Alumni and former members of the Max-Weber-Kolleg

Here you will find an alphabetically sorted list of alumni and former members (since 1998) of the Max-Weber-Kolleg of the University of Erfurt.

A - D


  • Aaberg, Lars: Owning Sexuality in India: Value, Difference, and Authenticity in the Emerging Market of LGBTQ Diversity Management Consultancy in Corporate Bengaluru
  • Abend, Gabriel: Business Ethics and Moral Decision-Making: A Background Account
  • Abrahms-Kavunenko, Saskia: Intangible Causes, Ambiguous Materials: Constellated Cosmologies of Urban Inequalities
  • Akinsha, Konstantin: Writing the Fifth Gospel
  • Albert, Stefanie
  • Albrecht, Daniel
  • Albrecht, Mara: The SpaceTime of Urban Violence and Policing in the British Empire: The Riots in Belfast (c. 1857-1935) and in Jerusalem during the British Mandate
  • Alciati, Roberto: Ars Ascetica from Late Antiquity to the Early Middle Ages, 200-900 CE
  • Alexander, Nathan: The Meanings of 'Racism': A History of the Concept
  • Alhachem, Nancy: Resonance instead of Alienation: The Practices of Memory Among Migrants and Refugees in the German Culture of Remembrance
  • Almagor, Eran
  • Ando, Clifford
  • Arcari, Luca: Communication Practices and Early Christianity in Alexandria (2nd cent. CE). The Treatise on the 'Divine Monarchy' (De Monarchia) as a 'Test Case'
  • Arnason, Johann
  • Arnhold, Marlis: Death and the Dead in the City - A Case Study on Roman and Late Antique Athens


  • Badura, Jens
  • Bandelin, Sebastian: Experiences of the Public. A pragmatist reconstruction of the formation of counter-publics
  • Banerjee-Dube, Ishita
  • Bargheer, Stefan: Culturalism: The Remaking of Race in the American Century
  • Baumgartner, Christoph: Civil Relations under Conditions of Religious Diversity
  • Becker, Eve-Marie
  • Becker, Karina
  • Behal, Rana: Social History and Religion - Amritsar City: Orality and Ethnography
  • Beier, Kathi: Gründe der Tugend: Zur Fundierung der aristotelischen Tugendethik bei Thomas von Aquin / Grounds of Virtue - Thomas Aquinas and the Foundation of Aristotle's Virtue Ethics
  • Ben-Tov, Asaph
  • Ben-Zaken, Avner
  • Bergin, Joseph
  • Bergmann, Bennet: In Harmony with God and the World. Investigating the relationship between meditation rituals and phenomenological resonance relations to the world
  • Bergmann, Claudia: Biblical Food Motifs - Contemporary Customs: How Medieval Culture Influenced the Depiction of Food and Eating in Illuminated Jewish Books from Ashkenaz
  • Beschorner, Thomas
  • Bigalke, Bernadett
  • Blanton IV, Thomas R.: The Circumcision of Abraham: Modelling Ritual from Genesis to the Letters of Paul
  • Bogner, Daniel
  • Bonanno, Daniela
  • Borgolte, Michael
  • Bornemann, Matthias
  • Bortolini, Matteo: The Fool on the Hill. The Life and Times of Robert N. Bellah
  • Boyarin, Daniel
  • Bremmer, Jan N.: New Encyclopedia of Ancient Religion
  • Bronisch, Johannes
  • Brückweh, Kerstin: The long history of the 'Wende'. Lifeworld and system change in East Germany before, during and after 1989
  • Brugger, Winfried
  • Brunke, Alexander
  • Bueno, Arthur: Pathologies of Capitalist Life
  • Bultmann, Christoph
  • Bunk, Benjamin: Education, Biography and Movement(s). Educational processes in the landless movement and waste picker initiatives in Brazil between personal reference and social conditions
  • Burchardt, Marian: Religious Space in Barcelona: Towards an Eventful Sociology of Religious Urbanity


