An impact-inspiring speed dating event at the Kreativtankstelle in Erfurt connected civil society organizations with students from the Brandt School. The initiative, organized in collaboration with Erfurt’s Agency for Volunteering “ERNA”, fostered…
In their recent article, Brandt School Director Professor Andreas Goldthau, along with co-authors Prof. Dr. Margarita M. Balmaceda (Harvard) and Prof. Dr. Rainer Quitzow (Research Institute for Sustainability), highlight how geopolitics,…
Former minister Wolfgang Tiefensee has joined the Brandt School's Advisory Board. His expertise will guide the school’s development and strategic direction.
The project group "Strengthening Digital Competencies in Thuringian State Administration", led by Dr. Hasnain Bokhari, conducted a comparative case study analysis and competency mapping to propose specific digital competencies required for…