Dr. Mariia Orobinska


Fellow (Max Weber Centre for Advanced Cultural and Social Studies)


Steinplatz 2, Raum 513

Visiting address

Universität Erfurt
Steinplatz 2
99085 Erfurt

Mailing address

Universität Erfurt
Postfach 90 02 21
99105 Erfurt

Career history & education

Career history

  • 2014 – 2018 Russian as a second language lecturer. Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University. Running Russian and Ukrainian as second languages courses. Leading speaking club for foreign students intending improving students’ communicational skills, acquainting with Ukrainian culture and developing intercultural relations. Conducting scientific work connected with philological and methodological issues.
  • 2018 – present Russian as a second language associate professor. Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University. Running Russian and Ukrainian as second languages, Scientific style courses (Medical and Technical Russian courses). Leading speaking club for foreign students intending improving students’ communicational skills, acquainting with Ukrainian culture and developing intercultural relations. Conducting scientific work connected with philological and methodological issues.


  • PhD in philology H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University (2011-2015)
  • Specialist (Hons) (equals to M.Ed.) English, Russian and World literature H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University (2010-2011)
  • B.Ed. (Hons) English, Russian and World literature H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University (2006-2010)

Research project

Cult constructions in Ukrainian and British literatures

Religion has always been an integral part of every culture thereby many different authors focused their attention on it. “Church” concept became one of the most prominent in creative works of British and Ukrainian writers and poets.

A variety of language and extralinguistics means were used for developing the concept. The perception of the text occurs both at the linguistic and figurative conceptual levels. Throughout perceiving a text at the linguistic level, the recipient reads the words which it consists of, sequentially, one after another: the first, then the second, the third, etc. Words generate «objective» images in our minds (paradigms). We understand the text if we link all the images with each other. However, the «objective» images, generated by words, are connected not only due to language competence. Knowledge of surrounding world phenomena provides these connections. And these «objective» images are not connected consistently. The recipient may connect the first one with the fourth one, etc. Thus, in the course of perceiving the text, it is restructured, i.e. there is a transition from words images connected at the language level to «objective» images connected at the mental level (paradigms).

The object of the study is paradigms that create images of cult constructions.

The purpose of the study is distinguishing the specific features characterising these paradigms in Ukrainian and British literatures. It will give an opportunity for determining similarities and differences in attitude to cult constructions, their part in routine in mentioned culture.

It is hoped that the end result of this study will be a clearer identification of cult constructions part in analysed cultures and factors determining it.


The general number of publications is 52.

The most significant publications are the following:

  • Stepanchenko I.I., Miroshnichenko M.P., Nesterenko K.V., Orobinska M.V., Prosianik O.P. (2016) Esenin and his surrounding: A. Mariengof − N. Kluiev − N. Klychkov. Comparative analysis of lexicon. Kharkiv: Ivanchenko I.S.
  • Orobinska M.V. (2016) Russian pock poetry: text depth modeling. Kharkiv: Ivanchenko I.S.
  • Haidei K.I., Orobinska M.V. (2017) Speaking club as the method of speaking skills improving Teaching languages at high schools at modern time. Experience. Research. 30 - 24-33
  • Orobinska M. V. (2021) Using Instagram in Teaching Міжнародний науково методичний семінар «Новітні педагогічні технології у викладанні мов іноземним студентам»: матеріали семінару, м. Харків, 25 лютого 2021 року. Kharkiv KhNAHU. 123 -132 p.
  • Scorobohatova O., Stepanchenko I., Orobinska M. (2022) Paradigmatic System of Lexical Units (Based on Poetic Text Analysis). Наукові записки Харківського національного педагогічного університету імені Г. С. Сковороди. Літературознавство. Kharkiv. 56-68 p.