Global Public Policy

Earth horizon from space

Research Profile

Global public policy addresses the challenge of governing transnational phenomena in the absence of a global Leviathan. As such, it comprises policy areas as different as trade, migration, financial regulation, economic development, energy and the environment. Against the backdrop off increasingly contested policy authority in a globalized world, the research area studies the delivery of global public goods and the problem of safeguarding the global commons; the role of global networks and global public-private partnerships in producing transnational policy outcomes; the dynamics pertaining to policy transfer, diffusion and global best practice; and the policy actors involved at all governance levels.







Every year, the Körber Foundation honours the best doctoral graduates from all disciplines with the German Academic Award. The social significance of their research is what counts most. One of this year's winners is Silvia Weko from the Willy Brandt…

Today we welcome the Federal Government's Advisory Board for Civilian Crisis Prevention and Peacebuilding, representatives of the Federal Foreign Office and other federal ministries as well as civil society organisations to campus. Together with…

The (re)emergence of geoeconomics is not only a central topic in the debate on economic sovereignty, strategic trade relations and technological leadership. It also represents a challenge for the academic debate. The symposium "Geoeconomics. On the…

Against the backdrop of an ongoing war, private investors are deterred by the risk of destruction, which adds to the economic uncertainty that comes with clean energy projects. MPP students presented their proposal for designing a future multi-donor…

How widespread is the support for green growth in international climate politics? A new co-authored research article by EIPCC researchers Laima Eicke and Silvia Weko, published in the academic journal “Climate Policy”, analyzes the use of green…

Congratulations to Laima Eicke, who was awarded the "Best Paper Prize" of the ECPR Energy Policy Research Network for her paper "Does policy design matter for the effectiveness of local content requirements? A qualitative comparative analysis of…

In a new study published in the science journal "Climate Action", Andreas C. Goldthau, Juergen Brownstein and Konstantin Veit, use global investment data to empirically test if renewables enhance international peace.

In 2023, the Willy Brandt School of Public Policy at the University of Erfurt and the "Engagementpreis Stiftung" once again presented the Commitment Award. Five projects were nominated – now the winners have been awarded.