on appointment
Faculty of Catholic Theology
C14 – staff building 3
Schwarzburger Str. 121
99089 Erfurt
Universität Erfurt
Faculty of Catholic Theology
Postfach 90 02 21
99105 Erfurt
C14 – staff building 3 / Dachgeschoss
on appointment
Faculty of Catholic Theology
C14 – staff building 3
Schwarzburger Str. 121
99089 Erfurt
Universität Erfurt
Faculty of Catholic Theology
Postfach 90 02 21
99105 Erfurt
Born 21.11.1964
Nationality: German
Confession: Catholic
Personal status: married, two children
Chairholder of the Department of Christian Social Ethics and Social Sciences, Faculty of Catholic Theology, University of Erfurt, since 2003.
WS 2002 - SS 03 C4 – Endowed professorship for Business Ethics, University of Kassel
WS 2001- SS 2002 C4 - Replacement professorship at the department of Christian Social Ethics, University of Erfurt
WS 1998-2001 Lecturer for Social Ethics at the University of Cologne
5/1997-2001 Executive secretary at the Institute for Science and Ethics, University of Bonn
1988 Student Assistant at the department of Moral Theology and Christian Social Ethics, LMU Munich
1987 Student Assistant, UN, Center for Transnational Corporations, New York, USA
1995 – 4/1997 Keynote advisor in the planning department of Federal President Prof. Dr. Roman Herzog, Bonn/Berlin. Responsibility: Business, Ethics und Social Politics
11/1993 - 1994 Advisor at the office of the Federal Minister of Transportation, Bonn
4 - 5/1991 Advisor on the economy of environment, Siemens AG
2001 Habilitation in Catholic Theology in the field of Christian Social Sciences and Ethics, University of Würzburg
1994 Dr. rer. pol., Doctoral Thesis in Business Ethics, Department of Business Ethics, University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt
Since 2013 Member and Mentoring Professor, Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung e.V.
Since 2012 Consultant at the comission "fundamental social problems", DBK (German Bishops' Conference)
Since 2010 Member of the editorial staff, Periodical "Theologie der Gegenwart" (Theology of the Present)
Since 2008 Member of SOLWODI E.V. Bayern
Since 2006 Member, "Socialpolitik der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften" (Social policy of the Society of economic and social sciences)
Since 2005 Member, European "Societas Ethica"
Since 2001 Member, AG Sozialethikerinnen und Sozialethiker im deutschsprachigen Raum (community of the german-speaking Ethicists)
The new publication of the "Roman Herzog Institut" concerns the topic "Ethical Basics of Good Leadership". In this context there was an Interview with Prof. Dr. Elke Mack.
Read here the Interview: Interview mit Prof. Dr. Elke Mack (.pdf)
Read here the entire publication of the "Roman Herzog Institut": Ethische Grundlagen guter Führung (.pdf)
The periodical "Christ in der Gegenwart" frequently asks Theologists to answer a questionnaire about their personal and occupational life.
Read here the interview with Prof. Dr. Elke Mack: Interview mit Prof. Dr. Elke Mack (.pdf)