  • Cahill, Charles
  • Cain, Friedrich: East European Epistemologies
  • Carroll, Anthony Joseph
  • Carter, Dan T.
  • Casteigt, Julie: Individual and dynamic unity
  • Chaudhuri, Supriya: Merchants, religion and urbanism: the entanglements of trade, travel, and faith in pre-modern South Asia
  • Celikates, Robin
  • Cevolini, Alberto: The Making of Modern Insurance: A Sociological Approach
  • Cleppien, Georg: Trust in organisational relations of social management and social pedagogy (using the example of quality management)
  • Collins, Austin: The Reach of Royal Power in France: Examining how the Valois Monarchy Reacted to the Centre and the Periphery, 1547-1589
  • Colliot-Thélène, Catherine
  • Colombi Ciacchi, Aurelia
  • Connolly, John: Cur Deus homo: why God became man
  • Contractor, Qudsiya: Muslims and urban marginality in Mumbai
  • Corsten, Anna
  • Cozzi, Lorenzo: The Other Apocalypse, The Thought of History in Nicholas of Lyra's Apocalypse Commentary
  • Cuttica, Cesare
  • Cuzzocrea, Valentina


  • da Mata, Sérgio
  • Daniel, Ute: Cultural history of democracy "from above" (19th/20th century)
  • de Champs, Emmanuelle: Happiness, Law and Progress in an Age of Revolution (1780-1800)
  • Deckers, Daniel
  • Deeg, Max
  • Degelmann, Christopher: Urban Voice(s) of the Deity: Rumour, Religion, and Urban Space in Classical Athens
  • Dehne, Maximilian
  • Dell'Isola, Maria: "To give back her own property to God" (BHG 2455, VThom, 6). Forms and concepts of divine property in Christian monastic contexts, hagiographical literature and theological treatises
  • Dey, Amit
  • Dicke, Klaus
  • Dietz, Hella
  • Dinu, Radu Harald
  • Dreier, Horst
  • Dreßler, Markus
  • Dreyer, Jaco
  • Dube, Saurabh
  • Dürr, Renate: Global Knowledge, Religious Devotion, and the Making of Enlightenment Europe (book project together with Ulrike Strasser, San Diego)

E - H


  • Ebenbauer, Peter: The ritual transformation of time and space in synagogue services. Concepts and practical realisations in comparison to Christian liturgy
  • Eidinow, Esther
  • Eisenstadt, Shmuel N.
  • Emich, Birgit
  • Engmann, Matthias
  • Erben-Grütz, Patricia
  • Ermagan, Ismail
  • Ermiş, Fatih
  • Esser, Andrea Marlen


  • Facchini, Christiana: As a nautilus shell ... Religious Diversity and Urbanity. A historical journey
  • Faitini, Tiziana: Shaping the Professional. Towards a Genealogy of Professional Ethics
  • Falkowskii, Mateusz
  • Fazio Vargas, Daniela: Experiencing a Song: the Aesthetic and Political Significance of Music
  • Feldhaus, Anne
  • Feldman, Shelley: In-Situ Displacement: A Politics of Belonging, Recognition, and Rights
  • Fetting, Martina
  • Feuchter, Annette
  • Feuchtwanger-Sarig, Naomi
  • Finger, Anja
  • Fine, Steven: The "Menorah" in the Church of St Peter in Erfurt
  • Fischer, Helena
  • Folkers, Andreas: Sociology of Decarbonisation/Metabolic Disorders
  • Wing, Peter
  • Francisco, Javier: The Chimera of Rebellion: 1776 and the Mechanisms of Imperial Conflict Resolution
  • Frey, Jörg: The Gospel of John within the Context of the Urban Society of Ephesus in the 1st and 2nd centuries CE
  • Frenkel, Luise: The authority of consensus in Late Antiquity: narratives of popular, senatorial and synodical unanimity
  • Friedenthal, Meelis: Pneumatica: the science of incorporeal incorporeal matter
  • Friedrich, Enno: The Christian World Fabric of Venantius Fortunatus - World Relations and the Carmina
  • Friedrich, Markus
  • Frishman, Judith: Studying Samuel Hirsch
  • Fugger, Dominik: Northern Paganism. A history of discourse and entanglement in the early modern period
  • Fugger, Verena: Saints and the City: The cult of saints and relics as a binding phenomenon in socio-religious processes of group formation based on the Syrian border city of Resafa/Sergiupolis
  • Fulminante, Francesca: Religion and Urbanity in its Formation: A case study from Early Rome and Central Italy


