
Holder of the chair

Holder of the Professorship for Organisation and Management
(Faculty of Economics, Law and Social Sciences)
C03 – teaching building 1 / room 0045
Office hours
nach Vereinbarung per E-Mail (
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Research assistants

Research associate at the professorship for Organisation and Management
(Faculty of Economics, Law and Social Sciences)
C03 – teaching building 1 / room 0038
Office hours
donnerstags 10-12 Uhr nach Voranmeldung per E-Mail und nach Vereinbarung während der vorlesungsfreien Zeit

Profile page

PhD candidates

Sebastian Dozel

Sebastian Dozel studied business administration at the Avans Hogeschool in the Netherlands and at the Open University Business School in the UK. He has worked for several years in various management functions of commercial enterprises and currently works for K+S AG in Kassel. As an external doctoral student at the chair for organisation and management of Prof. Dr. Talaulicar, Mr Dozel is investigating the influence of the chairman of the board and the effect of interaction within the board on the strategic change capacity of companies.

Joäo Gabriel Vasconcellos Godoy

João Gabriel Vasconcellos Godoy studied at Santa Catarina State University in Brazil, receiving a bachelor and master degree in Business Management. In the formative years he has researched nonprofit organizations on topics such as management accounting tools and transparency. He has six years of experience teaching various topics in management and three years as head of digital games department, responsible for the course’s management as well as lecturing on disciplines such as programming and game design. He currently researches governance of higher education institutions in pursuing a Ph.D. degree under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Till Talaulicar.



Martin Hirsch

Martin Hirsch hat Industriemanagement an der Europäischen Fachhochschule in Brühl in Kooperation mit der Aalberts Surface Treatment GmbH studiert. Dort war Herr Hirsch anschließend mit dem Aufbau eines zentralen Personalmanagements betraut und absolvierte berufsbegleitend ein Masterstudium der Fachrichtung Management und mit dem Schwerpunkt HR an der FOM Hochschule für Oekonomie und Management in Köln. Aktuell ist Herr Hirsch bei der JCB Deutschland GmbH beschäftigt und zeichnet sich für die Professionalisierung des HR-Managements verantwortlich. Als externer Doktorand am Lehrstuhl für Organisation und Management von Herrn Prof. Dr. Talaulicar untersucht Martin Hirsch mögliche Ausgestaltungsformen der strategischen HRM-Architektur in mittelständischen Unternehmen und in Start-ups.

Martin Hirsch studied industrial management at the European University of Applied Sciences in Brühl in cooperation with Aalberts Surface Treatment GmbH. There, Mr Hirsch was subsequently entrusted with the development of central human resources management and completed a part-time master's degree in management with a focus on HR at the FOM University of Applied Sciences for Economics and Management in Cologne. Mr Hirsch is currently employed at JCB Deutschland GmbH and is responsible for the professionalisation of HR management. As an external doctoral candidate at the chair of organisation and management of Prof. Dr. Talaulicar, Martin Hirsch is investigating possible forms of strategic HRM architecture in medium-sized companies and start-ups.

Marc Lamhofer

Marc Lamhofer

Marc Lamhofer completed his Master's degree in Strategic Entrepreneurship at the Jönköping International Business School in Sweden in 2017, where he already dealt with organisational ambidextry. Since then, he has been supporting companies in digitalisation projects and process optimisation at the management consultancy mm1 and manages projects in the mobility industry. As an external doctoral candidate at Prof. Dr. Talaulicar's chair of organisation and management, Mr. Lamhofer is investigating medium-sized company cooperations and their forms of design to promote organisational ambidextry.

Rene Mannsberger

Rene Mannsberger studied International Business at the Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University in cooperation with Gardena GmbH. He also completed his Master's degree in Accounting, Controlling and Taxes in cooperation with Gardena GmbH at the Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University. As an external doctoral student at the Chair of Organisation and Management of Prof. Dr. Talaulicar, Rene Mannsberger is investigating the influence of CEO, CFO and supervisory board chairman on the portfolio communication of companies. In addition, Rene Mannsberger continues to work for Gardena GmbH as a controller in the area of product management and development.

