| Interne Serviceseiten, Hochschule, Service, Studium

Opening hours during the lecture-free period

During the lecture-free period (from 8 July to 11 October 2024), some service facilities at the University of Erfurt will have different opening hours. We ask for your attention.

University Computer and Media Center
availability by phone:
Monday to Thursday: 8am–12pm and 1pm–4pm
Friday: 8am–12pm
Outside of these times, please send your enquiries by email to rz@uni-erfurt.de.

service desk opening hours:
Monday to Thursday: 9–11 am and 1–3 pm
Friday: 9–11 am

student identity card (thoska) service office:
Please send your enquiries by email to thoska@uni-erfurt.de.

Department 1: Registrar's Office
office hours on site:
Monday to Thursday: 12–3 pm and by appointment

availability by phone:
Monday to Friday: 9–11.30 am

University Library
29 July to 29 September 2024:
Monday to Friday: 9 am–8 pm (service hours 10 am–4 pm)
Saturday: 10 am –4 pm
Sunday: closed
+++ Please note that the library will be closed from 16 to 22 September 2024 for maintenance and repair work! +++

Department 3: Financial Services
The cash office will be closed on 22 August.

Gotha Research Library
Monday to Friday: 9am–5pm
closing days: 22 August, 20 September and 3 October

Gotha Perthes Collection (Perthes Forum)
Monday to Friday: 9am–3pm
closing days: 22 August, 20 September and 3 October

Language Centre
8–12 July: Monday to Thursday 9am–4pm & Friday 10am–2pm
15–19 July: Monday to Friday 10am–12pm
22–26 July: Tuesday & Thursday 10am–2pm
The Language Centre service desk will be closed in August.

Campus Café Hilge
Monday to Friday: 9am–6pm
Saturday: 10.15am–4pm

Facilities of the Studierendenwerk:

From 22 July to 6 October, the cafeteria is open Monday to Friday from 9am–3pm.

The Glasbox is closed from 22 July to 6 October.

Café "Hörsaal 7"
The café "Hörsaal 7" is closed from 15 July to 6 October.

BaföG Office
telephone consultation hours (03641–5546 390)
Monday to Thursday: 8am–4.30pm
Friday: 8am–2pm

on-site appointments:
Tuesday and Thursday: 9am–12 noon

Psychosocial Counselling
Thursday: 3–5pm

General Social Counselling
Monday: 2.30pm–3.30pm
Tuesday: 8.30am–10.30am
Wednesday: 8.30am–10.30am

Info Point
Monday to Thursday: 11am–2pm

You are in the news section of the Faculty of Philosophy.

Further news, press releases and current topics can be found on the "News" pages of the University of Erfurt.