Link to the PAS-KIDS website
Link to pre-registration at OSF
Communicative participation, intelligibility in context & communication attitude in relation to psychosocial problems of preschool children who stutter (3;0-5;11 yrs) (project: PAS-KIDS)
- Date: since October 2020
- Objective: Even in 2021 evidence on the communication impact of stuttering in preschool children remain unclear. Therefore, the present project investigates the communicative participation, intelligibility in context, communication attitude and well-being as well as psychosocial problems (f.e. anxiety and depression) of preschool children who stutter (3;0-5;11 years old).
- Assessments (German versions):
1. SSI-4: Stuttering Severity Instrument (Riley, 2009)
2. QBS: Qualitative description of stuttering and secondary behavior (Schneider, 2014)
3. KiddyCat-G (Vanryckeghem & Brutten, 2007)
4. SPAA-C 2.0: Likert Scale of communication well-being of the Speech Participation And Activity of Children questionnaire (McLeod, 2003)
5. FOCUS-34: Focus on the Outcomes of Communication Under Six (Thomas-Stonell et al., 2010).
6. ICS: Intelligibility in Context Scale (McLeod, Harrison, & McCormack, 2012)
7. CBCL 1½- 5: Child Behavior Checklist 1½-5 (Achenbach, 2000) - Contact: Juline Hiltemann, Professor Dr Sandra Neumann
Timeline PAS-KIDS
Start of the PhD project
The PhD project starts under the supervision of Prof Dr Neumann.
Article forum:logopdie
Publication of an article in the journal forum:logopädie by Prof Dr Neumann and J. Hagemann.
Ethics application
The Ethics Advisory Board of the University of Erfurt has decided positively on the ethics application for the project.
The project was pre-registered with OSF Registries in the spirit of the Erfurt Open Science Initiative (EFOSI).
Start of recruitment
Recruitment for the project's data collection has begun.
Admission to the graduate centre Language Mastery
The PAS Kids project has been accepted into the University of Erfurt's junior research college 'Sprachbeherrschung'.
PhD scholarship
The PAS Kids project is now supported by a PhD scholarship from the University of Erfurt.
20 test persons
The first twenty survey sets could be completely examined and the evaluations returned to the practices.