Quality Management


Quality management for teaching and learning at the Faculty Economics, Law and Social Sciences accompanies all quality assurance processes within the faculty. This includes, among other things, processes of (re-)accreditation, reporting of key figures and evaluation results, periodic preparation of QM reports, implementation of quality assurance measures.

The central actors of quality management at the faculty are the dean , the staff member for quality management in teaching and learning, the faculty council, the study commission and the departmental spokespersons.

Quality Management Reports of the Faculty of Economics, Law and Social Sciences


The quality report is a presentation of the faculty's activities in quality management in teaching and learning over the last one to two years. Among other things, it serves the internal documentation and communication of the QM activities at the faculty and is a faculty-owned document that is maintained and updated by the faculty.


QM-Bericht 2021

Awards for good teaching

WiSe 2021/22

Course with less than or equal to 30 participants

  Name of the teacher Name of the course
1. Jan Siegemund Management & Sustainability Business Game (Block Seminar)
2. Prof. Dr. Andreas Goldthau From Ricardo to Geoeconomics. Contemporary Debates in International Political Economy (Seminar)
3. Dr. Hasnain Bokhari Cybersecurity and Public Policy (block course)

Course with more than 30 participants and less than or equal than 100 participants

  Name of the teacher Name of the course
1. Dr. Robert Böttner Exercise on general administrative law
2. Michael Güpner The German political system - Tutorial
  Prof. Dr. Achim Kemmerling Advanced Methods (Lecture)
3. Prof. Dr. Oliver Himmler Finance I (Lecture)

Course with more than 100 participants

[Translate to English:] Platz Name of the teacher Name of the course
1. Prof. Dr. Guido Mehlkop Methods of empirical social research (lecture)
2. Prof. Dr. Michael Riegner State organization (Lecture)
3. Dr. Sebastian Köhlerschmidt International Economics I (Tutorial)

SoSe 2021

Course with less than or equal to 30 participants

  Name of the Teacher Name of the course
1. Dr. Jasmin Siri Sociology of parties (Seminar)
2. Dr. Pau-Palop Garcia Analyzing Global Issues through the Lens of the United Nations: A Podcast (Seminar)
3. PD Dr. habil. Patrick A. Mello Qualitative Comparative Analysis + Tutorial (Seminar)

Course with more than 30 participants and less than or equal than 100 participants

  Name of the teacher Name of the course
1. Prof. Dr. Till Talaulicar Organizational change (lecture)
2. Dr. Özgür Gürerk Data analysis with Excel (seminar)
3. Jannick Plaasch Macroeconomics I (Tutorial)

Course with more than 100 participants

  Name of the teacher Name of the course
1. PD Dr. Robert Frau Practical seminar in international law (block course)
2. Prof. Dr. Guido Mehlkop Statistics (Lecture)
3. Dr. Thorsten Thiel Introduction to the analysis of political systems and policy fields (Lecture)

WiSe 2020/21

Course with more than 30 participants and less than or equal than 100 participants

  Name of the teachers Name of the course
1. Dr. Pau Palop-García Tutorial for Introduction to Public Policy (Übung)
2. Dr. Robert Fritzsch Project Seminar 'Social City' (Seminar)
3. Prof. Dr. Oliver Himmler Finance I (Lecture)

Course with more than 100 participants

  Name of the teacher Name of the course
1. Prof. Dr. Guido Mehlkop Methods of empirical social research (lecture)
2. PD Dr. Robert Frau Law of state organization (lecture)
3. Apl. Prof. Dr. Alexander Thumfart Introduction to Social Science Theories (Exercise)

SoSe 2020

Course with less than or equal to 30 participants

1. Dr. Robert Fritzsch Theories of justice (seminar)
2. Jan Siegemund Management & Sustainability (CSR) Business Game (Seminar)
3. Dr. Zeynep Gülşah Çapan Gender and Sexualities in IR (Seminar)

Course with more than 30 participants and less than or equal than 100 participants

1. Dr. Robert Fritzsch Project Seminar 'Cosmopolitan City' (Lecture)
2. Prof. Dr. Tobias Rötheli Macroeconomics I (Exercise)
3. Dr. Özgür Gürerk Data analysis with Excel (seminar)

Course with more than 100 participants

1. Prof. Dr. Guido Mehlkop Statistics (Lecture)
2. Prof. Dr. Tobias Rötheli Introduction to Macroeconomics (Lecture)
3. Prof. Dr. Lena Partzsch Introduction to the analysis of political systems and policy fields (lecture)

WiSe 2019/20

SoSe 2019

WiSe 2018/19

SoSe 2018