

Vice Director of the Max-Weber-Kolleg
(Max Weber Centre for Advanced Cultural and Social Studies)
C19 – research building "Weltbeziehungen" / C19.00.25
Wolfgang Spickermann
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Spickermann
Assoziierter Fellow
(Max Weber Centre for Advanced Cultural and Social Studies)


Max-Weber-Kolleg, University of Erfurt

Jörg Rüpke (Director, Erfurt)

  • Religious Studies
  • Fellow at the Max-Weber-Kolleg
  • Research Focus: Ancient History of Religion and Theory of Religion

Hartmut Rosa (Vice director, Erfurt)

  • Vice spokesperson, Erfurt
  • Sociology
  • Director of the Max-Weber-Kolleg
  • Research Interests: Theory of Time and Acceleration, Theory of Self and World Relations, Resonance

 Jürgen Martschukat

  • Professor of North American History
  • Erfurt University
  • Research Interests: History of the Body, History and Theory of Discourses and Practices

Andreas Pettenkofer

  • Comparative Sociology
  • Erfurt University
  • Research Interests: Social Theory, Social Movement Studies, Sociology of Critique

Markus Vinzent

  • History of Theology, Patristics
  • Fellow at the Max-Weber-Kolleg
  • Research Interests: Early Christian and Patristic Studies, Neo-Platonism and its Reception through History (Medieval period, Enlightenment), Narratives, Second Modernity

Katharina Waldner

  • Associate Fellow at the Max-Weber-Kolleg
  • Seminar speaker (Seminar for Religious Studies)
  • Holder of the Professorship for General Religious Studies
  • Research Interests: Religions of the Ancient Mediterranean; Early Christianity in the Context of Imperial Culture; Martyrdom, Trauma and Violence in Early Christianity; Rituals and Ritual Theories; Religion and Gender; Religion and Space

Verena Weidner

  • Professor of Music and its Didactics
  • Erfurt University
  • Research Interests: Digitization and digital culture in Music and Music Education, Social Systems Theory, Classroom Discourse, Composing and Improvisation in Music Education, Disciplinary Development

University of Graz

Wolfgang Spickermann (Director, Graz)

  • Ancient History and Epigraphy
  • University of Graz
  • Research Focus: Germanic provinces, Late Antiquity and Early Christianity

Ursula Gärtner (Vice director, Graz)

  • Classical Philology
  • University of Graz
  • Research focus: Imperial literature, fables, iconography

Irmtraud Fischer

  • Old Testament Studies
  • University of Graz
  • Research Focus: Gender and Feminism studies, biblical theology

Christoph Heil

  • New Testament Studies
  • University of Graz
  • Research focus: Early Christianity, social history

Stephan Moebius

  • Sociology
  • University of Graz
  • Research Focus: Cultural Sociology, Sociological Theory, Sociology of Religion

Laerke Recht

  • Early Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology
  • University of Graz
  • Research Focus: Ritual and sacrifice in the Ancient Near East, Human-Animal Relations, Material Culture Studies, Archaeogical Theory

Peter Scherrer

  • Classical Archaeology
  • University of Graz
  • Research focus: Archaeology, epigraphy, ancient religion and ideology

Franz Winter

  • Religious Studies
  • University of Graz
  • Research Focus: Religious Studies, religious and cultural contacts between Europe and Asia


Elisabeth Begemann

  • Coordinator of the Graduate School in Erfurt
  • Research Interests: Religious History of Republican Rome, Historiography

Anna-Katharina Rieger

  • Coordinator of the Graduate School in Graz
  • Research focus: Roman archaology, Roman religion, landscape archaeology

Further members

Doctoral Fellows

Nancy Alhachem
Resonance instead of Alienation: The Practices of Memory among Migrants and Refugees in the German Culture of Remembrance
Personal Website

Lukas Bartl
Naturally beautiful. Naturally fit. Naturally healthy – the topos of „Natürlichkeit“ in GDR health publications and its political and social dimensions
Personal Website

Christopher Bégin
Religiosity and rituals in clubbing: resonance in unity, consumption and timelessness
Personal Website