  • Gabriel, Sabine
  • Gaier, Malte
  • Gangl, Georg
  • Garbin, David: Religious urbanisation in global times
  • Gasparini, Valentino: The construction of divine power in Antiquity
  • Gehlen, Martin
  • Gencheva Mikami, Iskra
  • George, Alex Moosariparambil: Constructing symbolic capital: Hindi language textbooks as sites of religion and culture
  • Goldberg, Chad Alan: American democracy and cultural pluralism
  • González Gutiérrez, Carmen: The Islam and the city: building religious and urban spaces in the Middle Ages
  • Gordon, Richard: Mystagogue: small-time religious entrepreneurs as a type of individualisation in the Roman Empire
  • Gosewinkel, Dieter
  • Gräb-Schmidt, Elisabeth
  • Grachova, Sofiya: Defining Communities in Eastern Europe: Ukraine in the History of Racial Thought
  • Graf, Friedrich Wilhelm
  • Graml, Constanze: Cult and Crisis. The Sacred Landscape of Attica and its Correlation to Political Topography
  • Greve, Jens
  • Grigore, Mihai-Dumitru
  • Gröschner, Rolf
  • Grütz, Reinhard
  • Gümplová, Petra: Natural Resources in a Global World


  • Haak, Sebastian
  • Haakonssen, Knud: Early modern natural law in theory and practice
  • Haas, Cornelia
  • Häfner, Petra
  • Hamilton, Tom: Group Formation in French Cities during the Wars of Religion (1562-1598)
  • Hänggi, Yves
  • Harrington, Austin
  • Hartmann, Jens-Uwe: Early Buddhism and its Urban Environment
  • Hartung, Gerald
  • Hartung, Jan-Peter
  • Hashimoto, Naoto
  • Haug, Annette: Talking with, about, and in the presence of the Gods: Graffiti in Pompeii
  • Hé, Gaochao
  • Hébert, Kevin
  • Heidl, Sára Eszter: Event Religion as an alternative to modern religious phenomena
  • Helbig, Marcel: Education and social inequality
  • Henning, Christoph: Critical Economic Philosophy: Gift, Profit and Violence
  • Herrmann-Sinai, Susanne
  • Hidas, Zoltán
  • Hillermann, Hendrik
  • Hinsch, Wilfried
  • Hoffmann, Veronika
  • Hohlstein, Michael
  • Höke, Vera: Intuition and religious experience - the individualisation of bhakti against the background of transcendental Christianity in the "New Dispensation Church"
  • Holland-Cunz, Marc
  • Hongjie, Chen
  • Horstmannshoff, Manfred
  • Hübinger, Gangolf
  • Huff, Toby
  • Hupfloher, Annette
  • Hu-von Hinüber, Haiyan: The "untouchables" of India (Caṇḍālas/Dalits) according to the statements of the Buddhist canon in Pāli and Chinese language
  • Hüsken, Ute

I - L


  • Iara, Kristine: Late antique Rome : Space, people and gods
  • Iori, Elisa: Mapping Urban and Religious Changes in Ancient Swat/Uḍḍiyāna (1st-10th c. CE): The Hinterland and Its City
  • Isabella, Maurizio: Reconceiving religions and public spaces: Southern European cities in the age of revolutions


  • Jaeger, Friedrich
  • Jamal, Asfia: Urban property regimes and the transformation of citizenship. On the transformation of property forms and kinship structures in India
  • Jamroziak, Emilia: The powerful afterlife of medieval monasticism - from the tyranny of origins, nationalism, modernisation paradigm to the transcultural perspectives
  • Joas, Hans: Value attachment and social change
  • Joisten, Karen
  • Jordan, Alexander: The Battle for Hegel: 'Centre' Hegelianism in German and British political thought, 1830-1920
  • Jung, Matthias


