
Intersectorality as a principle of COFUND- Programme

At the Max-Weber-Kolleg Erfurt in particular and the University of Erfurt in general intersectorality was established as a new principle and therefore is an integral part of the COFUND- Programme as well.

Intersectorality will advance the quality of research and increase the options offered to researchers in several ways: First of all, research projects are often closely linked to practical questions, which can only be adequately explored from within relevant institutions and areas of practice. Furthermore, practical experiences and issues can enrich and substantiate academic work and strengthen its relevance for society as well as its related research quality. Finally, some non-academic partner organisations (e. g. museums) offer special research opportunities and sources, such as research libraries, archives and other relevant collections (e. g. historical documents), as well as possibilities for interpersonal exchange with experts on special fields.

Secondments to external non-academic partner institutions are an innovative element of MWK-FELLOWS fellowship programme. MWK-Fellows can choose a partner organisation the Max-Weber-Kolleg Erfurt is already cooperating with external partners. The secondment opportunities are not limited to confirmed connections to the non-academic sector the Max-Weber-Kolleg Erfurt already has.

On this page intersectoral activity of our COFUND- Fellows will be documented.


  • In the end of March 2019 Tiziana Faitini provided an ethical training for high school teachers, focusing on the ethics of teaching. Furthermore, narrative interviews with high school teachers have been carried out in the framework of the training opportunities for high-school teachers planned by an Italian secondary school.
  • Martina Roesner took part in the symposium for pedagogues Meister Eckhart for children and teenagers (8th of February 2019) by conducting a lecture- group working on selected primary texts from Meister Eckhart. In addition, she organized an ecumenical study- day on the topic ecumenical interpretations of Meister Eckhart on 30th of March 2019.

  • In the winter semester 2018/ 2019 Juhi Tyagi together with Dr. Cécile Stehrenberger, Dr. Urs Lindner, and a team of six student co-organizers organized the seminar ‘Decolonize Erfurt’. The objective of the course was to make students visit the German colonial past and create blog entries on their chosen topics, with guidance provided at each step. In addition to that, an exhibition about different aspects of German colonial rule and its continuities in Erfurt today was design by the students taking part in the seminar. This exhibition will be a permanent feature of the exhibition at Topf und Söhne from Mai 2019 onwards.


  • On 19th of May 2018 Juhi Tyagi gave an interview to the local self- governed radio station Radio F.R.E.I. about her research issue and methodology, her approach to the relation between science and political activism and her thoughts on the lack of diverse and heterogeneous places in Erfurt. The interview can be listened to online in German or English or can be read in German language as well. 
  • On 24th of January 2018 Kathi Beier was a guest teacher at Staatliches Spezialgymnasium Salzmannschule in Schnepfenthal, Thuringia. In this context she had two 90 minutes discussions with students from year 11 and 12 about lying. Therefore they also had a look at arguments moral philosophers have brought forward for and against lying.
  • Giulia Pedrucci is participating in a project called FAAM (Farmacia Amica dell’Allattamento Materno – Breastfeeding friendly pharmacy). In order to support the Altstadt Apotheke in Erfurt during the process of becoming a Breastfeeding friendly pharmacy, she conducted courses about the project itself, about being a breastfeeding supporter and other aspects of FAAM. The certification of the Altstadt Apotheke as a 'Breastfeeding friendly farmacy' is planned in July 2018.


  • On 16th of November 2017 the second Science Slam of Erfurt took place at the theatre "Die Schotte". Gábor Gángó took part in the programme with the presentation 'Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz: A do-gooder from the ealry Modern Age'. The university's newsportal Wortmelder wrote a short article in german language illustrated with pictures from that evening.
  • On 8th of June 2017 the University's second Science Fair took place. All COFUND- Fellows of Year 2016/2017 participated in the programme and thereby made their research accessible to a wider audience. All Fellows presented their research proposal on a poster, while a few gave a short presentation on their research project. All of the participant's posters were collected into a brochure and a short article in german language with further information was published by the press team of the University of Erfurt. The Fellow's individual research topic can be found on the Fellows- page by clicking on their names.
  • George Pattison conducted an interview with Pastor Ulrich Fentzloff (Konstanz), who is the author of the blog "Tagebuch eines Landpfarrers", which will be available online soon.