| Philosophische Fakultät, SPF Wissen. Räume. Medien., Forschung, Veranstaltungen

Online-Workshop: "Die 'un-erhabenen' Landschaften"

In the workshop series "Eine etwas andere Archäologie des Wissens" organised together with the Ruhr University Bochum, the University of Erfurt invites to the next event on Thursday, 10 December. This time it will be about "Die 'un-erhabenen' Landschaften". Speaker is Dr. Yahya Kouroshi.

The workshop series focuses on intercultural topics and interdisciplinary issues. It is specifically aimed at students and researchers in the disciplines of cultural and historical studies for a deeper insight into the interdisciplinary research debates.

"The ability to open up to others is as essential to the essence of the house as the closed windows and doors" (E. Lévinas, Totalität und Unendlichkeit: Versuch über die Exteriorität). Thus, in the introductory words in "Masnawi" (Book VI), Jalal-al-Din Rumi describes the conditions and possibilities for action of human perception: "[...] just as every star has a certain measure and sphere of action in which it can operate in the sky; or like the ruler of a city whose authority is valid in that city, but does not rule beyond the fiefdoms of that city". With these approaches and concepts of the logical opening and closing of Lévinas and Rumi (as well as following on from Foucault), points of orientation are addressed in the workshop series "A somewhat different archaeology of knowledge", which is devoted to intercultural topics and interdisciplinary questions. The aim is to contribute to a constructive interdisciplinary and intercultural dialogue by means of a procedure based on the history of ideas and the history of interrelationships. This exchange is to extend beyond the disciplinary circle of experts between history and philology. Of particular interest here are aesthetic-media and reception-historical dimensions of the production of historical knowledge - taking into account the current state of research as a condition of this knowledge - in order to draw attention to gaps in the disciplinary research work. At the same time, new impulses and possibilities for action for the strengthening of interdisciplinary research can arise from this. Archaeology as a discipline with a double framework within the historical and technical sciences has optimal capacities to ensure the development of a successful interdisciplinary dialogue in the cultural sciences.

The event will take place in digital form and will start at 4 p.m., end around 8 p.m. Registration is still possible until 7 December by e-mail to andere.archaeologie.wissen@gmail.com. Please note that the number of participants is limited to 25 persons.

Further Information / Contact:
Prof. Dr. Sabine Schmolinsky and Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Struck (University of Erfurt)
Dr. Yahya Kouroshi (Ruhr University Bochum)