  • Kaczmarczyk, Mihal
  • Kahveci, Cagri
  • Kanungo, Pralay: Religion and Communities in a River-City: Co-living and Contestations in Varanasi
  • Karlson, Christoph Jan
  • Karst, Christian
  • Kaur, Raminder: Sacred Cities: Magnets for Mercantilism, Moralities, Worship and Salvation
  • Kern, Thomas
  • Keul, István
  • Kewes, Andreas
  • Khorkov, Mikhail
  • Kietzmann, Christian
  • Kindt, Julia
  • Kiperwasser, Reuven: "A city and a mother in Israel": Urban Stories and Their Social Background and Significance in Rabbinic Culture
  • Kippenberg, Hans G.
  • Kilpinen, Erkki
  • Kizik, Edmund: Burials and Remembrance of the Dead in the Public Space of Large Protestant Baltic Cities from the 16th to the Beginning of the 19th Century. The examples of Danzig, Elbing, Königsberg and Stettin
  • Klapczynski, Gregor
  • Kleeberg, Bernhard: History of social psychology
  • Klinkhammer, Gritt
  • Klostergaard Petersen, Anders: Urbanisation and Religion at a Crossroads of Change
  • Knauß, Stefan: Planetary Integrity in Translation (PIT) - Claiming the Rights of "Mother Earth" in a globalised world
  • Knöbl, Wolfgang
  • Kobusch, Theo
  • Konczal, Kornelia
  • Kopp, Vanina: Prayers, Paintings, Poems: Laical Brotherhoods between City and Cathedral in French Urban Centres
  • Koprivica; Olivera: Female Bodies and Angelic Likeness: The Place and Role of the Body in Everyday Life of Orthodox Women Monasticisms - A Qualitative Study
  • Köser, Silke
  • Kouroshi, Yahya
  • Krämer, Gurdrun
  • Krebel, Sebastian
  • Kreft, Nora
  • Kubik, Andreas
  • Kühne, Mareike
  • Kuller, Christiane: Protestantism and the debates on the German welfare state
  • Kümper, Hiram
  • Kumpitsch, Winfried: The Influence of Christian Military Saints on the Development of a Christian Soldier Ideal
  • Kurtz, Paul Michael
  • Kutzner, Jasmin: The Influence of Synagogue Liturgy and Ritual Practices of Judaism in the Works of Jewish Composers of the 20th Century


  • Ladwig, Bernd
  • Lafi, Nora: Daily Life Spatialities of Religiosity in Ottoman Tunis
  • Lahe, Jaan
  • Langballe Jensen, Mads
  • Lange, Jörg
  • Langewiesche, Dieter
  • Land, Thomas J.: The Invention of Civil Society. Social science debates on forms of collective self-organisation between 1975 and 2002
  • Lang, Natalie: Religion and Urbanity: Tamil Hindu Aspirations and Negotiations of Space in Paris
  • Lattki, Torsten
  • Lätzer-Lasar, Asuman: Mapping Urban Deathscapes. The burial and commemoration practices within the experienced city of Rome
  • Lehmann-Ertel, Anna
  • Lehnertz, Andreas
  • Leimbach, Timo
  • Leonhard, Clemens
  • Leonhardt-Balzer, Jutta
  • Lévy, Jacques: Which urbanity is Babel the name of?
  • Lichtermann, Paul
  • Lieber, Laura: Staging the Sacred: Holiness in Late Antiquity
  • Liedhegener, Antonius
  • Liell, Christoph
  • Linde, Gesche
  • Lim, Richard: Roman Urban Entertainments and Christianising Cultures in Late Antiquity
  • Loosen, Livia
  • Lorch, Jasmin: Cross-Regional and Cross-Religious Comparative Investigation
  • Lorek, Karsten
  • Lorenz, Chris
  • Lorenz, Stephan: Food bank networks as an indicator of transnational de-velopments in social inequality
  • Lundgreen, Christoph
  • Luz, Nimrod: The Infrastructures of Religiocity in Acre - Materialities of Faiths and their Politics in a Mixed Israeli City

