Dr. James William Santos


Post-doc Fellow (Max Weber Centre for Advanced Cultural and Social Studies)


C19 – research building "Weltbeziehungen" / C19.01.39

Office hours

by arrangement

Visiting address

Max Weber Centre for Advanced Cultural and Social Studies
C19 – research building "Weltbeziehungen"
Max-Weber-Allee 3
99089 Erfurt

Mailing address

Universität Erfurt
Max Weber Centre for Advanced Cultural and Social Studies
Postfach 90 02 21
99105 Erfurt

Dr. James William Santos

Personal information

  • Since 04/2024, Postdoctoral Researcher at Max Weber  (University of Erfurt), Humanities Centre for Advanced Studies
  • 2021-2024, Research Fellow at RAIES (Network for Ethical and Safe Artificial Intelligence).
  • 2021-2024, Postdoctoral Researcher at Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul.
  • 2017-2021, PhD (funded by CAPES), Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul. Supervisor: Prof. Emil Sobottka, Dissertation: Genealogy as immanent criticism of forms of life
  • 2019-2020, Guest PhD Researcher at Syracuse University. Supervisor: Prof.  Kenneth Baynes (funded by CAPES)

Research focus

  • Sociological Theory
  • Genealogical studies
  • Social movements
  • AI Ethics
  • Political theory and practices

Research project

Critique of Social Movements

Currently, the project of critique of social movements focuses on the conceptual aspect of the subject matter, seeking to understand social movements as an individuated form of life and a potentially resonant subject. The conceptual approach implied by this definition can be roughly summarized as follows: As an individuated form of life, social movements can described as a social phenomenon that arises specifically to solve specific problems in society but which are part of the comprehensive social formation – connected with localized problems and structural power relations. As potential resonant subjects, social movements become criticizable as historical attempts to articulate a problem (a problematic power relation, a hindrance to an experience) that can be permeated more or less by alienated and resonant practices or experiences from within the movement itself and from the overarching social formation/form of life. In the long term, I propose utilizing the concept to investigate case studies of social movements throughout modern history.

Selected publications

Peer-Reviewed Articles

  • Corrêa, N. K., Santos, J. W., Galvão, C., Pasetti, M., Schiavon, D., Naqvi, F., ... & Oliveira, N. D. (2024). Crossing the principle–practice gap in AI ethics with ethical problem-solving. AI and Ethics, 1-18. doi.org/10.1007/s43681-024-00469-8
  • Santos, J. W., and Sobottka, E. A. (2023). Genealogy, Immanent Critique and Forms of Life: A Path for Decolonial Studies. Human Affairs, 33(1), 101-114. doi.org/10.1515/humaff-2022-2034
  • Correa, N. K., Galvao, C., Santos, J. W., Del Pino, C., Pinto, E. P., Barbosa, C., ... and de Oliveira, N. (2023). Worldwide AI ethics: A review of 200 guidelines and recommendations for AI governance. Patterns, 4(10) doi.org/10.1016/j.patter.2023.100857
  • Nascimento, A. A.; Santos, J. W. . (2017) Pathways, tools and discourses in the search for the administration of penitentiary justice. Revista Brasileira De Ciencias Criminais , v. 138, p. 151-186.

Edited Volumes

  • Castanheira, N. P.; Tauchen, J.; Santos, J. W.; Everling, M.; Hein, M.; Bavaresco, A.; Souza, D. G. Ecological Issues in Interdisciplinary Perspective Vol. 3. 1. ed. Porto Alegre: Fundaçao Fênix, 2023. v. 3. 98p.

Book Chapters

  • Santos, J. W. In: Rigon, Bruno Silveira; Figueiredo, Vicente Cardoso de. (Eds.). Black Mirror: Dystopias of a present future. 1 ed. Sao Paulo: Tirant lo Blanch, 2020, v. , p. 89-96.
  • Santos, J. W.; Ramos, M. B. In: Ricardo Jacobsen Gloeckner; Leandro Ayres Franca; Bruno Silveira Rigon. (Eds.). Biopolitics: Studies on politics, governmentality, and violence. 1 ed. Curitiba, Parańa: IEA Editora, 2015, v. , p. 285-300