Aufbrechen, umgestalten?! Die Podcastreihe zur feministischen Kanonkritik

Criticism of the canon from a feminist perspective has always accompanied the canon, often even preceding it in parts: thinkers such as Cavendish, Wollstonecraft, Perkins Gillman, Beauvoir all had a critical view of the canon, both in terms of the historical exclusion of women from the philosophical tradition and the negative characterisation of women or the feminine in this tradition. Therefore, the criticism of the lack of plurality, the lack of inclusion of women in the canon is both factual and conceptual.

The podcast series "Aufbrechen, umgestalten!?" by Amelie Stuart and Hannah Wallenfels aims to make the broad canon research carried out to date in philosophy more visible and prepare it for contemporary research and debates. It will focus both on current research on the canon and on forgotten criticism of the canon by philosophers from the distant past.

The central questions of the series are: What is the classical philosophical canon? Why does it continue to be written despite numerous critical research works? Why can philosophy ignore non-male voices and non-Western traditions more stubbornly than other disciplines? 

The podcast as part of the BMBF project "Bildersturm: Frauen in der Philosophie sichtbar machen und neue Vorbilder etablieren" pursues a research programme with regard to the sustainable documentation of existing canon criticism as well as the exploration of contemporary perspectives and approaches to dealing with the canon and an outlook on the realities of other philosophical practices with regard to the canon.



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