Dr. Joachim Nicolas Trezib


Alumnus (Max Weber Centre for Advanced Cultural and Social Studies)

Mailing address

Universität Erfurt
Max-Weber-Kolleg für kultur- und sozialwissenschaftliche Studien
Postfach 90 02 21
99105 Erfurt

Dr. Joachim Nicolas Trezib


Personal Details                              

Joachim Nicolas Trezib (geb. Schröder), * May 12th 1972 in Mannheim; married with Chaia Patrizia Trezib since 2003.
Since August 24th 2011 father of a daugther Liora Jakobea.


Academic Career

  • 2021: Currently (until October) Fellow of Max Weber Kolleg, Kollegforschungsgruppe „Religion and Urbanity“, University of Erfurt.
  • 2016 / I 2021: Lecturer and Researcher at Moses Mendelssohn Zentrum (MMZ) for European-Jewish Studies at Potsdam University as project leader (together with Dr. Ines Sonder) of the 5-year research project sponsored by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) „RASSCO. The Formation of the Housing Sector in Erez Israel : German-Israeli Institutionality in the Wake of the Haavara-Treaty und ‚Wiedergutmachung’ (1934 – 1973)“.
  • 2019: Academic Advisor to the Exhibion „Transferumbau Liebling-Dessau“, Opening Exhibition of Beit Liebling (The White City Centre, Tel Aviv), Sept. 19th 2019.
  • 2014 / 2015: Lectureship at Moses Mendelssohn Zentrum at Potsdam University.
  • 2008 / 2013: Since November 2008 Research Associate at the Institute for History and Theory of Architecture and the City (GTAS) of Technical University Braunschweig (Faculty for Architecture), Prof. Dr. Karin Wilhelm. Until 1/2013 responsible researcher of the 4-year DFG-sponsored research project "New Towns for New Tribes. Edgar Salin and the Israel-Project of the List Society (1959-1967)"                                
  • 2005 / 2007: From March 2005 until March 2007 Associate Teacher at the Faculty of Architecture (courses with Anat Almog, Zeev Drukmann and Zvi Efrat) at the Bezalel Academy of Art and Design (Jerusalem).
  • 2004 / 2011: Dissertation at the Institute for Settlement, Regional und National Planning (ORL) of Technical University Karlsruhe (KIT) since May 2004 with Prof. Dr.-Ing. Günther Uhlig (second examiner: Prof. Dr. Moshe Zuckermann, Tel Aviv University). 



  • Sept. 2006 until Sept. 2008: Promotional Scholarship of Gerda-Henkel-Stiftung
  • 1/2005 - 8/2005: Ministry of Foreign Affairs Scholarship