M - P


  • Madzia, Roman: Beyond Embodiment: The Concept of the Encultured Mind Between Pragmatism and Dilthey's Historicist Hermeneutics
  • May, Gunther
  • Maier, Harry: Practising the City: Spatial Imagination, Imperial Location, and Reciprocal Processes of Urban Transformation in Second Century Christianity
  • Majorossy, Judit: Spaces and Ways of Belonging: The Religiosity of Changing Urban Communities in Late Medieval East Central Europe
  • Macropoulus, Michael
  • Malena, Adelisa
  • Malik, Aditya
  • Malik, Jamal
  • Malinar, Angelika
  • Malli, Gabriel: The pious subject? A media-sociological investigation of Islamic discourses on gender and veiling
  • Malsch, Stefan: Science Transfer and Public Relations | SFB
  • Mandry, Christof
  • Marcussen, Eleonor: Faith and Ideological Encounters in Pacifism: Pierre Ceresole and the Development of Transnational Peace Activism, 1909-1945
  • Marei, Fouad Gehad: Feeling Sectarian? Shi'i Ritual Practice, Affective Relations, and Holy War in the Middle East
  • Märkt, Stephan
  • March, Michael
  • Matzner, Egon
  • May, Anna Christina
  • Mayaram, Shail: From Little Medina to Mega-city, The Making and Unmaking of the Sacred City of Delhi
  • Mayor, Igor Sosa
  • Mazuga, Anne
  • Mchedlidze, Gocha
  • McIntyre, Gwynaeth
  • Meisner, Lukas: Critical Theory of Political Autonomy
  • Menke, Christoph
  • Mersch, Katharina: Crowds, urban societies and religiously connoted spatial constructions in the late Middle Ages
  • Messlin, Dorit
  • Meyer, Thomas
  • Miano, Daniele: Naming gods: divine epithets in ancient Campania
  • Michalczyk, Andrzej
  • Moebius, Stephan
  • Mommsen, Wolfgang
  • Mondal, Amrita: Hidden Stories of Women's Empowerment and Plight for Justice: A Critical Review of Land Rights of Women in West Bengal, India
  • Morgan, Teresa
  • Moritz, Arne
  • Moulin, Claudine: Negotiating the Religious - Linguistic and Communicative Practices in Early Modern Urbanity
  • Mowat, Christopher
  • Moxter, Michael
  • Mügge, Cornelia
  • Mulder-Bakker, Anneke
  • Müller-Schauenburg, Britta
  • Murphy, Anne: Religious crossroads at the intersection of the mofussil (non-urban region), the secondary urban centre, and the imperial centre in early modern North India
  • Muth, Christian


  • Neutel, Karin: Male Circumcision. Ancient Controversies and Contemporary Debates
  • Niedermeier, Silvan
  • Nijhawan, Michael
  • Nippel, Wilfried
  • Nungesser, Frithjof
  • Nutzinger, Hans G.


  • O'Reilly, Klara-Maeve: Strike or Punishment: Urban Spaces and Female Laundry Workers in 1940s Dublin
  • Orobinska, Mariia: Cult constructions in Ukrainian and British literatures
  • Otto, Bernd-Christian: Ritual Dynamics and Rejected Knowledge: A Historical Study on a Deviant Text Tradition
  • Otto, Jennifer


