The personal database within our website is the basis for the display of persons with personal data on our website. This concerns e.g.
- the display of all roles/functions with contact data on the personal page (example page:;
- the display in business cards (individual contact) or lists of persons;
- linking to ORCID and displaying the publications entered there;
- registration as the person responsible for the page;
- the display of persons on research project pages and, conversely, the display of linked projects for the person.
The database is now designed in such a way that every person entered there who has a university login can update their data there themselves. The prerequisite for this service is the link via the e-mail address, which for this reason must be entered as mandatory information.
While the e-mail address was previously always displayed on the personal page, the e-mail address can now be overwritten for display on the website, so that either
- a functional e-mail address
- or no address
can be displayed. The display of the personalised address remains the default.
Overwriting must be carried out by the central web team. Please send us a short message via the ticket system if you only want a functional address or no email address to be displayed for your data record in future (no re-registration is required for the default setting).
The roles are not affected by this function. The contact data displayed there can be edited independently via the "edit my data" function after logging in. Further information on the personal database and how to access it can be found on our "Manage your own data" website.