Illuminati Research Group
Established in 2018 at the Gotha Research Centre, the research center's mission is to conduct historical research on the Illuminati Order, which existed from 1776/78 to 1787/88. The most important goal is to make the written legacies of the order and its members accessible to the public in such a way that they are also available to other researchers and all those interested in the history of the order for their own research interests and projects. More
Contact: Dr. Markus Meumann, Dr. Olaf Simons and Prof. Dr. Martin Mulsow
Research Group for Early Modern Natural Law
Research Center for Early Modern Natural Law
The Research Center for Early Modern Natural Law was founded in 2016 and has been a joint institution of the Max-Weber-Kolleg and the Gotha Research Centre since 2019. Its task is to coordinate the already ongoing research on natural law of the early modern period and to stimulate new projects. More
Contact: Dr. Mikkel Munthe Jensen and Prof. Dr. Martin Mulsow
Alchemy Network
The Alchemy Network, founded in December 2016, aims to promote exchange on the reconstruction of alchemical processes in the early modern period between historians and natural scientists, organize events on the topic, and initiate joint projects. Read more.
Contact:Prof. Dr. Martin Mulsow
Early Modern Oriental Studies Network
With the participation of researchers from Arabic Studies, Theology, Philology and Philosophy, an international working group was founded at the Gotha Research Centre in November 2010 to research the early history of Oriental Studies, i.e. the science of Middle Eastern cultures.
Contact:Prof. Dr. Martin Mulsow
Socinianism Research in Germany
The network loosely unites a number of research projects in the field of anti-Trinitarianism and Socinianism which, independently of each other, have emerged in Germany in recent years. It promotes regular meetings and exchange between the projects. More
Contact:Prof. Dr. Martin Mulsow
Image: Fausto Sozzini (1536-1604)