Dr. Andreas Folkers


Junior Fellow am Max-Weber-Kolleg von April bis August 2018




  • Vita
  • April - September 2018: Post-Doc Fellow at the Max-Weber-Kolleg Erfurt
  • April 2017: Completion of doctoral dissertation. (summa cum laude)
  • Jan-June 2013: Visiting Scholar at the New School University (New York, NY).
  • 2011 - 2018: Research Associate at the Social Sciences Department
  • 2011 - 2014: Stipendiary of the German National Academic Foundation
  • 2010 – 2011: substitute position as Research Associate at the Social Sciences Department
  • 2009: Visiting Student at the New School for Social Research (New York, NY)
  • 2007 – 2010: Stipendiary of the Heinrich-Böll-Foundation
  • 2004 – 2010: Student at the Goethe-University-Frankfurt. Sociology, Philosophy, Political Sciences; Masters Degree 2010 (mit Auszeichnung)
  • Forschungsprojekt

Sociology of Decarbonisation/Metabolic Disorders

My post-doc project attempts to develop a Sociology of Decarbonisation. Empirically the project looks at different sites of decarbonization: financial markets, the interfaces between the science of microbiology, agriculture and climate mitigation, and the transition towards renewable energy infrastructures. The investigation of these specific sites serves as a vantage point to address more general theoretical questions: Is the decarbonization of society really a "great transformation"? What are the challenges for sociological theory to take into account questions concerning energy and the entanglements between nature and society?

During my time at the Max-Weber Kolleg I will engage with the more-than-sociological concept of metabolism which is particularly useful to understand the challenges that go along with the process of decarbonization. I will continue my work on the notion of metabolic disorders in which I draw on approaches from historical and new materialisms to show to what extent climate change can be understood as a „metabolic rift“ (Marx), or, respectively, as a disorder in the planetary carbon cycle.

  • Publikationen (Auswahl)
  • 2018: Das Sicherheitsdispositiv der Resilienz. Katastrophische Risiken und die Biopolitik vitaler Systeme. Frankfurt a.M.: Campus.
  • 2018: Stoffwechselstörung. Materialismus, Metabolismus, Müll. In: Hansen, Lis; Roose, Kerstin; Sezel, Dennis (Ed.) Die Grenzen der Dinge. Ästhetische Entwürfe und theoretische Reflexionen materieller Randständigkeit. Wiesbaden: VS-Verlag. 239-264.
  • 2017: Politik des Lebens jenseits seiner selbst. Für eine ökologische Lebenssoziologie mit Deleuze und Guattari. Soziale Welt. 68 (4). 365-384. 
  • 2017: Existential provisions: The technopolitics of public infrastructure. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space. 35 (5). 855-874.
  • 2017: Continuity and catastrophe: business continuity management and the security of financial operations. Economy and Society. 46 (1). 103-127.
  • 2016: Daring the Truth: Foucault, Parrhesia and the Genealogy of Critique. Theory, Culture & Society. 33 (1). 3-28.