Prof. Dr. Andreas Goldthau

Director (Willy Brandt School of Public Policy)


C19 - Research Building "Weltbeziehungen" / C19.02.05

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University of Erfurt
Willy Brandt School of Public Policy
C19 - Research Building "Weltbeziehungen"
Max-Weber-Allee 3
99089 Erfurt

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Universität Erfurt
Willy Brandt School of Public Policy
Nordhäuser Str. 63
99089 Erfurt

Franz Haniel Professor for Public Policy (Willy Brandt School of Public Policy)


C19 - Research Building "Weltbeziehungen" / C19.02.05

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University of Erfurt
Willy Brandt School of Public Policy
C19 - Research Building "Weltbeziehungen"
Max-Weber-Allee 3
99089 Erfurt

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Universität Erfurt
Willy Brandt School of Public Policy
Nordhäuser Str. 63
99089 Erfurt

Chairman of the Examinations' Committee (Willy Brandt School of Public Policy)


C19 - Research Building "Weltbeziehungen" / C19.02.05

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University of Erfurt
Willy Brandt School of Public Policy
C19 - Research Building "Weltbeziehungen"
Max-Weber-Allee 3
99089 Erfurt

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Universität Erfurt
Willy Brandt School of Public Policy
Nordhäuser Str. 63
99089 Erfurt

Prof. Dr. Andreas Goldthau

Research Area

Global Public Policy

Short Biography

Andreas C. Goldthau is Director of the Willy Brandt School of Public Policy at the University of Erfurt where he holds the Franz Haniel Chair for Public Policy at the Faculty of Economics, Law and Social Sciences. Before joining the Brandt School he served as Research Group Lead on the Energy Transition in the Global South at the Research Institute for Sustainability – Helmholtz Center Potsdam (RIFS), as Professor in International Relations at Royal Holloway College, University of London and as Professor at Central European University's School of Public Policy in Budapest. He was Marie Curie Senior Fellow with the Geopolitics of Energy Project at Harvard Kennedy School and Adjunct Professor with John Hopkins' MSc program in energy policy and climate. He also held postdoctoral appointments at the Paul Nitze School of Advanced International Studies at Johns Hopkins University, the RAND Corporation and the German Institute for International and Security Affairs. Professor Goldthau is non-resident fellow with the Payne Institute at the Colorado School of Mines, the Global Public Policy Institute and the German Council on Foreign Relations, and a Visiting Professor at the College of Europe in Bruges.

Professor's Goldthau's academic interests lie in energy security, energy geoeconomics and the political economy of the clean transition. His publications include The Politics of Shale Gas in Eastern Europe (Cambridge University Press, 2018), the Handbook of the International Political Economy of Energy and Natural Resources (Edward Elgar, 2018), Energy Union. Europe's new Liberal Mercantilism? (Palgrave Macmillan, 2016), A Liberal Actor in a Realist World: The EU Regulatory State and the Global Political Economy of Energy (Oxford University Press, 2015), The Global Energy Challenge: Environment, Development and Security (Palgrave Macmillan, 2015), the Wiley Handbook on Global Energy Policy (Wiley Blackwell, 2013), Dynamics of Energy Governance in Europe and Russia (Palgrave Macmillan, 2012), Global Energy Governance: The New Rules of the Game (Brookings Press, 2010), Imported Oil and US National Security (RAND, 2009) and OPEC (Hanser, 2009).

Professor Goldthau serves on the editorial boards of the European Journal of International Relations, Global Policy, Energy Policy, Contemporary Politics and Energy Research in Social Science, and sits on the steering committees of leading academic associations.


