Research Associate (Gotha Research Centre)

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Universität Erfurt
Gotha Research Centre
Postfach 90 02 21
99105 Erfurt

Dr. Corinna Dziudzia

Curriculum Vitae

since December 2024
Researcher at the Gotha Research Centre, DFG project "Sidonia Hedwig Zäunemann in the literary-scholarly discourse of the 1730s" (DZ 123/3-1)

October to November 2024 
Scholarship at the Secret State Archives PK Berlin

May 2024 - July 2024
TMWWG research fellowship in Gotha

October 2023 - April 2024
Scientific Managing Director at the Gotha Research Centre of the University of Erfurt, replacing the position of Markus Meumann

October 2021 - September 2023
TMWWG research fellowship in Gotha

Scholarship holder in the main programme of the Herzog August Library
(Post Doc Visiting Scholar for six months, partially postponed due to the Corona pandemic)

Research assistant professorship Isabelle Stauffer, KU Eichstätt-Ingolstadt

Research Assistant Chair Annette Simonis, Justus Liebig University Giessen

Scientific Officer Hessian Ministry of Science and Arts Wiesbaden
Evaluation of Hesse-wide research proposals for LOEWE

Adjunct lecturer Justus Liebig University Giessen

Research assistant at the German Institute for International Educational Research in Frankfurt a. M.
in the field of Technology Based Assessment (Professor Frank Goldhammer)

Student assistant at the Institute of Psychology at Friedrich Schiller University Jena for the Thuringian "Youth Monitor" (Dr Matthias Reitzle)

Scientific education

Defence of dissertation on Aesthetisation and Literature. Term and concept from 1800 to today

Doctoral studies at Justus Liebig University Giessen, International Ph.D. Programme Literary and Cultural Studies (IPP/GCSC)

Degree: Magistra Artium

Master's degree in German Studies, English Literary Studies, Media Studies at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena

General higher education entrance qualification

Research foci

  • Digital philology
  • Canon formation
  • History of concepts and science
  • marginalised authors
  • aesthetics
  • intermediality
  • European genres of literature


Sidonia Hedwig Zäunemann in the literary-scholarly discourse of the 1730s

The proposed project aims to examine the author Sidonia Hedwig Zäunemann (1711-1740) as part of the literary-scholarly discourse of her time, to show her as a learned woman in exchange with others and as a contributor to various publication formats. In particular, the planned monograph will evaluate and incorporate further archive holdings that are unknown and unexplored by researchers so far. These holdings were identified during the preparatory work. 

Such a study is a gap; it aims to provide a comprehensive account of her many years of publishing activity, to examine the contemporary reception of her writings, and to reveal her literary-scholarly network of relationships, both in the personal sphere and in terms of literary role models.

The work program is divided into three segments: the work with the archive holdings, the literature, and the manuscript. Fundamental to the proposed project is the examination and analysis of existing sources that still need to be considered. So far, it has been possible to identify an early poem by the poet, who was just 17 years old at the time. Such sources, hitherto unknown to research, shed light on a much longer and more extensive poetic activity than previously known. At the same time, they provide information on the contexts and conditions in which the writing activity was created. So far, Zäunemann has been treated primarily from the perspective of early proto-feminism, what obscures the fact that the women of her hometown were not under male guardianship and comparatively well-educated.

The project aims to shed light on hitherto unknown aspects, to portray the real life and activities of a female author of the early ‘Enlightenment‘ who was interested in the literary-musical field as well as in the scientific-technical, making Zäunemann a potentially revealing case study. It is to be shown that she was involved in the literary and scholarly discourse of her time and that her texts can be found in a variety of contexts: Her verses can be detected in albums, scholarly journals, and works regarding famous personalities of the time; they deal with mining as well as flourishing banana plants, academic and military events. However, their contemporary reception has yet to be determined: (female) poets dedicating poems to her as she was known cross-regional by the time she was crowned by the University of Göttingen. 

Yet, her connection to radical Enlightenment circles, which can be reconstructed through her brother-in-law, is entirely unknown and untold, as is his role in general. Finally, it is essential to address why Zäunemann cannot be called ‘forgotten‘ but is not known to a broader public.

Publications and lectures

Monographs, editions and editorships


  • Dziudzia, Corinna: Aesthetisation and literature. Begriff und Konzept von 1800 bis heute. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2015 (=Dissertation).


