Haakonssen, Knud

Professor for Intellectual History
University of St. Andrews
St. Katherine's Lodge
The Scores
St. Andrews, Fife KY16 9BA
Scotland, UK
University of Copenhagen
Saxo Institute
Karen Blixens Plads 8
2300 Copenhagen S
Research interests
Post-Grotian natural law, Multiple Enlightenments, Formation of the modern idea of the history of philosophy
A re-edition of Samuel Pufendorf’s The Law of Nature and Nations
Selected bibliography concerning Natural law
- Books
(Co-ed. with Christian Maurer), Francis Hutcheson, A System of Moral Philosophy (Indianapolis, IN: Liberty Fund, in press)
(Co-ed. with Ian Hunter), Cambridge Companion to Pufendorf (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022)
(Gen. co-ed. With Frank Grunert, Louis Pahlow), Early Modern Natural Law: Studies & Sources (Leiden: Brill, 2019-)
(with Paul Wood) Thomas Reid on Society and Politics, edited with an Introduction (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2015)
(with James Harris) Thomas Reid, Essays on the Active Powers of Man, edited with an Introduction (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2010)
(Gen. ed.) Natural Law and Enlightenment Classics (Indianapolis, IN: Liberty Press), 43 titles, 2002- (42 titles published)
Grotius, Pufendorf and Modern Natural Law, International Library of Critical Essays in the History of Philosophy (Aldershot, Hants., Brookfield, Vt.: Dartmouth Publishing Co., 1998), xix + 587 pp.
Natural Law and Moral Philosophy. From Grotius to the Scottish Enlightenment (Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1996).
- Chinese translation (Zhejiang University Press, 2010).
Thomas Reid, Practical Ethics; being Lectures and Papers on Natural Religion, Self-Government, Natural Jurisprudence and the Law of Nations. Edited from the manuscripts with an Introduction and a Commentary (Princeton UP, 1990).
- Revised edition: Thomas Reid on Practical Ethics (Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP, 2007).
The Science of a Legislator. The Natural Jurisprudence of David Hume and Adam Smith (Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1981).
- French translation (Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1998)
- Japanese translation (Tokyo: Minerva Shobo, 2001)
- Chinese translation (Zhejiang: Zhejiang University Press, 2010).
- Articles
(with Gábor Gángó), 'Preface' in Natural Law in East-Central Europe, ed. Gábor Gángó (Leiden: Brill, 2023) p, vii-xiv.
(with Frank Grunert, Dithelm Klippel) ‘Natural Law 1625-1850. An International Research Network’ in Aufklärung 30 (2018), p. 267-76.
‘Early-modern natural law’ in Cambridge Companion to Natural Law Jurisprudence, ed. George Duke and Robert P. George (Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2017).
‘Introduction: The Author and the Work’ in Ludvig Holberg (1684-1754): Learning and Literature in the Nordic Enlightenment, ed. K. Haakonssen & S. Olden-Jørgensen (Routledge, 2017) p. 13-25.
‘Holberg’s Law of Nature and Nations’ in Ludvig Holberg (1684-1754): Learning and Literature in the Nordic Enlightenment, ed. K. Haakonssen & S. Olden-Jørgensen (Routledge, 2017), p. 59-79.
‘Indledning’ in Ludvig Holberg, Introduction til Naturens og Folkerettens Kundskab in Ludvig Holbergs Skrifter: http://holbergsskrifter.dk/holberg-public/view?docId=NF/NF_innl.page&doc.view=minimal.
‘The Lectures on Jurisprudence’ in Adam Smith. His Life, Thought and Legacy, ed. Ryan Hanley (Princeton UP, 2016), p. 48-66.
(with M. Seidler) ‘Natural Law: Law, Rights and Duties’ in A Companion to Intellectual History, ed. R. Whatmore (Wiley-Blackwell, 2016), p. 377-401.
[Review] Benjamin Straumann, Roman Law in the State of Nature, in Bryn Mawr Classical Review, 2016: http://bmcr.brynmawr.edu/2016/2016-01-32.html.
'Enlightenment and the ubiquity of natural law' in Jahrbuch der Österreichischen Gesellschaft zur Erforschung des 18. Jahrhunderts (2012), p. 45-57.
'Christian Wolff' in Oxford Handbook of the History of International Law, ed. Bardo Fassbinder & Anne Peters (Oxford: Oxford UP, 2012), p. 1106-1109.
'Samuel Pufendorf' in Oxford Handbook of the History of International Law, ed. Bardo Fassbinder & Anne Peters (Oxford: Oxford UP, 2012), p. 1102-1105.