Research Interests

  • Energy geoeconomics
  • Energy security
  • International political economy of the clean transition



  • German Association for Political Science (DVPW), German Economic Association (Verein für Socialpolitik), International Association for Energy Economics (IAEE), International Political Science Association (IPSA), International Studies Association (ISA), Toenissteiner Kreis
  • Contemporary Politics, Editorial Board member
  • Global Policy journal (Wiley Blackwell), Editorial Board member 
  • Energy Policy journal (Elsevier), International Advisory Board member
  • Energy Research and Social Science Journal (Elsevier), Editorial Board member
  • European Journal of International Relations (Sage), Editorial Board member





Goldthau, A. (2018). The politics of shale gas in Eastern Europe. Energy security, contested technologies and the social license to frack. Cambridge University Press.

Goldthau, A., & Sitter, N. (2015). A Liberal Actor in a Realist World. The EU Regulatory State and the Global Political Economy of Energy. Oxford University Press.

Goldthau, A., Kuzemko, C., & Keating, M. F. (2015). The Global Energy Challenge. Environment, Development and Security. Palgrave Macmillan.

Goldthau, A., & Witte, J. M. (2009). OPEC. Macht und Ohnmacht des Oelkartells. Hanser.

Research Volumes & Special Editions

Goldthau, A., Kuzemko, C., & Keating, M. F.  (2018). Handbook of the International Political Economy of Energy and Natural Resources. Edward Elgar.

Goldthau, A., Andersen, S., & Sitter, N. (2016): Energy Union. Europe's new Liberal Mercantilism? Palgrave Macmillan.

Goldthau, A. (2013). Handbook of Global Energy Policy. Wiley Blackwell.

Goldthau, A., Kuzemko, C., Belyi, A., Keating, M F. (2012). Dynamics of Energy Governance in Europe and Russia. Palgrave Macmillan.

Goldthau, A. (2012). Policy Agendas for the Future of Global Energy.  Global Policy, 3(2), 182-210.

Goldthau, A., & Witte, J. M. (2010). Global Energy Governance. The New Rules of the Game. Brookings Press.

Policy Monographs

Agarwal, V., Garrido, L., Goldthau, A., Jajoo, R., Jancykova, K., Kelkar, U., Lankes, H. P., Monger, V., Neuhoff, K., Schrey, D., Selvaraju, S. R., Sinha, J., Swamy, D., & Lüpke, H. v. (2022). Global Climate Alliance For Accelerated Climate Action. Brussels: Multinational Development Policy Dialogue (MDPD) of the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation.

Goldthau, A. (2016). Assessing Nord Stream 2:  regulation, geopolitics & energy security in the EU, Central Eastern Europe and the UK. Strategy Paper (10-2016). King’s Russia Institute, King’s College London.

Goldthau, A., & Skalamera, M. (2016). Russia Playing Hardball or Bidding Farewell to Europe? Debunking the myths of Eurasia's new geopolitics of gas. White Paper. Harvard Belfer Center: Cambridge.

Goldthau, A. (2013). The politics of natural gas development in the European Union. The Geopolitics of Natural Gas. Harvard Belfer Center: Cambridge.

Goldthau, A., Crane, K., Toman, M., Light, T., Johnson, S., Nader, A., Rabasa, A., & Dogo, H. (2009). Imported Oil and U.S. National Security. RAND.

Goldthau, A., Gordon, J., Blickstein, I., Button, R., Cunningham, K., Reid, T., & Wilson, P. (2008). Domestic trends in China, Iran, Russia and the US. Implications for US navy strategic planning. RAND.

Journal Articles

Nunez, Almudena, Katherine Caro, and Andreas Goldthau. 2024. Environmental Research Letters 19: 074011

Schuch, Esther, Maria Apergi, Deborah Yik Kuen Chow, Laima Eicke, Andreas Goldthau, Jude H. Kurniawan, Renato Lima-de-Oliveira, Zhai Gen Tan, and Silvia Weko. 2024. “Breaking the carbon lock-in: Identifying pathways for Malaysia towards a low-carbon future”. Technological Forecasting and Social Change 202: 123331

Apergi, Maria, Laima Eicke, Andreas Goldthau, Mustafa Hashem, Sebastián Huneeus, Renato Lima de Oliveira, Maureen Otieno, Esther Schuch, and Konstantin Veit. 2024. "An energy justice index for the energy transition in the global South." Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 192:114238.