  • Zäunemann, Sidonia Hedwig: Pen in the hand, sword in the fist. Edited and with an afterword by Corinna Dziudzia. Berlin: Secession Verlag, 2020 (Femmes de Lettres; 4).

Editorships (anthologies)

  • Hagen, Kirsten v. and Corinna Dziudzia: Re-Mythicising the Forest in the Digital Age? A literary and cultural-historical search for traces (volume in print)
  • Dziudzia, Corinna and Sonja Klimek: Lonely wonder animals or networked actors? Scholars, researchers, poets and composers in the early Enlightenment. Hamburg: Springer Verlag, 2022.
  • Stauffer, Isabelle; Dziudzia, Corinna and Sebastian Tatzel: Utopias and dystopias. Historical roots and present of paradise and catastrophe. Bielefeld: Aisthesis, 2021.
  • Dziudzia, Corinna, Annette Simonis and Alexandra Müller (eds.): In the Archive of Forgotten Books. Heidelberg: Winter, 2018.

Editorships (journals)

  • Dziudzia, Corinna and Annette Simonis: Abhandlungen zum Rahmenthema LXI: Archiv vergessener Autorinnen und Autoren, In: Jahrbuch für Internationale German Studies (ongoing since 2022)

Articles, reviews and conference reports

Articles in journals (peer-reviewed)

  • Dziudzia, Corinna: "Digital Reflections and Potentiated Intermediality. Banksy in Pompeii." In: Comparative Media Studies 4/2022. p. 65-85.
  • Dziudzia, Corinna: "Percolated Images of the 'orient' of the Early German Enlightenment in Sidonia Hedwig Zäunemann's Texts: Spheres of cultural transfer." In: Comparative Literature 2023. Bielefeld: Aisthesis, 2023. pp. 15-32.
  • Dziudzia, Corinna: "Of distance and proximity: Anna Louisa Karsch and the tradition of poetria laureata." In: The Eighteenth Century 46 (2)/2022, pp. 176-188.
  • Dziudzia, Corinna: "Sidonia Hedwig Zäunemann in the Public-Literary Discourse of the Early Enlightenment: Author of Learned Letters and Poems". In: Daphnis vol. 50 (2022), pp. 373-397.
  • Dziudzia, Corinna: "Historicisation of discourse and the potentiation of aesthetic experiences in the literature of (post-)modernism." In: JLT 14:1, 2020. pp. 10-30.
  • Dziudzia, Corinna: "An apocryphal history of German literature. German-language women's literature of the early modern period and its absence in recent literary historiography." In: Comparatio. Journal for Comparative Literary Studies 9.1 (2017). S. 169-180.
  • Dziudzia, Corinna: "Conjunctures of the concept of aestheticisation in literary perspective." In: Weimarer Beiträge. Journal for Literary Studies. 4 (2016). S. 535-560.

Articles in edited volumes/handbook contributions (partly peer-reviewed*)

