Koch, Sören


Professor, Dr. jur. / Phd Bergen
Faculty of law, University of Bergen
Head of the research group on Legal Culture, Legal History and Comparative Law


Research interests
Early modern natural law and its impact on the law and legal method in Germany and Denmark-Norway; Rational natural law as the foundation of law for contract law in the Nordics; Kant’s impact on the literature and teaching of natural law in Norway after 1814.

Selected bibliography concerning Natural law

  • Books

En naturlig rettsorden for det dansk-norske kongeriket - En rettshistorisk analyse av Ludvig Holbergs lærebok i natur- og folkerett (2015), 498 pages.

  • Articles and chapters

’Fornuft eller Makt? - Skillet mellom privat- og offentlig rett i naturrettsforelesninger på første halvdelen av 1800-tallet’ in Naturrett etter 1814 – en oversett tradisjon?, ed. Marius Mikkel Kjølstad (Pax, 2024 [forthcoming]).

‘Legal compilation in early modern Denmark and Norway – creatively recycling the law’ in Legal History: Reflecting the Past and the Present, ed. Kjell Åke Modéer, Olin Foundation (2021), p. 198-229.

‘Grotius’ Impact on the Scandinavian Theory of Contract Law’ in Grotiania 41 (2020), p. 59-87.

(with Kristjan Mejrup) ‘The Enlightenment’ in Law and The Christian Tradition in Scandinavia. The Writings of Great Nordic Jurists, ed. Kjell Åke Modeer and John Witte (Routledge, 2020), p. 153- 161.

‘Natural Law and the struggle with pietism in eighteenth-century Denmark-Norway - Ludvig Holberg (1684-1754)’ in Law and The Christian Tradition in Scandinavia. The Writings of Great Nordic Jurists, ed. Kjell Åke Modeer and John Witte (Routledge, 2020), p. 162-179.

‘Konfliktlösung in West-Skandinavien’ in Konfliktlösung in der Frühen Neuzeit, Handbuch zur Geschichte der Konfliktlösung in Europa 3, ed. W. Decock (2020).

‘Courts of Appeal in Norway’ in Suum Cuique Tribuere. Legal Contexts, Judicial Archetypes and Deep-Structures regarding Courts of Appeal and Judiciaries from Early Modern to Late Modern Europe, ed. Kjell Å Modéer and Martin Sunnqvist, Institutet för Rättshistorisk Forskning (2018), p. 279-312.

‘Peter Høilund: Naturret som samfundskritik’ in Tidsskrift for Rettsvitenskap, vol 130 (2017), p. 115-121.

‘Jus naturae methodo scientifica pertractatum (Natural Law considered according to the Scientific Method) 1740-1748 Christian Freiherr VON WOLFF (1679-1754)’ in The Formation and Transmission of Western Legal Culture, Books that made the Law in the Western World, ed. Georges Martyn (Springer, 2016), p. 227-231.

‘Moralske Kierne eller Introduction til Naturens- og Folkerettens Kundskab, 1716, Ludvig Holberg (1684-1754)’ in The Formation and Transmission of Western Legal Culture, Books that made the Law in the Western World, ed. Georges Martyn (Springer, 2016), p. 249-252.

[REVIEW] ‘Andreas Aure, The right to wage war (jus ad bellum): the German reception of Grotius 50 years after De iure belli ac pacis’ in Comparative Legal History (2016), p. 1-9.

‘Løfte og aksept - Naturrettens innflytelse på fortolkningen av NL 5-1-1 og 5-1-2 på 1700-tallet’ in Tidsskrift for rettsvitenskap, vol 129 (2016), p. 337-371.