City Walks

With the City Walks, we – the core members of the Religion and Urbanity research group – seek to discover those spaces in Erfurt which show us and our fellows how religion and urbanity have coalesced in Erfurt ever since it became a city. Each walk highlights one aspect of our research interests – be it how religious actors and spaces have influenced Erfurt’s topographical, architectural and social set up, how the co-use of city space was negotiated, how religious spaces today are configured, or how the Erfurt’s identity as the “city of flowers” plays itself out in present-day urban development projects. In 2020, our city walks were part of the DFG’s event series “Für das Wissen entscheiden”.

Each station of a city walk is prepared by a different member of the Religion and Urbanity group. From 2018 until 2023, Sara Keller, Martin Christ and Jörg Rüpke co-ordinated the walks. Since February 2023, Mirjam Wien, Aileen Becker, Mateusz Fafinski and Constanze Schaller have taken over.


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Lived Religion, 04.06.2019
Transformations of Religious Spaces, 18.07.2019
Sacred Places and Their Co-Use, 26.11.2019
Place Making, 30.06.2020
Another Erfurt, 14.10.2020
Urban Development & BUGA 2021: Along the Gera, 14.05.2021
Urban exclusions, 22.11.2021
Attitudes, atmospheres, aspirations: Erfurt's squares, 02.05.2022
Projecting Urbanity: In/Exclusion of the Dead in Erfurt, 17.10.2022
Urban Temporalities, 3.12.2022
Urban Resources, 17.04.2023
Jewish Heritage, 25.10.2023
Animals in/and the city, 14.04.2024