Goldthau, A., Apergi, M., Laima, E., Kurniawan, J., Schuch, E. & Weko, S. (2023).  Resource exporter or R&D champion? Leverage points and transition pathways for the Chilean energy sector. Energy for Sustainable Development, 76, 101257. 

Goldthau, A., Braunstein J. & Konstantin, V. (2023). Does climate action bring peace? Assessing the geopolitics of renewables using global investment data. npj Clim. Action 2, 14.

Goldthau, A., & Tagliapietra, S. (2022). Energy crisis: Five questions that must be answered in 2023. Nature, 612(7941), 627–630.

Goldthau, A. & Weko, S., (2022). Bridging the low-carbon technology gap? Assessing energy initiatives for the Global South. Energy Policy, 169, 113192.

Goldthau, A., Kurniawan, J. H., Apergi, M., Eicke, L., Lazurko, A., Nordemann, E., Schuch, E., Sharma, A., Siddhantakar, N., Veit, K., & Weko, S (2022). Towards participatory cross-impact balance analysis: Leveraging morphological analysis for data collection in energy transition scenario workshops. Energy Research & Social Science, 93, 102815.

Goldthau, A., & Sitter, N. (2022). Whither the Liberal European Union Energy Model? The Public Policy Consequences of Russia’s Weaponization of Energy. EconPol Forum, 23(06), 4–7.

Goldthau, A. (2021). The tricky geoeconomics of going low carbon. Joule, 5(12), 3078–3079.

Goldthau, A., & Eicke, L. (2021). Are we at risk of an uneven low-carbon transition? Assessing evidence from a mixed-method elite study. Environmental Science & Policy, 124, 370-379.

Goldthau, A., & Hughes, L. (2020). Protect global supply chains for low-carbon technologies. Nature, 585, 28-30.

Goldthau, A., & Sitter, N. (2020): Horses for courses. The roles of IPE and Global Public Policy in global energy research. Policy and Society.

Goldthau, A., Kuzemko, C., Bradshaw, M., Bridge, G., Jewell, J., Overland, I., Scholten, D., Van de Graaf, T., Westphal, K. (2020). Covid-19 and the Politics of Sustainable Energy Transitions. Energy Research and Social Sciences, 68, 101685.

Goldthau, A., Richert, J., & Stetter, S. (2020). Leviathan Awakens: Gas Finds, Energy Governance and the Emergence of the Eastern Mediterranean as a Geopolitical Region. Review of Policy Research.

Goldthau, A., & Hughes, L. (2020). Saudi on the Rhine? Explaining the emergence of private governance in the global oil market. Review of International Political Economy,1-23.

Goldthau, A., Sovacool, B. K., Bergman, N., Hopkins, D., Jenkins, K., Hielscher, S., & Brossmann, B. (2020). Imagining sustainable energy and mobility transitions: Valence, temporality, and radicalism in 38 visions of a low-carbon future. Social Studies of Science, 50(4), 642-679.

Goldthau, A., Brazilian, M., Bradshaw, M., Gabriel, J., & Westphal, K. (2020). Four scenarios of the energy transition: Drivers, consequences, and implications for geopolitics. WIREs Climate Change, 11(2), e625.

Goldthau, A., & Sitter, N. (2020). Power, authority and security: the EU’s Russian gas dilemma. Journal of European Integration, 42 (1), 111-127.

Goldthau, A., & Westphal, K. (2020). Supernetze und Energiegiganten. Im globalen Ringen um Macht und Ressourcen droht Europa ins Abseits zu geraten. Internationale Politik, Januar/Februar: 47-9.

Goldthau, A., Bazilian, M., Bradshaw, M., & Westphal, K. (2019). How the energy transition will reshape geopolitics. Natur, 569, 19-21.

