Franz Haniel Professor for Public Policy
(Willy Brandt School of Public Policy)
C19 – research building "Weltbeziehungen" / C19.02.05
extraordinary Professor for Democratic Institutions in the Global South
(Willy Brandt School of Public Policy)
C03 – teaching building 1 / 201
Head of Digital Policy and Artificial Intelligence
(Willy Brandt School of Public Policy)
C19 – research building "Weltbeziehungen" / C19.02.09
Aletta Haniel Professor for Public Policy and Entrepreneurship
(Willy Brandt School of Public Policy)
C19 – research building "Weltbeziehungen" / C19.02.08
Research Associate
(Willy Brandt School of Public Policy)
C19 – research building "Weltbeziehungen" / C19.02.15
Gerhard Haniel Professor for Public Policy and International Development
(Willy Brandt School of Public Policy)
C19 – research building "Weltbeziehungen" / C19.02.07
(Willy Brandt School of Public Policy)
C19 – research building "Weltbeziehungen" / C19.02.04
Research Associate
(Willy Brandt School of Public Policy)
C19 – research building "Weltbeziehungen" / C19.02.14
Research Associate
(Willy Brandt School of Public Policy)
C19 – research building "Weltbeziehungen" / C19.02.10
Associated Faculty
These lecturers of other departments of the University of Erfurt are closely associated to the Brandt School’s Master of Public Policy and our Graduate Centre EIPCC. Some of their websites might only be available in German for the time being.
Lecturer (Seminar für Medien- und Kommunikationswissenschaft)
Research Associate (Faculty of Economics, Law and Social Sciences)
Professorship of Economics, especially Economic Policy and Public Economics (Wirtschaftswissenschaften mit Schwerpunkten Wirtschaftspolitik und Finanzwissenschaft) (Faculty of Economics, Law and Social Sciences)
Holder of the Professorship for International Politics and Conflict Research (Faculty of Economics, Law and Social Sciences)
Professorship for Applied Microeconomics (Faculty of Economics, Law and Social Sciences)
Holder of the professorship for Economics with a focus on International Economics and Econometrics (Faculty of Economics, Law and Social Sciences)
Holder of the Professorship for Quantitative Methods of Empirical Social Research (Faculty of Economics, Law and Social Sciences)
Holder of the Assistant Professorship of Public International Law and International Administrative Law (Faculty of Economics, Law and Social Sciences)
Holder of the Junior Professorship for International and Monetary Macroeconomics (Faculty of Economics, Law and Social Sciences)
Holder of the professorship for Business Administration with a focus on Strategic and International Management (Faculty of Economics, Law and Social Sciences)
Visiting researcher (Faculty of Economics, Law and Social Sciences)