  • Palme, David: Contradiction as a Way of Life
  • Parson, Rahul Bjorn
  • Pasi, Marco
  • Patel, Kiran Klaus: Presence in contemporary history
  • Patera, Ioanna
  • Pattison, George: A Philosophy of Christian Life
  • Patzelt, Maik
  • Paulus, Simon: The "localisation" of the Rudolstadt Judaica Collection in its former architectural and topographical context
  • Pavel, Diana: Platform of encounters or a table for offerings? The aspects of the Etruscan altar in the public and the private sphere in the 7th-2nd centuries B.C.
  • Peaceman, Hannah: The Dialectic of Emancipation. The potential of Jewish perspectives for contemporary political Philosophy using the example of the Association for Jewish Culture and Science
  • Pedrucci, Giulia: Mothering and (Wet)Nursing: A Metadisciplinary Study on Parenting Strategies in the Greek and Roman Worlds
  • Pellarin, Luca: Time (Dis)Closure. Learning From Christian Eschatology
  • Perissato, Felipe: Mysteries and the Ancient Mediterranean: space, Eleusinian cult and social organisation of Attica (6th to 4th BC)
  • Perkins, Judith
  • Peter, Fabienne
  • Petridou, Georgia: Anchoring innovation in the cultic cosmos of the imperial era: Alexandros and Aristeides as religious moderators and modernisers
  • Pfeffel, Konrad: On the instrumentalisation of the North in Roman society
  • Piazza, Anna
  • Pickavé, Martin
  • Piergiacomi, Enrico: Theology and the Dissolution of Cities. Religious AntiUrbanism in Early Stoicism
  • Pilvousek, Josef
  • Plattner, Aaron: Resonance and Ekphrasis. The voices of sacred spaces, rituals and objects in Pausanias
  • Ploj, Blaž: Resonant Self-World Relations in the Context of Socio-Religious Practices in the Comedies of Titus Maccius Plautus
  • Podoksik, Efraim
  • Pollock, Sheldon
  • Poorsafir, Hassan: Resonance and Revolution. The Iranian Revolution as a Case Study
  • Poorthuis, Marcel: Rituals and interreligious dialogue: strange bedfellows?
  • Porter, Mark: Axes of Resonance in Christian Congregational Music
  • Prangulaishvili, Vano
  • Prennig, Thomas
  • Prodi, Paolo

Q - T


  • Quack, Johannes
  • Quero-Sánchez, Andrés: "The eternal concept of the individual": A historical-philological-systematic investigation of 'mystical reason' and its reception in Schelling's work


  • Radhakrishnan, Reshma: Strategic Accommodation of Diversities: Gender Norms and Identities Beyond the Binaries
  • Raja, Rubina: Cults and sanctuaries of the Tetrapolis region
  • Rajak, Tessa
  • Rakow, Katja: Materialising Urban Religious Aspirations: New Creation Church and the Building of The Star Performing Arts Centre Singapore
  • Ramelli, Ilaria: Philosophy as Religion in a Universal Empire
  • Range, Eva
  • Rasmussen, Anders Moe: Modernism as Nihilism. Nihilism in Jacobi, Fichte and Kierkegaard
  • Rassia, Aikaterini-Iliana: The Senses of the Mysteries: Exploring the Mindsets and Emotions of Worshippers in the Eleusinian Mysteries
  • Rebillard, Eric
  • Rehbein, Stella: Romanticism in times of diminishing resonance. -An inequality and gender sociological study of love between ritual and routine
  • Rehm, Michaela
  • Reichel, Kristin
  • Reinhard, Wolfgang
  • Reinhardt, Nicole
  • Reinmuth, Dorothea
  • Reise, Franziska
  • Repohl, Martin: The relational quality of the material world - perspectives of a world-relations sociological analysis of materiality
  • Resta, Mario: Case studies of divine property 4th and 6th century from the Lateran to the tituli of Rome, from donations to testaments in the Latin World
  • Reuter, Astrid
  • Ribeiro do Amaral, Roniere
  • Riva, Corinna: Citizenship and religion in the1st-millennium-BC Mediterranean: Etruria and Iberia
  • Rieger, Anna-Katharina
  • Risch, Jörg
  • Rodrigues, Valerian
  • Roesner, Martina: The Systematic Internal Structure of Meister Eckhart's Latin Bible Commentaries
  • Römelt, Joseph: Theological Ethics under the Rationality Conditions of Cultural Studies Research
  • Roohi, Sanam: Transantionalising the Telangana movement: Politics of sub-regional nationalism within the diaspora
  • Rosenberger, Veit
  • Rösser, Michael: 'Islands of Sovereignty' - Labour, Recruitment and Command in German East Africa
  • Rossi, Pietro
  • Röw, Martin