Goldthau, A., & Westphal, K. (2019). Why the Global Energy Transition Does Not Mean the End of the Petrostate. Global Policy, 10 (2), 279-282.

Goldthau, A., Quitzow, R., Thielges, S., Helgenberger, S., & Mbungu, G. (2019). Advancing a global transition to clean energy: The role of international cooperation. Economics: The Open-Access, Open-Assessment E-Journal, 13(48), 1-18.

Goldthau, A. (2017). The G20 must govern the shift to low-carbon energy. Nature, 546, 203-205.

Goldthau, A., Sovacool, B., Heffron, R., & McCauley, D. (2016). Energy and moral judgment: Energy decisions reframed as justice and ethical concerns. Nature Energy, 1 (May), 16024.

Goldthau, A., & Sovacool, B. (2016). Energy technology, politics, and interpretative frames: The case of shale gas fracking in Eastern Europe. Global Environmental Politics, 16(4), 50-69.

Goldthau, A., & LaBelle, M. (2016). The power of policy regimes. Explaining shale gas policy divergence in Bulgaria and Poland. Review of Policy Research, 33 (6), 603–622.

Goldthau, A. (2016). Conceptualizing the above ground factors in shale gas. Toward a research agenda on regulatory governance. Energy Research and Social Science, 20, 73–81.

Goldthau, A., & Westphal, K. (2015). Energiesicherheit und die Zukunft der globalen Ordnung: G7 muss mehr sein als ein Norm Keeper. Internationale Politik, 110-115.

Goldthau, A. & Sitter, N. (2014). A liberal actor in a realist world? The Commission and the external dimension of the single market for energy. Journal of European Public Policy, 21(10), 1452-1472.

Goldthau, A. & Boersma, T. (2014): The 2014 Ukraine-Russia crisis: Implications for energy markets and scholarship. Energy Research and Social Science, 1(3), 13-15.

Goldthau, A. & LaBelle, M. (2014). The governance of shale gas in Bulgaria. From exploration to bust. Oil, Gas and Energy Law Journal. Special Edition on The Governance of Unconventional Gas Development Outside the United States, 12(3).

Goldthau, A. (2014). Rethinking the governance of energy infrastructure: scale, decentralization and polycentrism. Energy Research and Social Science, 1(1), 134–140.

Goldthau, A. & LaBelle, M. (2014) Escaping the Valley of Death? Comparing shale gas technology prospects to nuclear and solar in Europe. Journal of World Energy Law and Business, 7(2), 93-111.

Goldthau, A. (2012). From the state to the market and back. Policy implications of changing energy paradigms. Global Policy, 3(2), 198-210.

Goldthau, A. (2012). Policy Agendas for the future of global energy. Global Policy, 3(2), 182-183.

Goldthau, A. (2012). The uniqueness of the energy security, justice, and governance problem. Energy Policy, (41), 232–240.

Goldthau, A. (2012). A public policy perspective on global energy security. International Studies Perspectives, 13(1), 65–84.

Goldthau, A., Cherp, A. & Jewell, J. (2011). Governing global energy: systems, transitions, complexity. Global Policy, 2(1), 75-88.

Goldthau, A., & Witte, J. M. (2011). Assessing OPEC's performance in the global oil market. Global Policy, 2(S1), 31-39.

Goldthau, A. (2011). Governing global energy. Existing approaches and discourses. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 3, 213-17.

Goldthau, A., & Witte, J. M. (2010). From energy security to global energy governance. Journal of Energy Security.

Goldthau, A., & Witte, J. M. (2009). Back to the future or forward to the past? Strengthening markets and rules for effective global energy governance. International Affairs, 85(2), 373-390.

Goldthau, A. (2008). Resurgent Russia? Rethinking Energy Inc. Policy Review, (147) February/ March, 53-63.

Goldthau, A. (2008). Global Energy Governance. Internationale Politik (April), 46-54.