Dina Bijelic
Modeling Christian rulership in the medieval Grail romance
Personal Website

Elizaveta Boyko
Development of cult urban places in Sicily in the end of 6th - the beginning of 5th century BC
Personal Website

Vincenzo Cerulli
Resonance praxis in filmmaking and film editing
Personal Website

Emma de Koning
A ‘Pregnant’ Image: The Resonance of Childbirth Iconography and Ritual in the Societies of the Ancient Mediterranean
Personal Website

Marcus Döller
Autonomy as Social Practice
Personal Website

Behnaz Ghazi Moradi
Spatiality, religion, and body: Relocating female experiences in Post-Revolutionary Iran
Personal Website

Heinrich Hofer
Untersuchung an den Fundamenten der „Gesellschaftsspaltung"
Personal Website

Lukas Jung
Die agonistische »Eventkultur« in Side und den pamphylischen Städten
Personal Website

Marios Kamenou
Resonant relationships and religious innovations: Interpreting ritual practices in the Hellenistic cult of the Mother of the Gods
Personal Website

Veronika Kolomaznik
Transformation und resonance of the enlivened Phallos. Metamorphosis and significance of a powerful ancient motif (working title)
Personal Website

Elena Malagoli
Personal Website

Manuel Moser
Mein Schönes Auto als entdinglichtes Ding? Eine vergleichende empirische Studie zu Auto- und Motoradpilgerfahrten und -segnungen in Mitteleuropa und Bolivien bezogen auf das Verhältnis der drei Resonanzachsen zueinander
Personal Website

Zahra Naghshband
Experiencing Resonance Amidst Uncertainty of Time: Performing Rituals and the Problem of Sacred Time among Shiites during Ramadan
Personal Website

Nicole Navratil
Performing the Nation – and Womanhood? The self-staging of female leaders of today’s nationalist parties in Europe
Personal Website

Florian Oppitz
Orte christlich motivierter Wohltätigkeit im spätantiken östlichen Mittelmeerraum. Eine interdisziplinäre Studie anhand archäologischer und anderer antiker Quellen
Personal Website

Rupert Rainer
The Ekphrasis of the Hagia Sophia in the context of self-world relation
Personal Website

Stella Rehbein
Romantik in Zeiten abnehmender Resonanz. Eine ungleichheits- und geschlechtersoziologische Untersuchung von Liebe zwischen Ritual und Routine
Personal Website

Matthias Scholler
Ruler-cult and crisis. The imperial cult and the third century crisis
Personal Website

Marina Schutti
A Cypriot Pig Story - Human-suid Relations from the Neoltihic to the Classical period
Personal Website

Lena Spickermann
Resonanz(-blockaden) in der wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisgenese um die moderne Frau – Viola Klein: Pionierin einer resonanzfördernden Geschlechterforschung
Personal Website

João Tziminadis
Unleashing Life from its Boundaries: The Bioscientific-Cultural Pursuit of Vitality and the Finiteness of the Human
Personal Website

Armin Unfricht
Identität, Integration, Politik: Zur gesellschaftlichen Bedeutung von Heroisierung und kultischer Verehrung historischer Persönlichkeiten bei den Griechen
Personal Website

Emma Charlotte Weiher
You must be all things - Resonant Prayer Poems in the North American Literary Tradition
Personal Website

Charles White
Resonance through YELLO: Exploring the Theory of Resonance in Young Ensemble Learning through Laptop Orchestra
Personal Website

Malka Wijeratne
Mos Maiorum, Resonance and Emotion
Personal Website

Clemens Wurzinger
How Literature Touches Us. Of immersion and transformation in Tibullus
Personal Website

Alina Zeller
Trachtenvereine in the USA: practices of Bavarian customs associations in the negotiation of German-American ethnicity, culture and tradition
Personal Website

Mercator Fellows

Fouad Gehad Marei
Research Project: "Feeling Sectarian? Shi‘i Ritual Practice, Affective Relations, and Holy War in the Middle East"
Personal Website