  • Dziudzia, Corinna: "The first German forest poem? Shaping aesthetic experience in Sidonia Hedwig Zäunemann." In: Dziudzia, Corinna and Kirsten von Hagen: Re-mythicising the forest in times of the digital? A literary and cultural-historical search for clues (volume in print)
  • Dziudzia, Corinna: "Kultureller Wissenstransfer in der Frühen Neuzeit als zirkuläres Phänomen". In: Yearbook for International German Studies 55(3):59-67. DOI: 10.3726/JIG553_59
  • Dziudzia, Corinna: "Episteme of the Fictive and the Factual. England in Sophie La Roche's writings." In: Chiara Conterno and Gilberta Golinelli (eds.) Bologna: Bologna University Press 2023.
  • Dziudzia, Corinna: "Einschreibungen weiblicher Tradition: Anna Margaretha Pfeffers handschriftliche Andichtung in Sidonia Hedwig Zäunemanns Gedichtband Poetische Rosen in Knospen". In: Manuscript in print. Annotating, commenting, rewriting (ca. 1500-1800). Edited by Sylvia Brockstieger and Rebecca Hirt. Berlin [et al.]: de Gruyter 2023. pp. 149-170.
  • Dziudzia, Corinna: Percolated Images of the 'orient' of the Early German Enlightenment in Sidonia Hedwig Zäunemann's Texts: Spheres of cultural transfer. In: Comparative Literature 2023. Bielefeld: Aisthesis, 2023. PP. 15-32.*
  • Dziudzia, Corinna: "Vom Renaissance-Ideal der gelehrten Frau zur Spottfigur: Über den Ausschluss der Dichterinnen der Frühaufklärung aus der Literaturgeschichte." In: Dziudzia, Corinna and Sonja Klimek: Lonely wonder animals or networked protagonists? Scholars, researchers, poets and composers in the early Enlightenment. Hamburg: Springer Verlag 2022. p. 189-214.
  • Dziudzia, Corinna: "National-literary knowledge traductions as delusions? On the fading out of heterogeneous knowledge. In: All delusion? What we can (not) perceive, should, want. " Edited by Sebastian Donat (et al.). Bielefeld: Aisthesis, 2022. p. 163-174.
  • Dziudzia, Corinna: "Aesthetics of the fragment in the cult classic The Prisoner." In: Handbook of Serial Fragments, edited by Vera Cuntz-Leng and Vincent Fröhlich. Wiesbaden: Springer VS 2021. pp. 295-312.
  • Dziudzia, Corinna: "Paradigm shifts and upheavals in the transmission of literary-historical knowledge." In: Comparative Literature 2019. Yearbook of the German Society for General and Comparative Literary Studies. Bielefeld: Aisthesis 2020. p. 281-294.
  • Dziudzia, Corinna: "Agonal games in Juli Zeh's novels Spieltrieb und Schilf". In: Juli Zeh. Contributions to the didactics of contemporary German-language literature . ed. by Jan Standke and Dieter Wrobel. Trier: WVT, 2020 (Contributions to the didactics of contemporary German-language literature; 5). S. 43-62.
  • Dziudzia, Corinna: "Sidonia Hedwig Zäunemann - erudite poet between literary tradition and oblivion." In: Marina O. Hertrampf: Femmes de lettres. Rediscoveries and New Readings of European Women Authors of the 17th and 18th Centuries. Berlin: Frank & Timme, 2020. p. 297-326.
  • Dziudzia, Corinna: "Zum Verhältnis von Arts und Politik: Die Politisierungsdebatte während des Ersten Weltkriegs und Benjamins frühe Fassungen des Artswerkaufsatzes." In: Comparative Literature 2018. Yearbook of the German Society for General and Comparative Literary Studies. Bielefeld: Aisthesis 2019. p. 151-168.
  • Dziudzia, Corinna: "Ästhetisierung der Schrift: Schriftgestaltung und Haltung zur Arts". In: Schrift und Grafisches im Vergleich , edited by Monika Schmitz-Emans, Linda Simonis and Simone Sauer-Kretschmer. Bielefeld: Aisthesis, 2019. p. 183-193.
  • Dziudzia, Corinna: "Walter Hasenclever (1890-1940): From Kleist Prize winner to the sidelines." In: Literary Images of the First World War. Exemplary analyses, edited by Csilla Mihály. Vienna: Praesens Verlag, 2019 (Austrian Studies Szeged; 16). S. 109-127.
  • Dziudzia, Corinna: "Weak Knowledge and the Epic Theatre of Science / Mechanisms of Canonisation - or: Why Female Writers of the Enlightenment are not Part of the German Literary Canon Today." In: Weak Knowledge: Forms, Functions, and Dynamics . ed. by Moritz Epple, Annette Imhausen and Falk Müller. Frankfurt a. M.: Campus 2019. p. 266-269*.
  • Dziudzia, Corinna: "Scholarly woman or letter-writing assistant? Luise Gottsched and the changing reception." In: In the archive of forgotten books. Edited by Corinna Dziudzia, Annette Simonis and Alexandra Müller. Heidelberg: Winter, 2018. pp. 77-105.
  • Dziudzia, Corinna: "The aesthetic mode in Rilke's Malte Laurids Brigge, Hofmannsthal's Chandos Letter and Keyserling's Waves." In: The risky project. Vol. 2. ed. by Walter Delabar (et al.). Bielefeld: Aisthesis, 2015. p. 59-77.
  • Dziudzia, Corinna: "A new aestheticism? The turn of the century in the mirror of contemporary literature." In: Turns and Trends in Literary Studies. Edited by Christian Meierhofer and Eric Scheufler. Zurich:, 2011. pp. 285-303.