Goldthau, A. (2008). Rhetoric versus reality. Russian threats to European energy supply. Energy Policy (36), 686-692.

Goldthau, A. (2008). Divided over Iraq, united over Iran. A rational choice explanation to European irrationalities, European Political Economy Review, (8), 39-66.

Goldthau, A., & Geden, Oliver (2007). Europäische Energiesicherheit. Ein Plädoyer für einen pragmatischen Ansatz. Internationale Politik und Gesellschaft, 04/2007, 58-73.

Book Chapters

Dabla, Nopenyo, and Andreas Goldthau. 2023. "Clean energy services: universal access as enabler for development?" In The Environment in Global Sustainability Governance. Perceptions, Actors, Innovations ed. L. Partzsch. Bristol, UK: Bristol University Press:174–93

Goldthau, Andreas. 2022. "Alternatives to gas in Europe." In Navigating Energy Transitions. Mapping the road to 1.5°C. Winnipeg, Manitoba: International Institute for Sustainable Development:40-5.

Goldthau, Andreas C., and Llewellyn Hughes. 2022. "International relations and oil: towards a networked power framework of analysis." In Handbook on Oil and International Relations, ed. R. Dannreuther and W. Ostrowksi. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar:301-14.

Goldthau, Andreas C., and Nick Sitter. 2022. "Oil and Gas." In The Oxford Handbook of International Political Economy ed. J. C. W. Pevehouse and L. Seabrooke. Oxford: Oxford University Press:C32S1–CN1.

Goldthau, Andreas. 2021. "Widening the EU’s Geoeconomic and Regulatory Approach to Climate Policy." In The EU and Climate Security: Toward Ecological Diplomacy, ed. O. Lazard and R. Youngs. Brussels: Carnegie Europe:33-40.

Eicke, Laima, Silvia Weko, and Andreas Goldthau. 2020. "The Global Energy Transition and the Global South." In The Geopolitics of the Global Energy Transition, ed. M. Hafner and S. Tagliapietra. Berlin: Springer:319-39.

Goldthau, Andreas, and Nick Sitter. 2019. "Regulatory Power or Market Power Europe? Leadership and Models for External EU Energy Governance." In New Political Economy of Energy in Europe: Power to Project, Power to Adapt, ed. J. M. Godzimirski. Basingstoke: Palgrave:27-48.

Kuzemko, Caroline, Michael F. Keating, and Andreas Goldthau. 2018. "Nexus-thinking in International Political Economy. What energy and resource scholarship can offer IPE." In Handbook of the International Political Economy of Energy and Resources, ed. A. Goldthau, M. F. Keating and C. Kuzemko. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar:1-22.

Goldthau, Andreas C., and Nick Sitter. 2018. "Conceptualizing the Energy Nexus of Global Public Policy and International Political Economy." In Handbook of the International Political Economy of Energy and Natural Resources, ed. A. Goldthau, M. F. Keating and C. Kuzemko. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar:23-32.

Goldthau, Andreas C. 2018. "Unconventional energy in Europe. Policy issues, impact and prospects." In The Global Impact of the Shale Revolution, ed. M. Dorraj and K. Morgan. Lanham: Lexington:129-50.

Goldthau, Andreas. 2018. "Energiepolitik." In Staatslexikon der Görres-Gesellschaft, ed. H. Oberreuter and W. J. Patzelt. Freiburg: Herder Verlag:117.

Andersen, Svein, Andreas Goldthau, and Nick Sitter. 2017. "From Low to High politics? The EU’s Regulatory and Economic Power." In Energy Union. Europe's new Liberal Mercantilism?, ed. S. Andersen, A. Goldthau and N. Sitter. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan:13-26.

Boersma, Tim, and Andreas Goldthau. 2017. "Wither the EU's market making project in energy: from liberalization to securitization?" In Energy Union. Europe's new Liberal Mercantilism?, ed. S. Andersen, A. Goldthau and N. Sitter. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan:99-114.

