| Erziehungswissenschaftliche Fakultät, Katholisch-Theologische Fakultät, Philosophische Fakultät, Historisches Seminar, Staatswissenschaftliche Fakultät, Forschung, Veranstaltungen

The Long History of the "Wende" – Experiences of a Dialogue Journe

As part of its colloquium at the University of Erfurt, the research association "Dictatorship Experience and Transformation" invites you to another online event on Thursday, 20 January at 4 pm. Professor Kerstin Brückweh and Clemens Villinger will talk about "The Long History of the 'Wende' – Experiences of a Dialogue Journey".

How did people in East Germany experience the last years of the GDR and the change of system? This question was addressed by the research group "Die lange Geschichte der 'Wende'. Lebenswelt und Systemwechsel in Ostdeutschland vor, während und nach 1989" explored this question from different perspectives. On a dialogue tour in January 2020, contemporary witnesses were actively involved in the spirit of "Citizen Science/Citizens Create Knowledge" and new ways of science communication were tested. In addition to the experiences of the dialogue trip, the lecture will discuss potentials and challenges of combining science, eyewitness memories, photography and journalism.

The speakers:
Kerstin Brückweh, Professor of Economic and Social History, received her doctorate in Bielefeld on "Serial Murders in the 20th Century" and habilitated in Tübingen on censuses in Great Britain. At the Leibniz Centre for Contemporary History Research (ZZF) Potsdam, she led the project "The Long History of the 'Wende'".
Clemens Villinger studied history in Dresden and Berlin and did his doctorate at the Max-Weber-Kolleg of the University of Erfurt on "Consumption, Everyday Life and Social Inequality in the Long History of the 'Wende'".

The colloquium will take place digitally via the Cisco Webex platform in the winter semester 2021/22. (Meeting room: https://uni-erfurt.webex.com/meet/DuT_UE). No separate registration with Webex is necessary, you can join the meeting directly via your browser. For further questions or information please contact: dut.info@uni-erfurt.de.

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