Global Public Policy
Research Profile
Global public policy addresses the challenge of governing transnational phenomena in the absence of a global Leviathan. As such, it comprises policy areas as different as trade, migration, financial regulation, economic development, energy and the environment. Against the backdrop off increasingly contested policy authority in a globalized world, the research area studies the delivery of global public goods and the problem of safeguarding the global commons; the role of global networks and global public-private partnerships in producing transnational policy outcomes; the dynamics pertaining to policy transfer, diffusion and global best practice; and the policy actors involved at all governance levels.
Franz Haniel Professor for Public Policy (Willy Brandt School of Public Policy)
Secretary Franz Haniel Professor for Public Policy (Willy Brandt School of Public Policy)
Head of Digital Policy and Artificial Intelligence (Willy Brandt School of Public Policy)Postdoctoral Researcher (Willy Brandt School of Public Policy)
EIPCC Early Career Researcher (Willy Brandt School of Public Policy)
EIPCC Early Career Researcher (Willy Brandt School of Public Policy)
- Apergi, M., Laima, E., Goldthau, A., Kurniawan, J., Schuch, E. & Weko, S. (2023). Resource exporter or R&D champion? Leverage points and transition pathways for the Chilean energy sector. Energy for Sustainable Development, 76, 101257. Retrieved from:
- Braunstein J., Goldthau, A. & Konstantin, V. (2023). Does climate action bring peace? Assessing the geopolitics of renewables using global investment data. npj Clim. Action 2, 14. Retrieved from:
- Apergi, M., Liliestam, J., Weko, S. & Zimmermann, E. (2023). Is renewable energy technology trade more or less conflictive than other trade?. Energy Policy. 177:113538.
- Marzano, K. (2023). Learning from Digital Transparency Initiatives in Brazil: A Call for Innovation and Collaboration ahead of the EU Forest-Risk Commodities Regulation. RIFS Study, March 2023.
- Goldthau, A., Apergi, M., Hermann, J., Eicke, L., Kurniawan, J., Schuch, E. & Weko, S. (2022). Fostering a Sustainable and Secure Energy Supply for Kenya. IASS Policy Brief. Retrieved from:
- Goldthau, A., Apergi, M., Hermann, J., Eicke, L. & Kurniawan, J. (2022). Unlocking a Low-Carbon Future for Malaysia. IASS Policy Brief. Retrieved from:
- Goldthau, A., Weko, S., Hermann, J., Apergi, M., Eicke, L., Kurniawan, J. & Schuch, E. (2022). Accelerating the Jordanian Energy Transition. IASS Policy Brief. Retrieved from:
- Kurniawan, J. H., Apergi, M., Eicke, L., Goldthau, A., Lazurko, A., Nordemann, E., Schuch, E., Sharma, A., Siddhantakar, N., Veit, K., & Weko., S. (2022). Towards participatory cross-impact balance analysis: Leveraging morphological analysis for data collection in energy transition scenario workshops. Energy Research & Social Science 93:102815.
- Weko, S., & Goldthau, A. (2022). Bridging the low-carbon technology gap? Assessing energy initiatives for the Global South. Energy Policy 169:113192.
- Eicke, L., & Weko, S. (2022). Does green growth foster green policies? Value chain upgrading and feedback mechanisms on renewable energy policies. Energy Policy, 165, 112948.
- Neuhoff, K., Weber, I., Szulecki, K. & Goldthau, A. (2022). How to Design EU-Level Contingency Plans for Gas Shortages? Evidence from Behavioural Economics, Policy Research and Past Experience. DIW, Berlin.
- Eicke, L. & Goldthau, A. (2021). Are we at risk of an uneven low-carbon transition? Assessing evidence from a mixed-method elite study. In Environmental Science & Policy 124:370-379. doi:
- Goldthau, A. (2021). Widening the EU’s Geoeconomic and Regulatory Approach to Climate Policy. In O. Lazard & R. Youngs (Hrsg.), The EU and Climate Security: Toward Ecological Diplomacy, Carnegie Europe, 33-40. Brussels.
- Goldthau, A. (2021). A Marshall Plan for the Clean-Energy Transition. GMF Policy Brief. Retrieved from:
- Goldthau, A. & Hughes, L. (2020). Protect global supply chains for low-carbon technologies. In Nature (Bd. 585): 28-30.
