on appointment
Gotha Research Centre
CG3 – Gotha Research Centre
Schloßberg 2
99867 Gotha
Universität Erfurt
Gotha Research Centre
Postfach 90 02 21
99105 Erfurt
Universität Erfurt
Faculty of Philosophy
Postfach 90 02 21
99105 Erfurt
SP2 – Steinplatz 2 / room 311 (2. OG)
on appointment
Max Weber Centre for Advanced Cultural and Social Studies
SP2 – Steinplatz 2
Steinplatz 2
99085 Erfurt
Universität Erfurt
Max Weber Centre for Advanced Cultural and Social Studies
Postfach 90 02 21
99105 Erfurt
on appointment
Universität Erfurt
Gotha Research Centre
Postfach 90 02 21
99105 Erfurt
nach Vereinbarung
Universität Erfurt
Gotha Research Centre
Postfach 90 02 21
99105 Erfurt
Studied Philosophy, German Studies and History in Tübingen, Berlin and Munich.
1987 Master's degree in Philosophy, Univ. Munich.
1991 Doctorate in Philosophy with Dieter Henrich, Univ. Munich
2000 Habilitation in Philosophy, Univ. Munich
Head of a subproject on scholarly libertinage in the 17th century at the Collaborative Research Center 573 at the University of Munich
2004 Substitution of the professorship for Renaissance philosophy, University of Munich
Head of a subproject in SFB 536 "Reflexive Modernization" (with U. Beck and W. Schulze)
2005 Professor of History at Rutgers University, New Brunswick NJ, USA
Since July 2008 Professor (W3) for Cultures of Knowledge in Modern Europe, University of Erfurt and Director of the Gotha Research Centre at the University of Erfurt
2002/3 Member, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton
2005 (Spring) Directeur d'études, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris
2007/8 Member, Center for Theological Inquiry, Princeton
2012/3 Fellow at the Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin
2016 Visiting Scholar at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in Berlin
2017 (Spring) Fellow at the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities and Social Sciences (NIAS-KNAW)
Renaissance Philosophy
Radical Enlightenment
Ancient religion and early modern scholarship
History of Oriental Studies
History of Numismatics
Material culture and antiquarianism
History of Alchemy
German early enlightenment
Global history of ideas and knowledge
Modernization theory
Methodology of the History of Ideas
Research Projects at the Max-Weber-Kolleg Historical Religious Studies in the Early Modern Period Member of the Research Center for Early Modern Natural Law (joint institution of the Max-Weber-Kolleg and the Gotha Research Centre)
Research Projects/Networks at the Gotha Research Centre
Jacopo Strada's Magnum ac Novum Opus: A Numismatic Corpus of the 16th Century [NUMiD] Shaping History / Preserving Values Money-Power-Rule. Sovereign Finances and Accounting in the Duchy of Saxe-Gotha and Altenburg 1672-1804 in Comparative Perspective Member of the Illuminati Research Unit Network Alchemy Network Early Modern Oriental Studies Socinianism Research in Germany
1999 Premio internazionale di storia della filosofia Luigi de Franco (for the best book in the field of Renaissance philosophy)
2004 Karl Jaspers prize, (University of Oldenburg, for the best young philosopher)
2005 Selma V. Forkosch prize (for the best article in the Journal of the History of Ideas of 2004)
2007 Selma V. Forkosch prize (for the best article in the Journal of the History of Ideas of 2006)
2011 Science Prize of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities
2012 Appointed member of the Saxon Academy of Sciences and Humanities
2013 Award for "Modernity from the Underground" in the programme "Humanities International" (translation funding)
2014 Awarded the Thuringian Research Prize 2013 in the category "Basic Research" for his long-term research work on the topic "Underground of the Enlightenment"
2014 Anna Krüger Prize of the Wissenschaftskolleg (for "an outstanding work in a good and understandable scientific language")
2016 Appointed member of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities
2019 Opus Magnum Scholarship of the Volkswagen Foundation
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Radio talk between Peter Zimmermann and Martin Mulsow on the book „Aufklärungs-Dinge. Zweifler und Verzweifelte im Umbau des Wissens um 1700“, ORF programme "Exlibris. Erinnern und Vergessen", broadcast on 23 June 2024.
Radio talk about the book „Aufklärungs-Dinge“ between Marion Cotta and Martin Mulsow, broadcast on 21 April 2024 on Bremen Zwei. Courtesy of Radio Bremen.
Article Haben Piraten die Aufklärung erfunden? by Martin Mulsow, in Zeit 16/2024, p. 51.
Review of the book "Fremdprägung. Münzwissen in Zeiten der Globalisierung" by Martin Mulsow, FAZ, 17 January 2024, Groß war der Wissensdurst europäischer Numismatiker, by Markus Friedrich
Interview with Andrew McKenzie-McHarg, Cyber review of modern historiography (CROMOHS) 26/2023, DOI: 10.36253/cromohs-14908
Talk "Wahrheit. Eine Tiefengeschichte" by Martin Mulsow, Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, 7 June 2023
Radio contribution "Radikale Frühaufklärung 1680-1720, Bd. 1+2”. Martin Mulsow spricht mit Uwe Kullnick und Carl Engleitner über diese spannende Zeit, Literaturradio Hörbahn, 27 April 2023, Hörbahn on Stage
Review of the book "Überreichweiten. Perspektiven einer globalen Ideengeschichte" von Martin Mulsow, Süddeutsche Zeitung, 14 April 2023, p. 11, Das universale Missverständnis. Wie könnte man eine "globale Ideengeschichte" schreiben, ohne in Eurozentrismus zuürckzufallen? Martin Mulsow hat eine Antwort, by Oliver Weber
Radio contribution, "Der Philosoph und Historiker Martin Mulsow zu seinem Buch Überreichweiten", RBB, 6 February 2023
Radio contribution on Deutschlandfunk"Global History of Ideas" as part of the program "Sein und Streit" on January 29, 2023 with Martin Mulsow.
Radio contribution on Deutschlandfunk"Munterer Handel auf den globalen Ideenmärkten" on January 12, 2023 about Martin Mulsow's book "Überreichweiten" (Overreach)
Article in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung of December 28, 2022, No. 302, p. N 3, by Martin Mulsow,"That's what he had done. But it seemed wrong to him. The diplomat Johann Christian von Boineburg drafted a book on the usefulness of errors."
Review in Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, November 26, 2022, no. 276, p. L7, review of the book "Überreichweiten. Perspectives of a Global History of Ideas" by Martin Mulsow,"Was hat es auf sich mit den türkischen Kampfdrogen?", by Jürgen Osterhammel.
Article in the FAZ of March 24, 2021 by Prof. Dr. Martin Mulsow: "Embryology and the Death Penalty: Execute Innocent Unborn".
Article in the Thüringer Allgemeine of July 19, 2019 on Prof. Dr. Martin Mulsow's find of a previously unknown coin history: "Sensational find for Saxon history".
Article in the WELT of January 15, 2019 on the volume on pornography in the Enlightenment published by Prof. Dr. Martin Mulsow and Dr. Dirk Sangmeister: "Pornography, a German Invention".
Süddeutsche Zeitung article of January 13, 2019 about Prof. Dr. Martin Mulsow's research on the early Enlightenment: "Cockfighting"