Research foci
Current third-party funded projects
- Religious interpretive power conflicts and outbidding struggles in the global field of Salafism: A discourse-analytical study of Salafist beliefs between Germany and Morocco, funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) 2020-2024; carried out at RWTH Aachen University
Film "Das Projekt Deutungsmacht"
Doctorates and habilitations in progress
Doctoral projects in progress
Christian Gyamfi: The Phenomenology of African Traditional Religion and Culture - Reconfigurating the African Mind
James Victor Innyasi: Gender Roles in the Philosophy of Family: A Comparative Study of the Ancient Tamil Literature and the Contemporary Western Literature
(MWI scholarship) -
Benedikt Nießen: An investigation of late medieval concepts of the afterlife in the context of socio-cultural developments
Kulandai Yesu Raja: An Inclusive Anthropological Conscientisation for the Synodal-Centric Church. A Rereading of Gaudium et spes 23-32
(Scholarship of the MWI) -
Claudia Stenske: The religiously meaningful potential of Technology. A multi-perspective investigation
(Cusanuswerk scholarship) -
Asad Madni: Transhumanism and the Future of Religion. A Comparative Analysis of Resonance in Transhumanist Groups and Spiritual Traditions
Sijo Chirayath: Beyond Mortality. A Comparative Study of Eschatological Perspectives in Eastern and Western Religious Traditions within the Multireligious and Multicultural Tapestry of India
Habilitation projects in progress
Maryann Egbujor: Artificial Intelligence, Social Media and its Influence on Culture
(university lecturer IMS - DW/Uni-Bonn/HBRS) -
Judith Gruber: Theology as cultural studies? An interdisciplinary exploration in random samples
(Professor of Systematic Theology Katholieke Universiteit Leuven)
Series publishing

- Global Religion - Religion global (BRILL)
edited by Patrick Becker and Claudia Jahnel
Editorial Board: Afe Adogame (Princeton), Sharon A. Bong (Kuala Lumpur), Tomáš Halík (Prague), Carlos Mendoza-Álvarez (Mexico City/Boston), Markus Mühling (Wuppertal), Myriam Renaud (Chicago)
Volume 1: Kenneth Centeno: Renegotiating the Sacred. A Search Towards a New Way of Understanding the Filipino Consciousness of God, 2022
Volume 2: Bernhard Grümme et al. (eds.): Globale Christentümer. Theologische und religionswissenschaftliche Perspektiven, 2022
Volume 3: Izak Y. M. Lattu: Rethinking Interreligious Dialogue. Orality, Collective Memory, and Christian-Muslim Engagements in Indonesia, 2023

- Technology und Religion - Technology and Religion (Nomos)
edited by Patrick Becker and Axel Siegemund
Volume 2: Axel Siegemund: Grenzziehungen in Industrie- und Biotechnik. Transcendence and assertions of meaning in technological modernisation in Asia and Europe, 2022
Awarded the Hanns Lilje Foundation Prize for Freedom and Responsibility