Forewords and epilogues, introductions

  • Dziudzia, Corinna and Kirsten von Hagen: "(Re)-Mythisations of the Forest in Digital Times? An introduction." In: Dziudzia, Corinna and Kirsten von Hagen: Re-mythicising the forest in the digital age? Eine literarische und kulturhistorische Spurensuche, (volume in preparation for Metzler/Springer, 2024)
  • Dziudzia, Corinna and Sonja Klimek: "Introduction." In: This: Lonely wonder animals or networked actors? Scholars, researchers, poets and composers in the early Enlightenment. Hamburg: Springer Verlag, 2022. pp. 1-12.
  • Stauffer, Isabelle and Corinna Dziudzia: "Dystopische Utopien und utopische Dystopien. An introduction. " In: Stauffer, Isabelle; Dziudzia, Corinna and Sebastian Tatzel (eds.): Utopias and Dystopias. Historical roots and present of paradise and catastrophe. Bielefeld: Aisthesis, 2021. p. 7-20.
  • Simonis, Annette; Corinna Dziudzia and Alexandra Müller: "Archives, books and cultural forgetting - introductory reflections." In: Dziudzia, Corinna, Annette Simonis and Alexandra Müller (eds.): In the Archive of Forgotten Books. Heidelberg: Winter, 2018. pp. 7-20.
  • Dziudzia, Corinna: "Sidonia Hedwig Zäunemann: a poet of the early Enlightenment." In: Zäunemann, Sidonia Hedwig: Pen in the hand, sword in the fist. Berlin: Secession Verlag, 2020 (Femmes des Lettres; 4). S. 177-195.

Conference proceedings

  • Dziudzia, Corinna and Mark Hall: Keynote speech: Introduction to the workshop "Representativeness in digital archives" (8 March 2022, virtual workshop at the DHd 2022 Potsdam "Cultures of Digital Memory" from 7-11 March 2022),
  • Dziudzia, Corinna and Mark Hall: "Representativeness in digital archives". Extended Abstract. DHd 2022 Cultures of Digital Memory. 8th Conference of the Association of Digital Humanities in German-speaking Countries (DHd 2022), Potsdam.
  • Dziudzia, Corinna and Mark Hall: "Introduction: Canon and Archive", virtual workshop Digital Archive and Canon, 10 March 2021, 2nd Maximilian-Bickhoff-Colloquium, KU Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, video at:
  • Dziudzia, Corinna and Mark Hall: "The Canon Question 2.0." Extended Abstract. DHd 2020 Spielräume: Digital Humanities between Modelling and Interpretation. 7th conference of the association "Digital Humanities in German-speaking countries" (DHd 2020), Paderborn.


  • Dziudzia, Corinna: "Briefe als Laboratorium der Literatur im deutsch-jüdischen Kontext: Schriftliche Dialoge, epistolare Konstellationen und poetologische Diskurse." In: Comparative Literature. Yearbook of the German Society for General and Comparative Literary Studies 2020/21. Bielefeld: Aisthesis, 2022. p. 263-265.
  • Dziudzia, Corinna: "The other, own room." On: Zsuzsa Bánk's Schlafen werden wir später. In: Yearbook for International German Studies, Issue 2 (2018). Bern [et al.]: Peter Lang, 2019. pp. 265-275.
  • Dziudzia, Corinna: "Flashback and philosophical zapping: Rüdiger Safranski and his new book Zeit. What it does to us, what we make of it"., 26/02/2016.
  • Dziudzia, Corinna: "Women of the sword and the pen." Review of Stephanie M. Hilger: Gender and Genre: German Women Write the French Revolution. Newark: University of Delaware Press 2015. Comparative Literature Online, 2016.1.
  • Dziudzia, Corinna: "Deconstructing Stereotypes: On Western Views of Persia." KULT_online 41, February 2015. About: Boobani, Farzad: Orientalist Imaginings. Representations of Persia in Nineteenth-Century English Literature. Trier: WVT, 2013.
  • Dziudzia, Corinna: "Kartographierte Kulturphilosophie: Die Welt des freigestellten Menschen." KULT_online 34, February 2013. About: Konersmann, Ralf (ed.): Handbuch Kulturphilosophie. Stuttgart: Metzler, 2012.
  • Dziudzia, Corinna: "Wahrnehmungswandel und Visualisierung: Zum Verhältnis von Literatur und Fotografie." KULT_online 30, February 2012. About: Becker, Sabina: Literatur im Jahrhundert des Auges. Realism and photography in the bourgeois age. Munich: et+k, 2010.
  • Dziudzia, Corinna: "Ein weites Feld - Eine Einführung in die Gegenwartsliteratur." Kult_online 27, 2011. About: Braun, Michael: Die deutsche Gegenwartsliteratur. Cologne; Weimar; Vienna: UTB, 2010.

