PhD candidate (Max Weber Centre for Advanced Cultural and Social Studies)


C19 – research building "Weltbeziehungen" / C19.03.01

Visiting address

Max Weber Centre for Advanced Cultural and Social Studies
C19 – research building "Weltbeziehungen"
Max-Weber-Allee 3
99089 Erfurt

Mailing address

Universität Erfurt
Max Weber Centre for Advanced Cultural and Social Studies
Postfach 90 02 21
99105 Erfurt

Personal information

  • since January 2023: Doctoral Fellow KFG at Max Weber Center and Doctoral Scholarship from the Thüringer Landesgraduiertenförderung via the University of Erfurt
  • since August 2022: Tourguide at the Protestant Monastery of St. Augustines Erfurt
  • since August 2021: Editorial assistant for an anthology on the cultural history of collecting (research group "Kulturtechniken des Sammelns") University of Erfurt
  • March 2021 – May 2021: Pre-Doc Scholarship University of Erfurt
  • 2018 – March 2021: Master of Arts, Collection-based History of Knowledge and Culture, University of Erfurt (M.A.)
  • 2015 – 2018: Bachelor of Arts, Literary Studies and Management, University of Erfurt (B.A.)

Research interests:

  • Library history
  • Provenance research
  • City history of Erfurt

Research project

Educated citizens and their religious identity. On the interaction between Urbanity and Religion in the context of donation to the library of the Protestant Ministry in Erfurt

As one of the first cities with a regulated biconfessionality of Protestant and Catholic communities in Early Modern Europe, the urban structure of Erfurt was shaped in a unique way by religious actors, who were also key figures in urban processes (e.g. as members of the city council). The Protestant Ministry of Erfurt assembled all Protestant pastors of Erfurt and its suburbanean areas and founded its own library as an important center of Protestant life and work in Erfurt. The study’s epistemological interest is to clarify the role the library played in biconfessional Erfurt from its founding in 1646 until the 19th century and how it can be classified as an institution in the tension field between religion and urbanity. In addition, the study investigates to what extent the practice of donations within the framework of the library had an identity-forming effect on the local Protestant pastorate. Therefore the users and donors of the Ministerial Library are to be described as citizens of Erfurt. As actors in urban and religious transformation processes as well as in the library, they are important objects of research and offer a basis for insights into the interrelationship of religion and urbanity through the studies of their donations as well as the resulting conclusions about their private libraries and lives.

Homepage of the Library:


  • Online-Blogpost 05/06/2023 „Rave like God“ – Kirchen als Diskotheken? Moderne Nutzungskonzepte sakraler Orte – Religion and Urbanity: Reciprocal Formations (