Erfurt School of Education, Erziehungswissenschaftliche Fakultät, Interne Serviceseiten, Katholisch-Theologische Fakultät, Lernwerkstatt, Philosophische Fakultät, Staatswissenschaftliche Fakultät, Studium

H5 Party: Programming Moodler Rooms and H5P together into the night

26. Sep 2023, 6.00 pm - 11.59 pm
Lernwerkstatt (Audimaxgebäude, AMG) (C01)
University didactics, eTeach team Uni Erfurt, competence network digital subject-related teacher education
Marcus Berger, Maren Würfel and Thorsten Ziegler
Event type
Event Language(s)
Lecturers at the University of Erfurt

A joint event of the University Didactics, the eTeach Team Uni Erfurt and the Competence Network Digital Subject-Related Teacher Education.

About the event

Based on a LAN party, we want to build our Moodle rooms together and with professional support until late in the evening (and integrate didactically meaningful H5P applications). Sufficient coffee, mate and coke will be provided.


Please register for participation with the university didactics.

to the regsitration form
Research associate for university didactic qualification and support of teaching staff
(University of Erfurt)
Lehrgebäude 2 / Raum 14b

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