Conference reports

  • Dziudzia, Corinna: Rudolph Zacharias Becker und das intellektuelle Gotha um 1800, 09.06.2022-11.06.2022, Gotha; In: H-Soz-Kult, 22.07.2022, <>.


  • "Women and mines. Clandestine economies in (radical) pietist circles? "Conference Genres of the economic, 14-16 November Augsburg
  • "Der Voss-Bbestand in der Gothaer Bibliothek", conference Berlin, 29.9. to 2.10.24
  • "On provenances and marginalia. Entries and paste-ins in Zäunmann's prints", Atelier Moderata Fonte Forum, Odenhausen, 19.07.24
  • "Practices of community among female poet laureates of the Early German Enlightenment", conference Conflict and Assent. Lyric Communities, FU Berlin, 27-28 June 24
  • "Canon and canonisers. On shifts in the transmission of knowledge", Università di Verona, Workshop Journal Poetics, 6-8 June 2024
  • "Aus dem Archiv - Spurensuche peripheren Wissens", virtual study days, An der Peripherie?, 14.12.23
  • "Zur Tradierung literaturgeschichtlichen Wissen: Von der Historia literaria zur Politisierung der (National-)Literaturgeschichte", Braunschweig, Kanon, 10/11.11.23
  • "Elisabeth Weston and the crowned poets: Protestant Catalogues of the 17th Century', Berlin, Fonte Annual Conference, 5/6.10.23
  • "Lonely exception? Scholarly women of the early Enlightenment and the transmission of knowledge in literary history", HAB research colloquium, 14/08/23
  • "Archive finds on Sidonie von Hardenberg", Atelier Moderata Fonte Forum, Odenhausen, 21/07/23
  • "Zwischen Subversion und Autorität: Kommentarfunktionen im Werk Sidonia Hedwig Zäunemanns", conference HAB Wolfenbüttel Kommentieren als Kulturtechnik. Relationality - Mediality - Resonance, 12.07.23-14.07.23
  • "Banksy's graffiti and performances as intermedial interplay", DGAVL University of Potsdam Zwischenspiele, 30.05-02.06.2023
  • "Nächte des Schreckens, des Jammers, des Abscheus: Das Anna-Fragment als Monolog einer jungfräulichen Witwe zwischen Briefroman und Gothic Novel", Conference Emil/Emilie: Herzog August von Sachsen-Gotha: Fürst, Literat und Kunstkenner mit fluider Geschlechteridentität, Gotha Research Centre, 23-25 November 2022
  • "Wald als Ort ästhetischer Erfahrung in den Texten Sidonia Hedwig Zäunemanns", Forest Study Days: Re-Mythisation in Times of the Digital, online, 10.11.2022
  • "Percolated images of the 'Orient' in texts of the Early German Enlightenment", Congress ICLA, Tbilisi, Georgia, 23.7.-29.7.2022
  • "On the 'forgotten' poet Sidonia Hedwig Zäunemann and the knowledge of the archive", guest lecture University of Augsburg, 12 July 2022
  • "Impulse lecture: Introduction to the workshop Representativity in digital archives", 8 March 2022, virtual workshop at the DHd 2022 Potsdam "Cultures of digital memory" from 7-11 March 2022, together with Mark Hall
  • "Banksy in Pompeii: Digital Reflections and Potentiated Intermediality", guest lecture, University of Giessen, 3 February 2022
  • "Sidonia Hedwig Zäunemann - crowned poet of the early Enlightenment.", Seminar Intellectual History, Gotha Research Centre, 23.11.2021
  • "Zäunemanns Verssatire", response at the symposium Femmes des Lettres: Das Schreiben in die Hand nehmen: Transphilological Annual Conference of the Fonte Foundation, 7 & 8 Oct 2021, HU Berlin.
  • "Einschreibungen weiblicher Tradition: Deutsche poeta laureata der Frühaufklärung", Handschrift im Druck: Annotieren, Korrigieren, Weiterschreiben 1500-1800, Heidelberg SFB 933 Materiale Textkulturen, 23 & 24 September 2021.
