Team of the Department


Professor of New Testament Exegesis and Theology
(Faculty of Catholic Theology)
C14 – staff building 3 / Raum 9 (2. OG)
Office hours
by appointment
Profile page

Curriculum Vitae

Thomas Johann Bauer studied Catholic Theology at the University of Regensburg and at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome (Diploma, Regensburg 2000). He also studied Classics (Greek and Latin) at the University of Gießen (M.A., 2009). He holds a Doctorate in Philosophy (Dr. phil.), University of Gießen 2007, and a Doctorate in Catholic Theology (Dr. theol.), University of Freiburg im Breisgau 2011. He worked as a research assistant at the Department of Catholic Theology at the University of Gießen and as senior lecturer / assistent professor (Akademischer Rat a.Z.) at the Faculty of Theology at the University of Freiburg im Breisgau. He was appointed professor and holder of the Chair for New Testament Studies at the Faculty of Theology at the University of Freiburg/Fribourg CH in 2013. Since 2014, he has been full professor of New Testament Exegesis and Theology at the Faculty of Catholic Theology at the University of Erfurt. He was appointed director of the Vetus Latina-Institut at Beuron the same year.

Research and Expertise

Main areas of research and expertise  of Thomas Johann Bauer are letters and letter writing in Antiquity and early Christianity, early Christian apocalypticism, and origins and history of the Latin Bible.

Thomas Johann Bauer has published several studies on Paul and his letters, on letter writing and pseudephigrahphy in antiqitiy and early Christianity, on Ignatius of Antiochia and the letters attributed to him, on the Revelation to John, on the history and context of the early Jesus-movement, and on the transmission and text oft he Latin Bible.

Since January 1, 2014 he has also been the scientific director of the Vetus Latina Institute (Beuron), which is working on the reconstruction and edition of the oldest Latin Bible translations.

Profile in Teaching

The teaching activities of Thomas Johann Bauer focus on methods of critical New Testament exegesis, on the religious and cultural environment of the Jesus movement and the first Christians, and on the writings and history of early Christianity. He has taught courses on the New Testament Gospels, the historical Jesus, the Acts of the Apostels, the beginnings of the Jesus-movement, Paul and Pauline letters, the Revelation to John.

The teaching of Thomas Johann Bauer includes aspects and themes of Greco-Roman literature and culture throughout.

Hereyou can find information on the teaching activities.

Academic Assistant

Research assistant New Testament Exegesis and Theology
(Faculty of Catholic Theology)
C14 – staff building 3 / room 5
Office hours
by appointment
Profile page

Curriculum Vitae


10/2016 - 08/2021 Catholic Theology at the University of Erfurt, Degree: Magistra Theologiae
Master thesis: "Wo ist der neugeborene König der Juden? (Mt 2,2). Zur Disposition von Orten und Räumen in der matthäischen Kindheitserzählung"; 2021 the Master's thesis was awarded the promotion prize of the Faculty of Catholic Theology.

School Education

08/2007 - 07/2015 Königin-Luise Grammar School, Erfurt;  Graduation: Abitur
08/2003 - 07/2007 Barfüßer primary school, Erfurt

Work experience

since 04/2023 Research Assistant at the Department of Exegesis and Theology of the New Testament

07/2022-03/2023 Research Assistant in the Projekt "Vetus Latina"

09/2021-07/2022 Research Assistant at the Department of Exegesis and Theology of the New Testament (parental leave replacement)

07/2018-08/2021 Student Assistant at the Department of Exegesis and Theology of the New Testament, University of Erfurt

01/2018-08/2021 Student assistant at the Lectorate for Ancient Languages (Greek, Latin), University of Erfurt

10/2017-08/2021 Student assistant at the Department of Canon Law, University of Erfurt

08/2015 - 08/2016 International Youth Volunteer Service in the Office for Communication and Development at the Catholic University of Bethlehem (via German Holy Land Association)

Student Assistants

Clemens Wiemuth
Clemens Wiemuth
Student assistant New Testament Exegesis and Theology
(Katholisch-Theologische Fakultät)

Curriculum Vitae


Since 10/2020 Master's degree in Catholic Theology

School Education

09/2012 - 07/2020 State secondary school Friedrich Schiller Bleicherode

08/2008 - 07/2012 State elementary school in the Bodetal Großbodungen

Work experience

Since 10/2022 Student assistant at the chair of exegesis and theology of the New Testament

05/2021-09/2022 Student assistant at the Department of Ancient Church History, Patrology and Christian Archaeology, University of Erfurt