  • Sahoo, Sarbeswar
  • Sala, Roberto
  • Salerno, Rachele
  • Sander, Sabine
  • Sangmeister, Dirk
  • Santarelli, Matteo
  • Sauder, Michael: Luck and Inequality
  • Schäbler, Birgit
  • Schäfer, Christoph
  • Schenk, Ulrike
  • Scheuermann, Anita: Femicide: Remembered and Forgotten
  • Scheuermann, Leif
  • Scheuerman, William: Beyond Civil Disobedience? Politically Motivated Property Damage
  • Schilling, Elisabeth: Time Structures as an Inquality (Re)Production System
  • Schiermer-Andersen, Bjørn
  • Schlette, Magnus: The Power of Freedom. Secularisation as Ethos
  • Schlosser, Dominik
  • Schluchter, Wolfgang
  • Schmidt, Stefan
  • Schmidt, Thomas M.
  • Schmidt, Walter
  • Schneider, David
  • Schneider, Stefanie
  • Schneider, Thomas
  • Schnitzer, Merav
  • Schöbel, Anja
  • Schoeller, Donata
  • Schörner, Günther
  • Schrig, Bernhard: Reaching for Atlantis. The cultural biographies of objects under the Swedish Empire and beyond
  • Schröder, Peter
  • Schubert, Charlotte
  • Schulte, Andrea
  • Schulz, Eleonore: Theological concepts of freedom between 1789 and 1848
  • Schulz, Silvia: Administrative assistant at the MWK
  • Schuppert, Gunnar Folke: Generation and stabilisation of normative knowledge. Governance through canonisation and dogmatisation
  • Schweitzer, Doris: The legal reorganisation of things
  • Schwelling, Birgit
  • Seidler, Michael
  • Semerdjian, Elyse: Mapping Space and Religion in Aleppo, Past and Present
  • Shannon, Kelly
  • Shaw, Christopher David
  • Shen, Shunfu
  • Sherzer-Drucklman, Adi: The Nationalised Jewish Home: Zionist Attempts to Create an Alternative Domestic Ritual System
  • Siep, Ludwig
  • Skof, Lenart
  • Skuncke, Marie-Christine
  • Smith, Camilla: Inner Emigration: Exploring the Artistic Identity of Women Artists under Totalitarian Regimes 1933-1989
  • Sojer, Thomas: Simone Weil's 'resonant reception' of Early Christianity
  • Soneira Martinez,, Ramon: Atheism and unbelief in Ancient Greece
  • Srivastava, Sanjay: The spirit of the city: Urbanism and religion in India
  • Stanzione, Antonio: The performative contexts and the function of the Homeric Hymns
  • Stausberg, Michael
  • Stehrenberger, Cécile Stephanie: Interruptive knowledge . On the history of social science disaster research 1949-1989
  • Steiner, Benjamin
  • Steiner, Stephan
  • Steinseifer, Martin
  • Stemberger, Günter:
  • Stercken, Martina: Reformation in urban space. Forms of visualising religious changes in the 16th century || Urban Spacetime
  • Stiegler, Bernd
  • Straub, Jürgen
  • Strecker, David
  • Stuppo, Oxana
  • Stutz, Ulrike
  • Sun, Anna: Boundaries of Lived Religion in Ancient Rome and Contemporary China
  • Surman, Jan
  • Swadosch, Raphaela: Das Hohelied als Beitrag zur Radikalisierung der Beziehungsidee - An investigation of the resonance relations of the Song of Songs interpretations
  • Szabó, Csaba
  • Szende, Katalin: Cathedral Cities in Context - Bishops' Seats in Medieval East Central Europe as Urban and Religious Centres