  • "Digitale Reflexionen und potenzierte Intermedialität: Banksy in Pompeji", Der Kinematograph des Textes rattert: Intermedial Reflexivity in Contemporary Literature and Film, KU Eichstätt, 15-17 Sept 2021.
  • "Lange Schatten, alte Hüte: Anna Louisa Karsch als Poeta Laureata der dritten Generation", conference Anna Louisa Karsch: Werke - Netzwerke - Öffentlichkeiten, 22-24 April 2021, Gleimhaus Halberstadt [postponed to 12-14 August 2021].
  • "Nationalalliterarische Wissenstradierungen als Verblendungen", DGAVL conference Alles Verblendung?, 2-5 June 2020, University of Innsbruck [postponed to 25-28 May 2021].
  • "Introduction: Canon and Archive", Virtual Workshop Digital Archive and Canon, 10.3.2021, 2. Maximilian-Bickhoff-Colloquium, KU Eichstätt-Ingolstadt
  • "Homogenisation processes in knowledge narratives: Selection mechanisms in the German canon", Forschungskolloquium Kanon, 9 Dec 2020, Leibniz Universität Hannover (virtual via Zoom).
  • "Die Kanonfrage 2.0" (together with Mark Hall), DHd2020 Spielräume, 2-6 March 2020, University of Paderborn.
  • "Zur Gattung historia literaria als 'europäischer Wissensordnung'", Anniversary Conference of the DGAVL, 22-23 November 2019, University of Giessen.
  • "Upheavals in orders of knowledge? The Poeta Laureata Sidonia Hedwig Zäunemann and Forgetting", Forschungsverbund Frühe Neuzeit, 8 November 2019, University of Regensburg.
  • "A.W. Schlegel's History of Poetry and the Tradition of Historia Literaria", 22-25 September 2019, 26th Germanists' Conference, University of Saarbrücken.
  • "Sidonia Hedwig Zäunemann: Die Nationalliterarische Perspektive und das Vergessen", Symposium Femmes de Lettres. Rediscoveries and Rereadings of European Women Authors of the 17th and 18th Centuries, 5-6 September 2019, HU Berlin.
  • "Gekrönte Dichterinnen der Frühaufklärung: Christiana Mariana von Ziegler und Sidonia Hedwig Zäunemann", guest lecture, 8 March 2019, Università di Bologna.
  • "Mechanisms of Forgetting: Selection and Canonisation Processes Using the Example of Learned Women of the Early Enlightenment", conference Einsame 'Wunderthiere' oder vernetzte Akteurinnen? Scholarly, researching, writing and composing women in the early Enlightenment, 13-15 February 2019, HAB Wolfenbüttel.
  • "Mechanisms of Forgetting: Selection Processes in the Literary Canon", 12 June 2018, History of Science Working Group, Goethe University Frankfurt.
  • "Forgotten Knowledge of Female Writers from the Enlightenment. Mechanisms of (De-)Canonisation", SFB 1095 "Schwächediskurse und Ressourcenregime" and Working Group History of Science, Pre-Conference Workshop Weak Knowledge: Forms, Functions, Dynamics, 1.7.2017, Goethe University Frankfurt.
  • "Ästhetisierung der Schrift: Schriftgestaltung und Haltung zur Arts", DGAVL conference, 6-9 June 2017, University of Bochum.
  • "Der Terminus Technicus Ästhetisierung in der literary Studies Reflektion der Romantik um 1900", conference Wie romantisch ist die Neuromantik?, 27 & 28 April 2017, Literaturarchiv Marbach.
  • "Rhetorische Mechanismen des Vergessens und Auswahlprozesse in der Wissenschaft", lecture series Komparatistik und Kulturwissenschaften, 29 June 2016, JLU Gießen.
  • "Über den Begriff der Ästhetisierung", International Walter Benjamin Congress (Section 7 Politics: Professor Uwe Steiner and Professor Chryssoula Kambas), December 2013, Goethe University Frankfurt.
  • "Der Zeitraum 1850 bis 1910 im Spiegel der Gegenwartsliteratur - Ein neuer Ästhetizismus?", Conference Turns und Trends der Literary Studies, 2 & 3 June 2010, University of Bremen.


