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C07 – Lehrgebäude 2 / Raum 130d

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C07 – Lehrgebäude 2 / 130d

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Universität Erfurt
C07 – Lehrgebäude 2
Hieranaplatz 4
99089 Erfurt

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Universität Erfurt
Universität Erfurt
Postfach 90 02 21
99105 Erfurt

EFOSI (ErfurtLab)

Mailing address

Universität Erfurt
Postfach 90 02 21
99105 Erfurt

Dr. Thomas Lauer


Experimentelle Methoden, Verhaltensökonomie, Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung, Nachhaltigkeit


ORCID-ID and ResearchGate



Betz, Dirk, Biniossek, Claudia, Blanchi, Christophe, Henninger, Felix, Lauer, Thomas, Wieder, Philipp, Wittenburg, Peter and Zünkeler, Martin. 2022. Canonical Workflow for Experimental Research. Data Intelligence 4(2). 

Böhm, Robert, Gürerk, Özgür and Lauer, Thomas. 2020. Nudging Climate Change Mitigation: A Laboratory Experiment with Inter-Generational Public Goods. Games 11(4), 42.

Duch, Matthias, Grossmann, Max, R.P., Lauer, Thomas. 2020. z-Tree unleashed: A novel client-integrating architecture for conducting z-Tree experiments over the Internet. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, forthcoming.

Boonmanunt, Suparee, Lauer, Thomas, Rockenbach, Bettina and Weiss, Arne. 2020. Field evidence on the role of time preferences in conservation behavior. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Vol. 104. 

Gürerk, Özgür, Lauer, Thomas and Scheuermann, Martin. 2018. Leadership with Individual Rewards and Punishments. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, Vol. 74, 57-69.

Hoffmann, Mareike, Lauer, Thomas and Rockenbach, Bettina. 2013. The Royal Lie. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Vol. 93, 305-313.

Lauer, Thomas, Rockenbach, Bettina and Walgenbach, Peter. 2008. Not just hot air: Normative codes of conduct induce cooperative behavior. Review of Managerial Science, Vol. 2(3), 183-197.






Boonmanunt, Suparee, Lauer, Thomas, Rockenbach Bettina and Weiß, Arne. 2016 Intertemporal Decisions for Oneself and for a Group and Conservation Decisions: Evidence from a Thai Coastal Village. Economy and Environment Program for Southeast Asia.

Boonmanunt, Suparee, Lauer, Thomas, Rockenbach Bettina and Weiß, Arne. 2016. How people’s decision making affects their conservation: A study from Thailand. Economy and Environment Program for Southeast Asia.


Lauer, Thomas and Untertrifaller, Anna. 2019. Conditional Dishonesty.

Kölle, Felix and Lauer, Thomas. 2019. Cooperation, Discounting, and the Effects of Delayed Costs and Benefits.

Bekk, Magdalena, Eppmann, Rene, Klein, Kristina and Lauer, Thomas. 2019. Demystifying reinforcement schedules: Variable ratios are not better than fixed ones.

Boonmanunt, Suparee, Lauer, Thomas, Rockenbach Bettina and Weiß, Arne. 2019. The persuasive power of patience in groups.

Lauer, Thomas, Schielke, Anne and Zeppenfeld, Christopher. 2018. Crowding-in sustainable consumption under varying opportunity costs.

Gürerk, Özgür, Lauer, Thomas and Scheuermann, Martin. 2018. Leader Legitimacy and Team Performance.

Gürerk, Özgür, Lauer, Thomas and Pigors, Mark. 2018. Supervisor’s Reward Power Mitigates Lying in Teammates’ Self-Reports.

Diebel, Yannik and Lauer, Thomas. 2018. You get what you pay for - The effect of incentives on quality and quantity in a real-effort experiment.

Gürerk, Özgür, Lauer, Thomas and Meyer, Nicolas. 2017. Sanctions, Cooperation and Happiness: How Leadership Styles affect Team Performance.

Lauer, Thomas, Rockenbach, Bettina and Walgenbach, Peter. 2016. The Effects of Observation and Rewards on Cooperation in Team Production.


Geförderte Forschungsprojekte

2018–2019 You get what you pay for - The effect of incentives on quality and quantity in a real-effort experiment, Center for Social and Economic Behavior, Universität zu Köln, 3.000 Euro.

2017–2018 Demystifying reinforcement schedules: Variable ratios are not better than fixed ones. Center for Social and Economic Behavior, Universität zu Köln, 3.000 Euro.

2016–2017 Cooperation, Discounting, and the Effects of Delayed Costs and Benefits, Center for Social and Economic Behavior, Universität zu Köln, 5.000 Euro.

2015–2016 Crowding-in sustainable consumption under varying opportunity costs, Center for Social and Economic Behavior, Universität zu Köln, 3.000 Euro.

2015–2016 Conditional Dishonesty - Lying within a Team, Center for Social and Economic Behavior, Universität zu Köln, 3.000 Euro.

2013–2015 Experimental Studies on the Determinants of Efficient Leadership, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, 54.000 Euro.

Vorträge und Konferenzen

Behavioral Science and Policy Workshop, Network for Integrated Behavioral Sciences, 2014, 2015.

ESA World Meeting, Economic Science Association, 2013, 2017, 2019.

ESA European Meeting, Economic Science Association, 2011, 2012, 2014, 2018.

German Association for Experimental Economic Research, (GfeW), 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 201, 2014, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019.

Workshop Organisation, Kommission Organisation, 2007, 2015.

NeuroPsychoEconomics, 2006.


Behavioral Economics [Vorlesung und Übung]

Experimental Methods [Vorlesung und Übung]

Experimental Organizational Economics [Seminar]

Conducting Experiments with zTree [Seminar]

Behavioral Experiments Online - An oTree programming workshop [Seminar]

Experimetrics - Analyzing experimental data [Seminar]