  • Taggar-Cohen, Ada: The Concept of Gender Appearance - Divine and Mundane - in Hittite and Biblical texts
  • Tallar, Ferenc
  • Tétaz, Jean-Marc: The Constitution of the Ethical Subject in Paul Ricœur
  • Thériault, Barbara: "The Kracauer Project" Classical Sociology, Literature and Reportage
  • Thissen, Judith: Kol Nidre on Broadway, Jazz Singers in the Shul: Cinema and the Transformation of the High Holidays in New York City
  • Thomä, Dieter
  • Thumfahrt, Alexander
  • Timofeeva, Yulia
  • Timofeeva, Ksenia
  • Titarenko, Larissa
  • Torres Navarro, Felipe: Modern Regimes of Temporality. A Paradox Between Diversification and Homogenisation
  • Trezib, Joachim Nicolas: Spatial formations of "Geist": Edgar Salin's nomological concept of statehood and is relationship to the circle of Stephan George
  • Tyagi, Juhi: Peasant Discontent & States: How armed groups impact state-capital trajectories and forward peasant interests

U - Z


  • Ullrich, Rebecca: The Use of Psalms in the Jewish Liturgy
  • Unfricht, Armin: Identity, Integration, Politics: On the Social Significance of Heroisation and Cultic Veneration of Historical Personalities among the Greeks
  • Urciuoli, Emiliano: Forbidden Jobs Making a Living as a Jesus' Follower in the Roman Empire


  • Valdameri, Elena: Physical Education and Femininity in India (1900s - 1970s): Global Trends and Local Politics towards Crafting Women Citizens
  • Vandenberghe, Frédéric: The Ontology of the Present. Rethinking Social Theory through Brazil
  • van der Walt, Sibylle
  • van Henten, Jan Willem: Martyrs' Motivations: Religion and Politics || Beneficial Death in Jewish Martyrdom Passages
  • Vendrell Ferran, Ingrid
  • Vien, Louis-Philippe
  • Vinzent, Jutta: The individual and dividual in modern and contemporary fine art
  • Viola, Tullio: Symbols and the Dynamic of Culture
  • Visic, Tanja: Ethnography of Living Arrangements, Informal Work and Transnational Care. Experiences of Domestic Workers from the Former Yugoslavia in Germany
  • Vogl, Janna: Between International Development Co-operation and Local Legitimisation. Actor Perspectives in the Environment of South Indian Women's Rights NGOs
  • Vögele, Wolfgang
  • Vogt, Peter
  • von Daniels, Detlef
  • von Kalckreuth: Sophie
  • von Rosenberg, Florian
  • von Stuckrad, Kocku
  • von Wyss-Giacosa, Paola


  • Wagener, Isabell: Who am I? Reflections on the relationship between figurative, literary and performative representation using the example of the personifications of Old Comedy
  • Wagner, Gert G.
  • Wagner, Simone: Authority and gender. Communication in conflicts over the office of abbess and provost in urban abbeys in south-west Germany (15th/16th century)
  • Wegner, Gerhard
  • Weiss, Lara
  • Weissenrieder, Annette
  • Wendel, Saskia
  • Werlen, Benno: Projects in the fields of "Space-Time Regime and the Order of the Social" and "Religion and Urbanity"
  • Wesche, Tilo: Social Property - Social Ownership
  • Westerhoff, Christian
  • Westermann, Stefanie
  • Weymann, Ansgar
  • Wierling, Dorothee
  • Wildberger, Jula
  • Williamson, Christina: Festival hubs. Deep-mapping sanctuaries in the ancient Greek world
  • Wiegels, Rainer
  • Winandy, Julien
  • Wöhler, Sven
  • Wöhrle, Patrick
  • Wojtulewicz, Christopher
  • Wutzler, Michael


  • Zangenberg, Jürgen
  • Zdiara, Kevin
  • Zhao, Qian: Research of Ordinary Life in the Internet Domain in Rapid Sociotechnical Modernisation in China
  • Zheng, Shuhong
  • Zinn, Alexander
  • Zivojinovic, Marc
  • Zver, Uros