Goldthau, Andreas, and Nick Sitter. 2016. "An Odd Pro-Market Trio: Germany, the UK and Norway." In Energy Union. Europe's new Liberal Mercantilism?, ed. S. Andersen, A. Goldthau and N. Sitter. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan:185-200.

Claes, Dag Harald, Andreas Goldthau, and David Livingston. 2016. "Saudi Arabia: Harnessing the oil market." In Connectivity Wars, ed. M. Leonard. London: European Council on Foreign Relations:204-14.

Goldthau, Andreas. 2015. "The Russian energy outlook." In Too Much Energy? Asia at 2030, ed. D. Blumenthal and D. M. Scissors. Washington, DC: American Enterprise Institute:51-60.

Andersen, Svein S., Andreas Goldthau, and Nick Sitter. 2015. "The EU Regulatory State, Commission Leadership and External Energy Governance." In EU Leadership in Energy and Environmental Governance? Global and Local Challenges and Responses, ed. J. M. Godzimirski. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan:129-54.

Goldthau, Andreas, and Matthew Hulbert. 2013. "Globalizing markets for natural gas." In Handbook of Global Energy Policy, ed. A. Goldthau. London: Wiley Blackwell:98-112.

Goldthau, Andreas. 2013. "Key dimensions of global energy policy." In Handbook of Global Energy Policy, ed. A. Goldthau. London: Wiley Blackwell:1-12.

Goldthau, Andreas. 2013. "Global energy policy: findings and new research agendas." In Handbook of Global Energy Policy, ed. A. Goldthau. London: Wiley Blackwell:521-4.

Cherp, Aleh, Adeola Adenikinju, Andreas Goldthau, Larry Hughes, Jaap Jansen, Jessica Jewell, Marina Olshanskaya, Ricardo Soares de Oliveira, Benjamin Sovacool, and Sergey Vakulenko. 2012. "Energy and Security." In Global Energy Assessment: Toward a More Sustainable Future, ed. L. Gomez-Echeverri, T. B. Johansson, N. Nakicenovic and A. Patwardhan. Cambridge, UK/ New York, NY: Cambridge University Press:325-83.

Keating, Michael F., Caroline Kuzemko, Andrei Belyi, and Andreas Goldthau. 2012. "Bringing Energy into International Political Economy." In Dynamics of Energy Governance in Europe and Russia, ed. C. Kuzemko, A. Belyi, A. Goldthau and M. F. Keating. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan:1-22.

Goldthau, Andreas. 2012. "Emerging governance challenges for Eurasian gas markets after the shale gas revolution." In Dynamics of Energy Governance in Europe and Russia, ed. C. Kuzemko, A. Belyi, A. Goldthau and M. Keating. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan:210-26.

Kuzemko, Caroline, Andreas Goldthau, Michael F. Keating, and Andrei Belyi. 2012. "Afterword: Dynamics of energy governance in Europe and Russia: Findings and further avenues of inquiry." In Dynamics of Energy Governance in Europe and Russia, ed. C. Kuzemko, A. Goldthau, M. F. Keating and A. Belyi. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan:282-7.

Goldthau, Andreas. 2011. "The public policy dimension of energy security." In The Routledge Handbook of Energy Security, ed. B. K. Sovacool. London/ New York: Routledge:129-45.

Goldthau, Andreas. 2011. "Challenges in global oil governance." In Oil Politics Handbook, ed. R. Looney: Routledge:348-60.

Goldthau, Andreas. 2010. "Energy Diplomacy in trade and investment of oil and gas." In Global Energy Governance. The new rules of the game, ed. A. Goldthau and J. M. Witte. Washington DC: Brookings Press:25-48.

Goldthau, Andreas, and Jan Martin Witte. 2010. "The Role of Rules and Institutions in Global Energy: An Introduction." In Global Energy Governance. the new rules of the game, ed. A. Goldthau and J. M. Witte. Washington, DC: Brookings Press:1-21.