Georgia Petridou
Research Interests: Greek Literature, Greek and Roman Religion, Greek and Roman Medicine, Greek Epigraphy
Personal Website
University of Liverpool

Rubina Raja
Reseach Project: "Cults and Sanctuaries of the Tetrapolis Region"
Personal Website
University of Aarhus

Ada Taggar-Cohen
Research Project: "The Concept of Gender Appearance – Divine and Mundane – in Hittite and Biblical texts"
Personal Website (MWK)
Personal Website (external)

Collaborating Researchers


Martin Fuchs
Religious History of India

Richard Gordon
Ancient History of Magic

Christoph Henning

Benedikt Kranemann
Liturgical Studies
Faculty of Catholic Theology

Antje Linkenbach-Fuchs
Comparative Ethnology

Beatrice Renzi
Anthropology and Religion of South Asia

Emiliano Urciuoli
Early Christianity

Jutta Vinzent 
History of Classical, Modern and Contemporary Art

University of Graz

Anneliese Felber
Byzantine Orthodoxy and Patrology

Manfred Lehner
Classical Archaeology, Roman Provincial Archaeology, Medieval Archaeology

Katharina Scherke
Sociology of Culture, Art and Science, History of Sociology, Theory of Sociology

Leif Scheuermann
Ancient History, Digital Humanities, Historical Geography

Klaus Tausend
Ancient History, Mycenology, Military History, History of Germanic Tribes

Sabine Tausend
Ancient History, Gender Studies, Reception of Antiquity

Elisabeth Trinkl
Archaeology, Digital Archaeology

Associated doctoral fellows of the Max-Weber-Kolleg

Rafael Barroso Romero
Religious Studies

Sofia Bianchi Mancini

Felipe Perissato
Religious Studies

Konrad Pfeffel
Religious Studies

Martin Repohl

Anton Röhr

Seraphim Schirrmacher
Music Education


since 2021

Bennet Bergmann
Im Einklang mit Gott und der Welt: Untersuchung des Verhältnisses von Meditationsritualen und phänomenologischen Resonanzbeziehungen zur Welt

Kai Brodersen
Classics, Ancient Culture, Historiography

Sára Eszter Heidl
Event Religion as an alternative to modern religious phenomena

Gabriel Malli
Heilige Körper. Eine resonanz- und religionssoziologische Untersuchung der religiösen Verschleierung

David Palme
Widerspruch als Lebensform / Contradiction as a Form of Life

Luca Pellarin
Time (Dis)Closure. Learning From Christian Eschatology

Aaron Plattner
Resonanz und Ekphrasis. Die Stimmen heiliger Räume, Rituale und Gegenstände bei Pausanias

Blaž Ploj
Religiöse Rituale in den Komödien von Titus Maccius Plautus

Olivera Koprivica
Female Bodies and Angelic Likeness: The Place and Role of the Body in Everyday Life of Orthodox Women Monastics – A Qualitative Study

Eveline Krummen

Winfried Kumpitsch
Der Einfluss christlicher Soldaten auf die Entstehung eines christlichen Soldatenideals

Anita Neudorfer
Zur Heilkraft von Gesang. Rezente Gesangsbewegungen aus resonanztheoretischer Perspektive

Diana Pavel
Platforms of Enounters or A Table for Offerings? The Aspects of the Etruscan Altar in the Public and the Private Sphere in the 7th to 2nd Century BC

Georgia Petridou
Greek Literature, Greek and Roman Religion, Greek and Roman Medicine, Greek Epigraphy

Thomas Sojer
Simone Weil's 'resonant reception' of Early Christianity

Ramón Soneira Martínez
Atheism and Unbelief in Ancient Greece

Raphaela Swadosch
Das Hohelied als Beitrag zur Radikalisierung der Beziehungsidee - eine Untersuchung der Resonanzverhältnisse des Hohelieds

Isabell Wagener
Wer bin ich? Personifikations- und Kultdarstellungen als Ausdruck resonanter Weltbeziehungen im Spiegel der aristophanischen Komödie

Katharina Waldner
Religious Studies in Mediterranean Antiquity, Early Christianity