University Policy

The "university policy" (HoPo) department deals with higher education policy topics and issues - both large and small. It fights against the austerity measures of the state government and, in case of emergency, makes sure that every single lecturer is watched closely.

The higher education policy department coordinates the staffing and cooperation with the student representatives of the other committees of the University of Erfurt (e.g. faculty councils and senate). The central concern of the department is to improve the conditions of study.

The higher education policy department sends delegates to the Conference of Thuringian Student Bodies (KTS). Representatives of all Thuringian Student Councils sit on this committee. This makes them the central student representation in the state of Thuringia.

Higher education policy concerns everyone! Therefore, the HoPo-StuRaner*innen are dependent on the cooperation of the students. If you notice injustices on campus, come by the office or write an e-mail. If you want to start your own projects, you are always invited to join us!

Hannah Rindermann
Head of the higher education policy department
(Student Council)
Anne-Christin Jelitte
Deputy Head of Higher Education Policy
(Student Council)