Bojan Pantic

Bojan Pantic studied Economics at the University of Belgrade, Serbia, and at the Saint Petersburg State Polytechnic University in Russia, where he completed his Magister degree in Finance on effects of the global financial crisis on corporate financial statements prepared in accordance with IFRS. He also completed his post-graduate training in research at the Saint Petersburg University Graduate School of Management. Mr. Pantic has seven years’ experience in operations management, as well as in media. He had worked in the leading Serbian weekly newsmagazine “Vreme” as an economic journalist. He is currently doing his PhD in corporate political activity of emerging market multinationals under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Till Talaulicar. His areas of interest include corporate strategy, boards of directors, and non-market strategies.

Bojan Pantic

Student assistants

Ann-Sophie Riebold

Former employees

Former research assistants

Beck, Nikolaus

Beyers, Dominik

Händschke, Sebastian

Kerekes, Raluca

Kreismann, Dominic

Manger, Daniela

Rogge, Kai

Siegemund, Jan

Steger, Thomas

Tempel, Anne

Walgenbach, Peter

Wüstenhagen, Stefanie


Former student assistants

Höger, Dominic

Kerl, Katharina

Steinhof, Anna-Lena

Turkali, Julia

Volkmer, Elisa

von Oy, Johanna

Wirth, Christine

Former PhD candidates

Dr. Sebastian Barth

Dr. Sebastian Barth was a fellow in the research project "High Performance Boards" at the Reinhard Mohn Institute for Corporate Management & Corporate Governance at Witten/Herdecke University since November 2008. His dissertation on "The nomination of supervisory board members: An empirical investigation of the selection processes in the supervisory board and its committees" was supervised by Prof. Dr. Till Talaulicar. After graduating from high school and founding a company, he began his studies in economics at the University of Witten/Herdecke in October 2003, graduating in 2008 as the best student in his class with the title of Diplom-Ökonom. Internships at home and abroad accompanied his studies in the fields of international economic relations, strategy development and corporate governance at the University of Witten/Herdecke and the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. His research and work focuses on corporate governance, in particular the selection processes of supervisory boards, as well as group theory.


Dr. Christian Dietrich

Dr. Christian Dietrich studied economics at the University of Witten/Herdecke and graduated with distinction. Subsequently, he was a research assistant to Prof. Dr. Talaulicar at the Chair of Corporate Governance & Board Dynamics at Witten/Herdecke University. Mr Dietrich successfully completed his dissertation as an external doctoral candidate on the topic of "Corporate governance from the perspective of institutional investors: the context-dependent significance of standards of good corporate governance for the foundation of investment decisions". The work was funded by a private foundation.

Dr. Marcus Fiedler

Dr. Marcus Fiedler is an external doctoral student at the chair for organisation and management and is working on the influence of the labour director on the development of entrepreneurial human capital resources under the supervision of Prof. Dr Till Talaulicar. Mr. Fiedler studied business administration and business management at the University of Applied Sciences Erfurt. His main areas of study were human resource management, business management and market research. His Bachelor's and Master's theses, which were graded "very good", were among the best final theses of his year. In his Master's thesis, Mr Fiedler developed a requirements profile for operational shift planning based on legal, collective agreement and operational framework conditions.

Dr. Isabel Kleb

Isabel Kleb studied the interdisciplinary degree programme Economics, Law and Social Sciences with a concentration on economics and law at the University of Erfurt. She wrote her Master's thesis on "Regulatory Approaches to a Separation Banking System: Foundations, Formations, Criticism". As an external doctoral candidate at the Chair for organisation and management of Prof. Dr. Talaulicar, Isabel Kleb is investigating CSR communication in the German banking sector before, during and after the global financial crisis. In parallel, she has been working at Erfurter Bank eG, a medium-sized credit cooperative, since October 2014. 