'Holbergs Pufendorf - men hvilken Pufendorf?' in Holbergs naturrett, ed. Jørgen Sejersted and Eiliv Vinje (Oslo: Gyldendal Norske Forlag, 2012), p. 31-45.
'Natural jurisprudence and the identity of the Scottish Enlightenment' in Religion and Philosophy in Enlightenment Britain, ed. R. Savage (Oxford: Oxford UP, 2012), p. 258-277.
'Natural rights or political prudence? Toleration in Francis Hutcheson' in Natural Law and Toleration in the Early Enlightenment, ed. J. Parkin and T. Stanton (Oxford: Oxford UP/Proceedings of the British Academy, 2013), p. 261-289.
'Natural law and personhood: Samuel Pufendorf on social explanation', Max Weber Lecture (European University Institution, 2010): cadmus.eui.eu/handle/1814/14934.
'Natural law' in Routledge Companion to Ethics, ed. J. Skorupski (Routledge, 2010), p. 76-87.
'German natural law' in Cambridge History of Eighteenth-Century Political Thought, ed. Mark Goldie and Robert Wokler (Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2006), p. 251-90.
'Protestant natural law theory: A general interpretation' in New Essays on the History of Autonomy. A Collection Honoring J.B. Schneewind, ed. Natalie Brender and Larry Krasnoff (Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2004), p. 92-109. Revised as 'Natural law without metaphysics: A protestant tradition', in Contemporary Perspectives on Natural Law, ed. A. M. Gonzales (Ashgate, 2008), p. 67-85.
'Natural jurisprudence and the theory of justice' in The Cambridge Companion to the Scottish Enlightenment, ed. Alexander Broadie (Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2003), p. 205-21.
'The moral conservatism of natural rights' in Natural Law and Civil Sovereignty: Moral Right and State Authority in Early Modern Political Thought, ed. Ian Hunter and David Saunders (Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2002), p. 27-42.
'The character and obligation of natural law according to Richard Cumberland' in English Philosophy in the Age of Locke, ed. M.A. Stewart (Oxford: Oxford UP, 2000), p. 29-47.
'Christian Thomasius' in Encyclopedia of Philosophy, ed. Edward Craig, 10 vols., (London: Routledge, 1998), vol. 9, p. 376b-80b.
'Divine/natural law theories in ethics' in Cambridge History of Seventeenth-Century Philosophy, ed. D. Garber & M. Ayers, (Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1998), p. 1317-57.
'Natural law and natural rights in the Enlightenment' in Danish Yearbook of Philosophy, 1995: Festschrift for Karsten Friis Johansen (Copenhagen: 1995).
'From natural law to the rights of man: A European perspective on American debates' in A Culture of Rights, ed. K. Haakonssen and M. Lacey (Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1991), p. 19-61.
'Natural law' in Encyclopedia of Ethics, 2 vols., ed. L. C. Becker (Garland, 1991), vol. 2, p. 876-83; 2nd, 3 vols., ed. L. C. and C. B. Becker (Routledge, 2001) vol. 2, p. 1205-1212.
'Natural law and moral realism: The Scottish synthesis' in The Philosophy of the Scottish Enlightenment, ed. M.A. Stewart (Oxford: Oxford UP, 1990), p. 61-85.
'Natural jurisprudence in the Scottish Enlightenment. Summary of an interpretation' in Enlightenment, Rights and Revolution, ed. D.N. MacCormick and Z. Bankowski (Aberdeen: Aberdeen UP, 1989), p. 36-49.
'Moral philosophy and natural law. From the Cambridge Platonists to the Scottish Enlightenment' in Political Science, 40 (1988), p. 97-110. Reprinted in Grotius, Pufendorf and Modern Natural Law (International Library of Critical Essays in the History of Philosophy), ed. K. Haakonssen (Aldershot, Hants., Brookfield, Vt.: Dartmouth Publishing Co., 1998).
'Natural law and the Scottish Enlightenment' in Man and Nature, Proc. of the Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, vol. 4, ed. D.H. Jory & C. Stewart-Robertson (Edmonton, 1985), p. 47-80.
'Hugo Grotius and the history of political thought' in Political Theory, 13 (1985): 239-65; reprints in Great Political Thinkers, vol. 7, sub-vol. 2, ed. J.M. Dunn and I. Harris (London: Edward Elgar Publishing, 1997); and in Grotius, Pufendorf and Modern Natural Law (International Library of Critical Essays in the History of Philosophy), ed. K. Haakonssen (Aldershot, Hants., Brookfield, Vt.: Dartmouth Publishing Co., 1998).