Information on digital teaching in the winter semester 2021/22

The University of Erfurt will soon be starting the winter semester. On this occasion, Professor Gerd Mannhaupt, Vice President for Academic Affairs, has once again informed the lecturers about the possibilities of digital teaching and examinations in a circular letter:

  • WISEflow can also be used for exams this semester.
  • Please set the first general access key for the Moodle rooms in the winter semester 2021/22 as follows: WiSe2021UEdigital

The students will also be informed of this key in good time. If you already know the participants of your courses in the summer semester, you can of course use specific access keys.

  • You will still find the Moodle room with constantly updated contributions and information on digital teaching under the name "Uni Erfurt Digital Lehren" and the abbreviation: "UEDL". Lecturers who do not yet have access can enter the Moodle room with the access key "ueDigital".

In this room, the Digital Teaching Taskforce has provided comprehensive contributions, information, links and tips on numerous topics of digitally supported teaching:  Getting Started with Digital Teaching, Online Lecture Recorded, Online Seminar Interactive, Moodle as a Central Space for Online Teaching, Moodle, Tools, WISEflow, BigBlueButton, Adobe Connect, Webex, Opencast, OBS Studio, Examination Services in Distance Education, Copyright and Data Protection Law, Student Feedback, Related Links.

In addition, a forum is provided for specific enquiries, tips and discussions. It is worthwhile to "drop by" from time to time.

  • If students ask you how they can access information on digital studying at the University of Erfurt, please refer them to the Moodle room: "Uni Erfurt Digital Studieren". The access key is: "OnlineStudieren".