Dr. Dominic Kreismann

  • Human resource management, human resource development/training/teaching, competence models
  • Trainings and methods
  • Communication, interview techniques, conflict management & leadership
  • Organisational structures & change, CSR
  • Labour and contract law
  • Psychology

Dr. jur. Florian Modlinger

Dr. Florian Modlinger studied business administration at the Rosenheim University of Applied Sciences and the Seinäjoki Business School in Finland. He then studied law at the University of Regensburg. There he wrote his doctoral thesis on the topic: "Do we need corporate criminal law to fight corruption?" at the chair of Professor Pawlik. In 2011, he passed the exam to become a Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE) and completed the continuing education programme in criminal tax law at the Distance Learning University of Hagen. His research focuses on compliance, white-collar crime and data protection. His main areas of practice as an employed lawyer at an auditing firm are compliance and data protection as well as criminal tax law. Dr. Modlinger regularly publishes articles in professional journals and is a speaker at events on compliance and data protection topics.

As an external doctoral candidate at the chair of organisation and management, Dr Modlinger is working on the design of the compliance function in companies and is supervised by Prof. Dr Till Talaulicar.

Dr. Jakob R. Müller

Dr. Jakob R. Müller was a doctoral student at the chairs of Professor Dr. Till Talaulicar and Professor Dr Markus Hanisch (Humboldt University Berlin) on the topic: "The emergence of governance of hybrid forms of organisation: An empirical study using the example of energy cooperatives in Germany".

His thesis was nominated by the Faculty of Political Science for the University of Erfurt's Christoph Martin Wieland Doctoral Award 2019.

Jakob Müller completed a dual degree in business administration (Berufsakademie Mannheim) in services marketing in cooperation with Deutsche BP AG from 2004 to 2007. He wrote his diploma thesis on the topic of "Effects of the amendment of central subsidy components of the EEG on the attractiveness of the photovoltaic market using the example of BP Solar". The thesis was chosen as the best diploma thesis at the Mannheim University of Cooperative Education in 2007. Jakob Müller was also awarded a Bachelor of Arts with First Class Honours in Business Administration from the Open University.

From 2007 to 2010, Jakob Müller was a student at the University of Witten/Herdecke, where he completed the Master of Arts in General Management programme. He wrote his Master's thesis on the topic of "Control of and in Groups" under Professor Dr Rudolf Wimmer. Jakob Müller was also a guest student on the Master of Science in Energy and Finance programme at the University of Duisburg-Essen from 2008 to 2010.

Jakob Müller's work and research focuses on hybrid organisational forms and their governance mechanisms. In particular, the performance effect of the governance of cooperatives on the German electricity market is the focus of his research.

Dr. Jutta Trögel

Dr. Jutta Trögel studied Business Administration and International Business Administration at the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt and the Universidad de Salamanca. She received an award from the City of Ingolstadt for her academic achievements and was honoured as the top graduate of her year. She was also a scholarship holder of the Cusanuswerk and the Bavarian Elite Academy.

Ms Trögel wrote her doctoral thesis on "Possibilities and Limits of the Chairman's Influence on the Supervisory Board - an Empirical Investigation" at the Reinhard-Mohn Institute for Corporate Management and Corporate Governance at the University of Witten/Herdecke, where she was a member of the research project "High Performance Boards - Quality and Efficiency in Supervisory Boards" and was supervised by Prof. Dr Till Talaulicar.

Her research interests include the distribution of power and influence in supervisory boards, decision-making processes and discussion culture in supervisory boards, strategy-as-practice, especially strategic planning processes in companies, and capturing the green consumer - sustainable management in the consumer goods industry.

Since 2006, Jutta Trögel has been working as a strategic management consultant at the Boston Consulting Group.

Dr. Demian Wilhelm

Dr. Demian Wilhelm has been an external doctoral student at the chair of Professor Dr Till Talaulicar since April 2015, focusing in particular on the influence of company management on the organisational capacity for change in family businesses. The dissertation project theoretically and empirically investigated the questions of whether and to what extent the design of company management has a positive effect on organisational change capability and how these capabilities relate to the success of the company.
At the same time, Demian Wilhelm has been working as a management consultant at Accenture's Munich office since August 2012. He supports business transformations of leading companies end-to-end with a focus on change management, HR, training and project management.
Mr Wilhelm studied business administration (diploma) at the University of Trier and Aston Business School (UK). His main areas of study were strategic management, organisation, work psychology and change management.