Goldthau, Andreas, and Jan Martin Witte. 2010. "Global energy governance: The way forward." In Global Energy Governance. The new rules of the game,, ed. A. Goldthau and J. M. Witte. Washington DC: Brookings Press:341-56.

Goldthau, Andreas. 2008. "Ein Gaskartell unter russischer Führung?" In Jahrbuch Internationale Politik: Weltverträgliche Energiesicherheitspolitik, ed. J. Braml, K. Kaiser, H. W. Maull, E. Sandschneider and K.-W. Schatz. München: Oldenbourg-Verlag:259-65.

Goldthau, Andreas and Sebastian Eckardt. 2007. "Reforming into growth or growing into reform? A critical note on the Post-Washington Consensus. In Theorizing Social Change in Post-Soviet Countries, ed. B. Sanghera, S. S. Amsler and T. Yarkova. Bern: Peter Lang:281-300.

Goldthau, Andreas. 2004. "Labor mobility, adjustment and economic growth. Some reflections on CEE emerging economies." In The challenge of mobility in the Baltic Sea region, ed. C. Gicquel, V. Makarov and M. Zolkos. Berlin: Wissenschaftsverlag Berlin.

Policy Briefs

Sinha, Jayant, Andreas C. Goldthau, Deepthi Swamy, Denis Schrey, Hans Peter Lankes, Heiner von Lüpke, Karin Jancykova, Karsten Neuhoff, Leonardo Garrido, Ritika Jajoo, Sangeeth Raja, Selvaraju Ulka, Kelkar Varun, and Agarwal Vedant Monger. 2023. "A Global Climate Alliance to Accelerate Climate Action: Proposals to the G20." Delhi, T20 Policy Brief (May).

Neuhoff, Karsten, Isabella Weber, Kacper Szulecki, and Andreas C. Goldthau. 2022. "How to Design EU-Level Contingency Plans for Gas Shortages? Evidence from Behavioural Economics, Policy Research and Past Experience." Berlin: German Institute for Economic Research (DIW), Politikberatung kompakt (177).

Goldthau, A., Apergi, M., Hermann, J., Eicke, L., Kurniawan, J., Schuch, E. & Weko, S. (2022). Fostering a Sustainable and Secure Energy Supply for Kenya. IASS Policy Brief. Retrieved from:

Goldthau, A., Apergi, M., Hermann, J., Eicke, L. & Kurniawan, J. (2022). Unlocking a Low-Carbon Future for Malaysia. IASS Policy Brief. Retrieved from:

Goldthau, A., Neuhoff, K.,  Weber, I.,  & Szulecki, K. (2022). How to design EU-level contingency plans for gas shortages? Evidence from behavioural economics, policy research and past experience. In DIW Berlin. Retrieved from:

Goldthau, A., Weko, S., Hermann, J., Apergi, M., Eicke, L., Kurniawan, J. & Schuch, E. (2022). Accelerating the Jordanian Energy Transition. IASS Policy Brief. Retrieved from:

Goldthau, A. (2021). A Marshall Plan for the Clean-Energy Transition. GMF Policy Brief. Retrieved from:

Goldthau, A., Eicke, L.  & Weko, S. (2019): Countering the risk of an uneven low-carbon energy transition. IASS Policy Breif. Retrieved from:

Goldthau, A. (2019): Global Energy in Transition. How the EU Should Navigate New Realities and Risks. DGAP Policy Brief. Retrieved from:

Goldthau, A., Quitzow, R., Thielges, S., Helgenberger, S. & Mbungu, G. (2019). Strengthening International Cooperation for a Global Energy Transition. IASS Policy Brief. Retrieved from: 

Goldthau, A., Keim, M. & Westphal, K. (2018): The Geopolitics of Energy Transformation. Governing the Shift: Transformation Dividends, Systemic Risks and New Uncertainties. In SWP Comment. Retrieved from:

