Steffen Mingenbach

Dissertation Project: Young People's Understanding of Democracy. An Empirical Study of School Students in the Aachen City Region

Based on a study of political science concepts of democracy and the life phase of adolescence, the dissertation project examines attitudinal and socioeconomic factors influencing adolescents' satisfaction with democracy. As part of the research project, graduating classes at vocational schools and secondary schools in the Aachen city region were surveyed (2020, 2021, 2022).

Studies / scientific and professional appointments

Since 06/2018 Coordinator historical-political education, Education Office of the Aachen City Region 09/2017 to 03/2018 Research Assistant, Chair of Political Education, University of Erfurt 02/2017 to 06/2017 Semester abroad (Political Science, Law and Economics), Andrássy University Budapest 10/2015 to 03/2018 Studies of Political Science (Political Science, Law and Economics), University of Erfurt (Master of Arts) 10/2012 to 09/2015 Studies of Social Sciences (History, Political Science, Sociology and Theology), RWTH Aachen University (Bachelor of Arts).


Fundamentals of Political Education (Summer Semester 2022, University of Erfurt)

Fundamentals of Political Education (Summer Semester 2021, University of Erfurt)

Critical Political Education (Summer Semester 2020, University of Erfurt)

Civic Education in Germany (Summer Semester 2019, University of Erfurt)


Mingenbach, Steffen: Democracy Satisfaction of Young People during the Corona Pandemic, in: Grotz, Florian (ed.): New World - Different Politics? Politikwissenschaftliche Vermessungsversuche, Baden-Baden 2022 (Publications of the German Political Science Association, DGfP, Vol. 39) (in German).

(with Sascha Derichs) Establishing Youth Participation Measures in Municipal Educational Landscapes - The Example of StädteRegion Aachen, in: Suthues, Bettina (ed.): Potenziale und Herausforderungen vernetzter Bildung in der Kommune, Münster 2016, pp. 41-45.


Civic Education & Social Groupwork - Intersections: Goals, methods and practices (IASWG Symposium 17.06.2022, Online).

What about democracy satisfaction among students* in times of Corona? (Constance 02.05.2022)

Young people's attitudes towards democracy during the Corona pandemic (DGfP workshop "Politics in crisis mode" 01.07.2021, Online).

05.05.2017: Analysis of Online-Services of German Municipalities, Central and Eastern European e|Dem and e|Gov Days 2017 (Budapest).