- Goldthau, A. & Sitter, N. (2020). Horses for courses. The roles of IPE and Global Public Policy in global energy research. In Policy and Society.
- Kuzemko, C., Bradshaw, M., Bridge, G., Goldthau, A., Jewell, J., Overland, I., Scholten, D., Van de Graaf, T. & Westphal, K. (2020). Covid-19 and the Politics of Sustainable Energy Transitions. In Energy Research & Social Science. 68. 101685. doi:
- Sgambatti Monteiro, A., Marzano, K. & Rittl, C. (2020). Der brasilianische Amazonas-Deal: Zwischen Schutz und Entwicklung. In KoBra Brasilicum.
- Goldthau, A. & Hughes, L. (2020). Saudi on the Rhine? Explaining the emergence of private governance in the global oil market. In Review of International Political Economy: 1-23. doi: 10.1080/09692290.2020.1748683
- Sovacoo, B. K., Bergman, N., Hopkins, D., Jenkins, K. E., Hielscher, S., Goldthau, A. & Brossmann, B. (2020). Imagining sustainable energy and mobility transitions: Valence, temporality, and radicalism in 38 visions of a low-carbon future. In Social Studies of Science, freier Zugang.
- Goldthau, A., Richert, J. & Stetter, S. (2020). Leviathan Awakens: Gas Finds, Energy Governance, and the Emergence of the Eastern Mediterranean as a Geopolitical Region. In Review of Policy Research, doi:
- Goldthau, A., Eicke, L. & Weko, S. (2020). The Global Energy Transition and the Global South. In M. Hafner & S. Tagliapietra (Hrsg.), The Geopolitics of the Global Energy Transition, 319-339. Berlin: Springer.
- Goldthau, A. & Sitter, N. (2020). Power, authority and security: the EU’s Russian gas dilemma. In Journal of European Integration 42 (1):111-127. doi: 10.1080/07036337.2019.1708341
- Goldthau, A., Eicke, L. & Weko, S. (2019): Countering the risk of an uneven low-carbon energy transition. IASS Policy Breif. Retrieved from:
- Goldthau, A. (2019): Global Energy in Transition. How the EU Should Navigate New Realities and Risks. DGAP Policy Brief. Retrieved from:
- Goldthau, A., Quitzow, R., Thielges, S., Helgenberger, S. & Mbungu, G. (2019). Strengthening International Cooperation for a Global Energy Transition. IASS Policy Brief. Retrieved from:
- Goldthau, A., Keim, M. & Westphal, K. (2018): The Geopolitics of Energy Transformation. Governing the Shift: Transformation Dividends, Systemic Risks and New Uncertainties. In SWP Comment. Retrieved from:
- Goldthau, A. & Belyi, A. V. (2015). Between a rock and a hard place: international market dynamics, domestic politics and Gazprom's strategy. Cadmus EUI. Retrieved from:
- Goldthau, A. & Sitter, N. (2015). Soft power with a hard edge: EU policy tools and energy security. Review of International Political Economy. Retrieved from:
- Goldthau, A. (2015). Addressing the Russian Energy Challenge: Why Regulation Trumps Geopolitics. GMF Policy Brief. Retrieved from:
- Goldthau, A. & Hoxtell, W. (2012a). Addressing Carbon Emissions and Oil Price Volatility. Challenges and Opportunities for Transatlantic Energy Cooperation. GPPi and Brookings Transatlantic Agenda Paper. Retrieved from:
- Goldthau, A. & Hoxtell, W. (2012b). The Impact of Shale Gas on European Energy Security. GPPi Policy Paper. Retrieved from:
- Goldthau, A. (2010). Energy Security: The global challenges and how to meet them. Background Briefing Munich Security Conference.
- Goldthau, A., Keith, C., Toman, M., Light, T., Johnson, S., Nader, A., Rabasa, A. & Dogo, H. (2009). Does Imported Oil Threaten U.S. National Security? RAND Research Brief. Retrieved from:
- Goldthau, A. (2008). Energy efficiency in Russia. Russian Analytical Digest.
- Goldthau, A. (2007). Gasproduzenten rücken zusammen: Der GECF-Gipfel in Katar und die Erfolgsaussichten einer "Gas-OPEC". SWP Policy Brief. Retrieved from: Gasproduzenten rücken zusammen: Der GECF-Gipfel in Katar und die Erfolgsaussichten einer »Gas-OPEC« (