Research employee at the professorship for Educational Research and Methodology (Faculty of Education)


C19 – research building "Weltbeziehungen" / C19.01.21

+49 361 737-2019

Office hours

By appointment

Visiting address

Faculty of Education
C19 – research building "Weltbeziehungen"
Max-Weber-Allee 3
99089 Erfurt

Mailing address

Universität Erfurt
Faculty of Education
Postfach 90 02 21
99105 Erfurt

Member (Institute for Planetary Health Behaviour (IPB))


C19 – research building "Weltbeziehungen" / C19.01.21

Office hours

nach Vereinbarung

Visiting address

Institute for Planetary Health Behaviour (IPB)
C19 – research building "Weltbeziehungen"
Max-Weber-Allee 3
99089 Erfurt

Mailing address

Universität Erfurt
Institute for Planetary Health Behaviour (IPB)
Postfach 90 02 21
99105 Erfurt

Dr. phil. Eva Thomm

Research Focus

  • Understanding of scientific information (e.g., about health, climate and education matters)
  • Understanding and explanation of expert controversies in science
  • Understanding and evaluation of (scientific) evidence
  • Search and evaluation of information sources

Selected publications

  • Gold, B., Thomm, E., & Bauer, J. (2023). Using the Theory of Planned Behaviour to predict preservice teachers' preferences for scientific sources. British Journal of Educational Psychology, e12643.
  • Asberger, J., Futterleib, H., Thomm, E., & Bauer, J. (2022). Wie erkennt man Bildungsmythen? Sieben Heuristiken zum Selbsthinterfragen und Weitersagen. In G. Steins, B. Spinath, S., Dutke, M. Roth, & M. Limbourg (Hrgs.). Mythen, Fehlvorstellungen, Fehlkonzepte und Irrtümer in Schule und Unterricht (S. 3-26). Springer.
  • Bromme, R., Mede, N., Thomm, E., Kremer, B., & Ziegler, R. (2022). An anchor in troubled times: Trust in science before and within theCOVID-19 pandemic. PLoS ONE 17(2), e0262823., E., Gold, B., Betsch, T. & Bauer, J. (2021). When preservice teachers’ prior beliefs contradict evidence from educational research. British Journal of Educational Psychology, e12407.
  • Thomm, E., Gold, B., Betsch, T. & Bauer, J. (2021). When preservice teachers’ prior beliefs contradict evidence from educational research. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 91(3), e12407.
  • Barzilai, S., Thomm, E., & Shlomi-Elooz, T. (2020). Dealing with disagreement: The roles of topic familiarity and disagreement explanation in reasoning about conflicting expert claims and sources. Learning and Instruction, 69. [ausgezeichnet mit dem EARLI Outstanding Publication Award 2021]
  • Thomm, E., Barzilai, S., & Bromme, R. (2017). Why do experts disagree? The role of conflict topics and epistemic perspectives in conflict explanations. Learning and Instruction, 52, 15-26.
  • Thomm, E. & Bromme, R. (2016). How source information shapes lay interpretations of science conflicts: Interplay between sourcing, conflict explanation, source evaluation, and claim evaluation. Reading and Writing, 29. 1629-1652.

List of publications


Discourse Processes, Educational Psychologist, Educational Psychology Review, Instructional Science, Journal of the Learning Sciences, Learning and Individual Differences, Lehrerbildung auf dem Prüfstand, Metacognition and Learning, Media and Communication, Reading and Writing, Science Communication, Science Education, PLOS One, Psychology Learning and Teaching, Teaching and Teacher Education, Thinking and Reasoning, Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft, Zeitschrift für Pädagogische Psychologie/German Journal of Educational Psychology (associate editor)


  • Erfurter Open Science Initiative (EFOSI)
  • Center for Empirical Research in Economics and Behavioral Science (CEREB)
  • European Association of Research in Learning and Instruction (Earli)
  • Gesellschaft für Empirische Bildungsforschung (GEBF)
  • Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs)


Professional experience

  • since 2017 postdoctoral researcher at the chair of Educational Research and Methodology (Prof. Dr. Bauer), Faculty of Education, University of Erfurt
  • 2009 - 2016 doctoral/postdoctoral researcher at the chair of Educational Psychology (Prof. Dr. Bromme), Insitute of Psychology, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster


  • 2013 Doctor of Philosophy, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster (Title: "Whom to ask? Whom to trust? Exploring Laypersons' Capacities to Cope with the Division of Cognitive Labor")
  • 2009 University degree in Psychology (Diplom Psychologie), Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Germany