| Philosophische Fakultät, SPF Wissen. Räume. Medien., Forschung

New publication on digitally networked communication

The conference volume "Bildung, Wissen und Kompetenz(-en) in digitalen Medien" (Education, Knowledge and Competence(s) in Digital Media), the third title of Digital Communication Research 2021, has just been published.

The volume, edited by Markus Seifert and Sven Jöckel from the University of Erfurt, emerged from the annual conference of the Digital Communication section of the DGPuK in November 2018, which was organised by the two colleagues in Erfurt. The conference was titled with the question now also recorded in the subtitle of the volume: "What can, want and should we know about digitally networked communication?"

The eleven contributions gathered in this volume span a larger framework and show in which places and in which contexts we can and also must all learn and expand knowledge with digital communication offerings. They take up questions of learning and knowledge acquisition via digitally networked communication and include newer concepts of media competence. The perspective of both teachers and learners is taken and, on the basis of empirical studies, it is shown how digital (learning) offers are perceived and used or appropriated.

The volume can be downloaded here free of charge. The print version can be ordered from Böhland & Schremmer Verlag Berlin.

Markus Seifert and Sven Jöckel (eds.)
Bildung, Wissen und Kompetenz(-en) in digitalen Medien
Was können, wollen und sollen wir über digital vernetzte Kommunikation wissen?
(series: Digital Communication Research, No. 8)
Böhland & Schremmer Publishing House Berlin, 2021
ISBN: 978-3-945681-08-4