News of the Max-Weber-Kolleg

Opening hours during the lecture-free period

During the lecture-free period (from 8 July to 11 October 2024), some service facilities at the University of Erfurt will have different opening hours. We ask for your attention.

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First articles of the new edition of the Cultural Science Journal published

You can access the articles via this  link.

In this dynamically developing context, Cultural Science: A multidisciplinary journal for the study of more-than human culture wants to provide an arena where the relevant dialogues are held, where…

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Further funding for ICAS:MP

With funding for three more years, the Max-Weber-Kolleg can continue and expand its contribution to Indo-German exchange.

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University of Erfurt once again offers doctoral scholarships

As of 1 January 2025, the University of Erfurt will once again be awarding scholarships for doctoral projects as part of the Christoph Martin Wieland Graduate Forum in the structured Erfurt Doctoral and Postdoctoral Programme (EPPP) of the certified…

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Prof. Dr. Benno Werlen elected Chair of the Academia Europaea

The governing body of the Academia Europaea (London) elected Prof. Dr. Benno Werlen, former Fellow of the Max-Weber-Kolleg at the University of Erfurt, as Chair of the social science section "Human Mobility, Governance, Environment and Space".

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Max-Weber-Kolleg celebrates its successful graduates

At its summer party, the Max-Weber-Kolleg at the University of Erfurt once again celebrated its successful graduates and presented them with their doctoral hats.

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13. Jun 2024, 10.00 am - 5.00 pm

Workshop with Mercator Fellow Klaus Bosselmann: "Private property and public commons – narrowing the gap"

Jentower, Jena

In June, Klaus Bosselmann from the University of Auckland will be our guest in Jena as a Mercator Fellow in the Collaborative Research Center TRR294 “Structural Change of Property”. He has been working for many years on environmental issues at the…

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