Address of the professorship

Post- und Paketanschrift / address for letters and parcels:

Antike Kultur, University of Erfurt, Nordhäuser Str. 63, 99089 Erfurt, Germany

Further contact options

  • E-mail: Note: The University of Erfurt is not able to solve possible server problems in the short term. If email remains unanswered, please use
  • Telephon / phone: 0049 361 737-4470 , Fax -4479
  • Offices: Campus, teaching building IV, 1st floor
  • Hauspostfach / internal mailbox: Antike Kultur / Historia, internal mailbox 147


UNTIL 30.09.2024

Gloria Puscher, M.A.
Sekretariat der Professur für Antike Kultur
(Faculty of Philosophy)
Gebäude C18 (LG4) / Raum 125

FROM 01.10.2024

Ivonne Forbert
Secretariat of the Professorship of Ancient Culture
(History Department)
C18 - Teaching building 4 / 106