyer KIZ, Registration by email to
  • 10 am - 2 pm, Teqball, Meadow next to the school garden 
  • 11:50 - 12:10, Meditation at lunchtime, Room of silence
  • 12 - 13 Uhr, Tischtennis, Audimax, foyer in front of the former checkroom
  • 18 - 19:30 "Salsation-meets-Zumba-Party", Large campus meadow (alternative sports hall in case of bad weather)

Impressions from 2023 "A Heart for Health"

Die neuen Gesundheitsbotschafter:innen und Frau Prof. Dr. Beate Hampe
Prof. Dr. Alexander Lauten (Helios Klinikum Erfurt)
Talkrunde mit Max Langenhan und Michael Panse
Die AOK PLUS und das Smoothie-Bike
Angebote im KIZ
Escape Garden im Schulgarten
Die thematische Postkarte

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