Study, child and family

Combining studying and bringing up a child is a special challenge for studying parents. The University of Erfurt has therefore set itself the goal of providing the best possible support for mothers and fathers nurturing  their children.


[Translate to English:] Schwangere Frau
Maternity leave during studies Further Information
Eine junge Frau sitzt gemeinsam mit einem Kind am Laptop
Study and examination arrangements Further Information

Further offers for studying parents

"Education and Study" card

"Education and Study" card

Kinder in der Universitätsbibliothek der Universität Erfurt

Upon presentation of the child's birth certificate, studying mothers and fathers can apply for a parenting card in Department 1: Registrar's Office. Together with this, a letter from the university management will be handed out for presentation to the teachers, which explicitly asks them to take into account the double burden of the students in their daily study routine.

The request can be made conveniently by email to A scan of the birth certificate(s) must then be attached to the email.

Department 1: Registrar's Office
Juliane Engelhardt
Nordhäuser Str. 63
D-99089 Erfurt
Verwaltungsgebäude, Raum 0.20
☎ +49 361 737-5111

Parent-child room in the University Library

Parent-child room in the University Library

In the library there is a workroom for parents and their children. The room is equipped with a desk, terminal and WLAN access. For the kids there is a play corner with children's books, toys and furniture. A changing table is located on the ground floor. For more information about reservation and usage please visit the pages of the University Library.

Arbeitsraum für Eltern mit Kind an der Universität Erfurt
Information Services
Contact: Antje Boon
(Erfurt University Library)
C16 – library / Servicetheke
Office hours
Please also note our

Parent-Child-Sport in the University Sports Club ("USV")

Parent-child-sport in the University Sports Club (USV)

The "USV" offers a variety of sports courses especially for children with and without parental guidance. The courses are age-appropriate, take place in the afternoon hours and are partly free of charge. For further information and registration please visit the USV's children's sports website.

University Sports Club Erfurt e.V.
Children's Sports Department
Yvette Kozazyk
Nordhäuser Str. 63
D-99089 Erfurt
☎ +49 361 737-1823

[Translate to English:] Mutter und Tochter beim Sport

Family-friendly canteen

Family-friendly canteen

High chairs are available for smaller children in the canteen. In addition, a "parent-child-area" invites children to play before, after or during lunch. A nappy-changing and nursing room offers a retreat for the care of the child.

[Translate to English:] Ein Kleinkind sitzt in einem Hochstuhl
Marie Krehan und Mirjam Triebe
(Student services organisation (Studierendenwerk))

Free lunch for children up to 6 years of age with the child ID

Free lunch for children up to 6 years of age with the child ID

With the Studentenwerk's child ID card, student parents who themselves eat lunch in the canteen can receive a free children's portion for their children (up to 6 years of age). You can obtain the card upon presentation of your student ID and birth certificate at the Information booth of student services organisation ("Studierendenwerk")

[Translate to English:] Ein Junge isst Spaghetti
Marie Krehan und Mirjam Triebe
(Student services organisation (Studierendenwerk))

Flexible childcare "Räuberhöhle"

The flexible childcare "Räuberhöhle" is open for children aged 12 weeks to 10 years. 

Ein Taschenrechner liegt auf einem Blatt Papier

Support for students with children

As a student, can I even afford to have a child? What possibilities are there for support and financial assistance? Who will help me with the application? You can find answers to these questions on our information page "Financing and Funding".

Eine junge Frau legt ihr Hand auf die einer älteren

Care of relatives

We are also happy to support and advise students on the subject of caring for relatives. The Department 1: Registrar's Office provides information, for example on questions of leave of absence and the possibility of deferring long-term study fees. For competent and quick help in coping with everyday life with relatives in need of care, we continue to recommend the "Pflegenetz Erfurt".

Advisory services

Counselling for students

Anne Zimmermann, M.A.
Student advice and counselling
(Department 1: Registrar‘s Office)
C02 – administration building / Erdgeschoss (Haupteingang)
Office hours
in person: Mondays to Thursdays 12-15 p.m. and by appointment

by telephone: Monday to Friday 9-11:30 a.m.
Ansprechpartner*innen für Studierende und Mitarbeitende
(Equal Opportunity Office)
C03 – teaching building 1 / C03.01.08
Office hours
Termine nach Vereinbarung
Profile page