Goldthau, A. & Belyi, A. V. (2015). Between a rock and a hard place: international market dynamics, domestic politics and Gazprom's strategy. Cadmus EUI. Retrieved from:

Goldthau, A. & Sitter, N. (2015). Soft power with a hard edge: EU policy tools and energy security. Review of International Political Economy. Retrieved from: 

Goldthau, A. (2015). Addressing the Russian Energy Challenge: Why Regulation Trumps Geopolitics. GMF Policy Brief. Retrieved from:

Goldthau, A. & Hoxtell, W. (2012a). Addressing Carbon Emissions and Oil Price Volatility. Challenges and Opportunities for Transatlantic Energy Cooperation. GPPi and Brookings Transatlantic Agenda Paper. Retrieved from:

Goldthau, A. & Hoxtell, W. (2012b). The Impact of Shale Gas on European Energy Security. GPPi Policy Paper. Retrieved from:

Goldthau, A. (2010). Energy Security: The global challenges and how to meet them. Background Briefing Munich Security Conference. 

Goldthau, A., Keith, C., Toman, M.,  Light, T., Johnson, S., Nader, A.,  Rabasa, A. & Dogo, H. (2009). Does Imported Oil Threaten U.S. National Security? RAND Research Brief. Retrieved from:

Goldthau, A. (2008). Energy efficiency in Russia. Russian Analytical Digest.

Goldthau, A. (2007). Gasproduzenten rücken zusammen: Der GECF-Gipfel in Katar und die Erfolgsaussichten einer "Gas-OPEC". SWP Policy Brief. Retrieved from: Gasproduzenten rücken zusammen: Der GECF-Gipfel in Katar und die Erfolgsaussichten einer »Gas-OPEC« ( 

Courses taught

Summer Semester 2024

  • Comparative and International Public Policy
  • EIPCC Colloquium
  • Research Colloquium
  • The Politics of the Global Energy Transition

Winter Semester 2023/24

  • Designing a future multi-donor fund for de-risking and greening investments in Ukraine
  • EIPCC Colloquium
  • Global Energy Policy
  • Introduction to Public Policy

Summer Semester 2023

  • Comparative and International Public Policy
  • EIPCC Colloquium
  • Research Colloquium
  • The Politics of the Global Energy Transition

Winter Semester 2022/23

  • Introduction to Public Policy
  • Global Energy Policy
  • Project Group: Critical Minerals. Options for diversifying German raw material supplies

Summer Semester 2022

  • Comparative and International Public Policy
  • The Politics of the Global Energy Transition
  • Research Colloquium

Winter Semester 2021/22

  • Introduction to Public Policy
  • From Ricardo to Geoeconomics. Contemporary debates in International Political Economy
  • Global Energy Policy
  • Project Group: Advancinggender-smart climate finance

Summer Semester 2021

  • Comparative and International Public Policy
  • Global Public Policy
  • The Politics of the Global Energy Transition
  • Research Colloquium

Winter Semester 2020/21

  • Introduction to Public Policy
  • Global Energy Policy
  • From Ricardo to the New Geo-Economics: Contemporary Debates in International Political Economy
  • Advanced Research& Writing
  • Strategic Foresight: Scenarios in Public Policy
  • Project Group: Prospects for green hydrogen. How climate diplomacy can support German and global energy transition

Summer Semester 2020

  • Global Public Policy
  • The Politics of the Energy Transition
  • Advanced Research and Writing Seminar
  • Research Colloquium



Winter Semester 2019/20

  • Introduction to Public Policy
  • Global Energy Policy
  • From Ricardo to the New Geo-Economics: Contemporary Debates in International Political Economy
  • Project Group: Assessing Policy Alternatives to the Incumbent EU Migration Regime
  • Project Group: States at Risk: Climate Change in the Security Council

Office Management

Secretary Franz Haniel Professor for Public Policy
(Willy Brandt School of Public Policy)
Weltbeziehungen / C19.02.13