| Philosophische Fakultät, SPF Wissen. Räume. Medien., Forschung, Service

Bachtin Levebvre Prize for research on space-time

For the second time, Erfurt SpaceTemporality Research is offering the Bachtin-Lefebvre Prize for Studies in SpatioTemporality for research on space-time.

The prize, which is financed by the Wissenschaftsförderung Erfurt gGmbH, is named after two theorists whose work has dealt intensively with theoretical aspects of space, temporality and spatiotemporality and continues to inspire social and cultural sciences. The prize supports publication projects. It is therefore awarded in the form of a printing cost subsidy of EUR 2,500 and the inclusion of the publication in the SpatioTemporality series. Monographs, preferably in English, on topics of spatio-temporality from all disciplines can be submitted. Qualifying papers completed in 2019 or 2020 will also be accepted.

In addition to the paper itself, an abstract (approx. one page), one to max. two pages of justification for the application, a curriculum vitae, and in the case of a qualification paper also the expert opinions - all in electronic form (max. 5 MB) to: raumzeitforschung@uni-erfurt.de. The closing date for applications is 31.12.2020. The winner of the prize will be announced by the end of March 2021 at the latest.

Background Erfurt SpaceTime Research
The research group "Erfurt SpaceTime Research" is intensively engaged in the elaboration of theoretical foundations for the conceptualisation of an interdisciplinary, transregional and transepochal investigation of spacetime. The research group organises workshops, carries out its own research projects, offers an inspiring discussion framework for doctoral students and post-docs and actively networks researchers.