- 05. Januar 2024: Towards a New History of Calicut / gemeinsamer Workshop mit Farook College (Autonomous), Kozhikode (Indien): Tagungsbericht von Fathima Thesni
- 21. - 23.Februar 2024: Urban Co-temporalities: Historical and Theoretical Approaches / gemeinsame Tagung mit der Erfurter RaumZeitGruppe / Erfurt : Programm Book of Abstracts Tagungsbericht von Zahra Naghsband
- 6. - 7. Juni 2024: Making new faith in/visible, Susanne Rau in Kooperation mit Martina Stercken / Erfurt: Weitere Informationen Programm
- 13. - 15. November 2024: Religion, Urbanity & Trade / Annual conference / Concept Note
- 15.-16. Juni 2023: Workshop "Urbanity & the formation of religious groups" / Erfurt / organisert von Martin Christ
Plakat Konzeption Programm Tagungsbericht von Constanze Schaller
- 6.-7. September 2023: Kooperation/ Workshop "Urban growth and religious practices" / Rome / Jörg Rüpke mit Rubina Raja (UrbNet) und Ortwin Dally (DAI Rome)
- 10.-15. September 2023: Kooperation/ Summer school "Religious object, religiosity of objects: Roman religion through its materiality" / Rome / mit Giorgo Ferri (La Sapienza), Francesca Prescendi Morresi (ÉPHÉ Paris) und Françoise Van Haeperen (Université catholique de Louvain)
- 15.-17. November 2023: Jahreskonferenz "Religious ambivalences. The constitutive tensions within religion in urban space" / Erfurt / organisert von Elisa Iori & Jörg Rüpke Plakat Programm Abstracts Tagungsbericht von Mirjam Wien
- 29. November - 1. Dezember 2023: Tagung "Die frühchristliche Bewegung im Kontext urbaner Zentren" / Erfurt / Jörg Rüpke in Ko-operation mit Jörg Frey (Zürich) & Benjamin Schiesser (Bern), beide ECCLESIAE Gruppe (SNF): Ankündigung Programm
- 17. Mai 2022: "Typologising Cities. Critical Reflections", Erfurt: Poster Concept Note Programm
Weiterhin der Tagungsbericht von Austin Collins (Universität Durham) in H-Soz-Kult, 14.07.2022, www.hsozkult.de/conferencereport/id/fdkn-128447.
- 22.-23. Juni 2022: "Metamorphoses of Urbanities. Grasping Differences", Erfurt: Poster Concept Note Programm
Weiterhin der Tagungsbericht von Diana Pavel (Universität Erfurt), in H-Soz-Kult, 12.10.2022, www.hsozkult.de/conferencereport/id/fdkn-130247
- 16.-18. November 2022: "Urbanity: History, Concept, Uses"/ KFG-Jahreskonferenz, Schloss Ettersburg (Weimar): Concept Note Programm Book of Abstracts
- 21-22 January: "Religious Guides to Urbanity", Erfurt
Poster 1 / Poster 2
Program / Flyer - 8-9 July: "Accessing Water in the South Asian City", Erfurt and online
Programm - 1-4 September: Organization of two Panels at the European Association of Urban History, Antwerp (--> postponed to 2022)
- 23-26 November: “Blurring Boundaries“, Schloss Ettersburg
Programm - 2-4 December: "Early Modern Cultures of Death: Graveyards, Burials and Commemoration in Central Europe, c. 1500-1800", Prague (--> postponed to 2022)
- 26-28 March: "Early Modern Cultures of Death: Graveyards, Burials and Commemoration in Central Europe, c. 1500-1800", Prague POSTPONED TO 2-4 December 2021
- 11-12 June: "Religious Guides to Urbanity", Erfurt POSTPONED TO 21-22 January 2021
- 2-5 September: Organization of two Panels at the European Association of Urban History, Antwerp POSTPONED TO 1-4 September 2021
- 11-13 November: "Co-spatiality: Changing rules of double use, excluding, inviting, imagining", Erfurt
- 12-13 June: Workshop on "Towards Urbanism: Ritualizations and Settlement", co-organised with Christopher Smith, Augustinerkloster, Erfurt. Contact Asuman Lätzer-Lasar (asuman.laetzer-lasar@uni-erfurt.de) for details. Poster
- 11-13 December: KFG Annual Conference on "Heterarchies", Augustinerkloster, Erfurt. Contact Emiliano Urciuoli (emiliano.urciuoli@uni-erfurt.de) for details. Flyer
- 12 April: Presentation "Planen, streiten, bauen, nutzen. Zur handlungstheoretischen Betrachtung von Orten und Räumen in der historischen Forschung", at the Landesdenkmalamt Berlin
- 17-21 June: EASR 2018, Bern (http://www.easr2018.org) vertreten:
- Keynote lecture by Jörg Rüpke
- Panel by Jörg Rüpke/Karsten Lehmann (Kirchliche Pädagogische Hochschule Wien): "Imperial Cities“
- Panel by E. Urciuoli/Asuman Lätzer-Lasar: One, Many, and the City: Making and Unmaking Boundaries in Urban Religion - 28.-30 June: Paper "Raumdiskurse und Raumprojekte im Zuge städtischer Bevölkerungsexplosionen", at the Jahrestagung des SFB 1095 "Discourses of weekness and the Future of Societies, Frankfurt/Main
- 4-6 July: Conference "Religion of Quarters: Practicing Religion on a Neighbourhood Scale in the Hellenistic and Imperial periods", Max-Weber-Kolleg
Programme - 13-15 August: Keynote "Places and displacement in religious context and the impact on memory/history", at the conference of The International Network for Theory of History (INTH), Stockholm
- 24-25 September: Concluding Commentary "Die Stadt und die Anderen", Bonn
- 6-8 November: Conference „Religion and Urbanity. Theorising Mutual Formations“, Augustinerkloster Erfurt, in cooperation with the Centre for Urban Network Evolutions, Aarhus