Security and Capitalism

What do we do?
The political debates surrounding "derisking", secondary sanctions, economic resilience and trade wars are placing geoeconomics prominently on the political and academic agenda. The research group uses the term security capitalism to refer to the increasing overlap between security and economics, thus linking the fields of security (Prof. Hoffmann), political economy (Prof. Kessler), law (Prof. Riegner) and public policy (Prof. Goldthau). The joint research interest focuses on the question of how security policy relates to capitalist value creation. Among other things, the aim is to better understand the close interaction between private sector and state actors in areas such as security apparatuses, the energy industry, global supply chains and financial markets, and to analyze their political motivations and effects.
Our new doctoral programme De-Globalisation and Global Decoupling (DeGlobE) investigates how the recalibration of market and state, economic paradigms and regulatory levels and approaches that is emerging under conditions of de-globalisation manifests itself.
The programme will be funded by the Hans Böckler foundation from 2025 on, including 11 scholarships for PhD students. The deadline for applications is April 28, 2025.
Holder of the Professorship for International Politics and Conflict Research (Faculty of Economics, Law and Social Sciences)Study Counsellor BA-International Relations (Faculty of Economics, Law and Social Sciences)
Holder of the Professorship for International Relations (Faculty of Economics, Law and Social Sciences)
Franz Haniel Professor for Public Policy (Willy Brandt School of Public Policy)
Holder of the Assistant Professorship of Public International Law and International Administrative Law (Faculty of Economics, Law and Social Sciences)Subject advice and counselling BA Economics, Law and Social Sciences (Legal Studies) (Faculty of Economics, Law and Social Sciences)Subject advice and counselling Master Economics, Law and Social Sciences – Law concentration (Faculty of Economics, Law and Social Sciences)