MEd Study Commission

The Study Commission regulates the proper implementation of the courses offered and draws up study and examination regulations.


Professor Dr Gerd Mannhaupt

Director of the Erfurt School of Education (ESE)

Professor Dr Sandra Neumann

Director of Studies of the Erfurt School of Education (ESE)

Professor Dr Heike Hahn

Vice Dean of the Faculty of Education

Professor Dr Julia Knop

Vice Dean of the Faculty of Catholic Theology

Professor Dr Andreas Anter

Vice Dean of the Faculty of Economics, Law and Social Sciences

Professor Dr Katharina Waldner

Representative of the Faculty of Philosophy

Jeanette König-Wendel

Dr Katharina Leonhardt

Cordula Schonert-Sieber

Michael Güpner

Research assistants and employees

Franziska Spenner
Rieke Warzog

Student representatives