KU Eichstätt

SS 2021

  • BA seminar/teaching profession: "The festival as an intermedial event in literature, image and theory"

WS 2020/21

  • BA seminar/teaching profession: "Michael Beer: Texte eines vergessenen jüdischen Dramatikers der Goethe-Zeit" (virtual via Zoom and Ilias)
  • Winter lecture series: "(Post-)Colonial Worlds: Rewriting and remapping hegemonic relations" (Professor Dr Isabelle Stauffer, Dr Simon Goebel, Dr Sergej Gordon, Christiane Hoth, Dr Katharina List, Dr Gerhard Rainer and Nicole Anna Schneider)

SS 2020

  • BA seminar/teaching profession/Master's: "Literature as propaganda: Veit Harlan's literary adaptations and the literary models" (virtual via Zoom and Ilias)

WS 2019/20

  • BA seminar/teaching profession/Master's programme: "Beneath the surface? Forgotten female editors and authors around 1800"
  • Winter lecture series: "Utopias and dystopias: Historical roots and present of paradise and catastrophe" (together with: Professor Dr Isabelle Stauffer, Sebastian Tatzel, M.A. and Grit Nickel, M.A.)


  • BA seminar/teaching profession/Master's degree: "(Crowned) women poets of the early Enlightenment: Ziegler, Zäunemann, Gottsched"

JLU Giessen

SS 2023

  • BA seminar/teaching profession/Master: "The festival as an intermedial event in literature, theory, visual arts and film"

WS 2018/19

  • BA seminar/teaching profession: "The literary canon: what should we read and why?"
  • Master's seminar: "Literature, new media and Music in series: A comparative media view of TV series" (with Alexandra Müller)

WS 2017/18

  • BA seminar/teaching profession: "Introduction to the study area of literature"


  • BA seminar/teaching profession: "Political revolutions and their representations in literature (1789-1848)"
  • BA seminar/teaching profession: "Im Schatten eines Klassikers - Leben und Werk Charlotte Schillers" (together with Laura Zinn)

WS 2016/17

  • BA seminar/teaching profession: "Vergessene Autorinnen: Narrative literature and small form"

SS 2016

  • BA seminar/teaching profession: "Early plays: From Shakespeare to Gottsched"

WS 2015/16

  • BA seminar/teaching profession: "Education as an orientation towards Arts around 1800 (theoretical reflection and literary examples)"

SS 2013

  • BA seminar/teaching profession: "The European epistolary novel"


  • BA seminar/teaching profession: "Scientific writing"

Università di Bologna

WS 2017/18

  • Master's/Doctoral seminar: "Forgotten female authors of the 19th century"

WS 2018/19 

  • Master's/doctoral seminar: "Forgotten female authors of the early Enlightenment"

Organised conferences and lecture series

  • L'art de savourer - The Arts of savouring. From the land of milk and honey to the dîner en blanc, Online study days: Gotha Research Centre of the University of Erfurt & JLU Gießen, 13.12.24, 17.01., 07.02. & 20.02.25; together with Kirsten von HagenAn der Peripherie? European women authors from the early modern period to the present day, online study days: Gotha Research Centre of the University of Erfurt & JLU Giessen, 02.11. 07.12.23, 11.01.24, 08.02.24; together with Kirsten von Hagen
  • Wald: Re-mythicisation in the age of the digital, Online Study Days: Gotha Research Centre of the University of Erfurt & JLU Gießen, 10.11.22, 01.12.22, 19.01. 23 & 09.02.23; together with Kirsten von Hagen
  • Imagining Cultural Transfers - Poetics of Cultural Contact, Circulation and Exchange, Double panel ICLA 2022 Tbilisi, 28.07.2022; together with Annette Simonis and Joachim Harst
  • Representativity and canon, Workshop Dhd 20220, 8 March 2022; together with Mark Hall
  • The cinematograph of the text rattles: Intermedial Reflexivity in Contemporary Literature and Film16-18 September 2020, KU Eichstätt-Ingolstadt (together with Isabelle Stauffer) [postponed to 15-17 September 2021].
  • Digitales Archiv & Kanon/Digital Archive & Canon, 10 March 2021, 2nd Maximillian Bickhoff Colloquium,KU Eichstätt-Ingolstadt (international virtual workshop, together with Dr Mark Hall).
  • Lonely 'wonder animals' or networked actors? Scholars, researchers, poets and composers in the early Enlightenment,13-15 February 2019, HAB Wolfenbüttel (together with Sonja Klimek).
  • Lecture seriesWinter lecture seriesKU Eichstätt-Ingolstadt (together with Isabelle Stauffer [et al.]) winter semester 2019/20 and 2020/21.