Universität Erfurt
Gotha Research Centre
Postfach 90 02 21
99105 Erfurt
since December 2024
Researcher at the Gotha Research Centre, DFG project "Sidonia Hedwig Zäunemann in the literary-scholarly discourse of the 1730s" (DZ 123/3-1)
October to November 2024
Scholarship at the Secret State Archives PK Berlin
May 2024 - July 2024
TMWWG research fellowship in Gotha
October 2023 - April 2024
Scientific Managing Director at the Gotha Research Centre of the University of Erfurt, replacing the position of Markus Meumann
October 2021 - September 2023
TMWWG research fellowship in Gotha
Scholarship holder in the main programme of the Herzog August Library
(Post Doc Visiting Scholar for six months, partially postponed due to the Corona pandemic)
Research assistant professorship Isabelle Stauffer, KU Eichstätt-Ingolstadt
Research Assistant Chair Annette Simonis, Justus Liebig University Giessen
Scientific Officer Hessian Ministry of Science and Arts Wiesbaden
Evaluation of Hesse-wide research proposals for LOEWE
Adjunct lecturer Justus Liebig University Giessen
Research assistant at the German Institute for International Educational Research in Frankfurt a. M.
in the field of Technology Based Assessment (Professor Frank Goldhammer)
Student assistant at the Institute of Psychology at Friedrich Schiller University Jena for the Thuringian "Youth Monitor" (Dr Matthias Reitzle)
Scientific education
Defence of dissertation on Aesthetisation and Literature. Term and concept from 1800 to today
Doctoral studies at Justus Liebig University Giessen, International Ph.D. Programme Literary and Cultural Studies (IPP/GCSC)
Degree: Magistra Artium
Master's degree in German Studies, English Literary Studies, Media Studies at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena
General higher education entrance qualification
Sidonia Hedwig Zäunemann in the literary-scholarly discourse of the 1730s
The proposed project aims to examine the author Sidonia Hedwig Zäunemann (1711-1740) as part of the literary-scholarly discourse of her time, to show her as a learned woman in exchange with others and as a contributor to various publication formats. In particular, the planned monograph will evaluate and incorporate further archive holdings that are unknown and unexplored by researchers so far. These holdings were identified during the preparatory work.
Such a study is a gap; it aims to provide a comprehensive account of her many years of publishing activity, to examine the contemporary reception of her writings, and to reveal her literary-scholarly network of relationships, both in the personal sphere and in terms of literary role models.
The work program is divided into three segments: the work with the archive holdings, the literature, and the manuscript. Fundamental to the proposed project is the examination and analysis of existing sources that still need to be considered. So far, it has been possible to identify an early poem by the poet, who was just 17 years old at the time. Such sources, hitherto unknown to research, shed light on a much longer and more extensive poetic activity than previously known. At the same time, they provide information on the contexts and conditions in which the writing activity was created. So far, Zäunemann has been treated primarily from the perspective of early proto-feminism, what obscures the fact that the women of her hometown were not under male guardianship and comparatively well-educated.
The project aims to shed light on hitherto unknown aspects, to portray the real life and activities of a female author of the early ‘Enlightenment‘ who was interested in the literary-musical field as well as in the scientific-technical, making Zäunemann a potentially revealing case study. It is to be shown that she was involved in the literary and scholarly discourse of her time and that her texts can be found in a variety of contexts: Her verses can be detected in albums, scholarly journals, and works regarding famous personalities of the time; they deal with mining as well as flourishing banana plants, academic and military events. However, their contemporary reception has yet to be determined: (female) poets dedicating poems to her as she was known cross-regional by the time she was crowned by the University of Göttingen.
Yet, her connection to radical Enlightenment circles, which can be reconstructed through her brother-in-law, is entirely unknown and untold, as is his role in general. Finally, it is essential to address why Zäunemann cannot be called ‘forgotten‘ but is not known to a broader public.
Editorships (anthologies)
Editorships (journals)
Articles in journals (peer-reviewed)
Articles in edited volumes/handbook contributions (partly peer-reviewed*)
Forewords and epilogues, introductions
Conference proceedings
Conference reports
SS 2021
WS 2020/21
SS 2020
WS 2019/20
SS 2023
WS 2018/19
WS 2017/18
WS 2016/17
SS 2016
WS 2015/16
SS 2013