Examination Committees of the Faculty

Bachelor Examination Committee


Members from the group of university professors:
Chairman: Prof. Dr. Rudolf Helmstetter
Deputy Chairman: Prof. Dr. Jürgen Martschukat
Prof. Dr. Kai Merten
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Fabian Prochazka

Members of the group of academic staff:
Dr. Verena Laschinger

Members from the  group of students:
Christin Kunkel
Mia Neuhold


  • The Bachelor Examination Committee ensures that the provisions of the Bachelor Framework Examination Regulations and the corresponding examination and study regulations are observed.
  • It makes suggestions for the reform of the Bachelor's degree programs and the corresponding regulations.
  • The Bachelor Examination Committee makes official decisions in accordance with administrative procedure and administrative process law. The appeal authority is the President of the University.
  • The members of the Bachelor Examination Board have the right to be present during the taking of examinations.

Administration of Bachelor Examination Committee

Sekretariat der Professur für Neuere Deutsche Literaturwissenschaft
(Literary Studies)
C23 – staff building 1 / C23.03.06

Master Examination Committee


Members of the group of university professors:
Chairwoman: Prof. Dr. Katharina Waldner
Prof. Dr. Michael Cuntz
Prof. Dr. Bärbel Frischmann
Prof. Dr. Guido Löhrer

Members of the group of academic employees:
Dr. Verena Laschinger

Members of the group of students:
Lea Agmon
Theodor Marten


  • The Master's Examination Board ensures that the provisions of the Master's Framework Examination Regulations and the corresponding examination and study regulations are observed.
  • It makes suggestions for the reform of the Master's degree programs and the corresponding regulations.
  • The Master's Examination Board makes official decisions within the meaning of administrative procedure and administrative process law. The appeal authority is the President of the University.
  • The members of the Master's Examination Board have the right to be present during the taking of examinations.

Administration of Master Examination Committee

Romy Klaer
Contact person for master theses
(Faculty of Philosophy)
C18 – teaching building 4 / C18.02.02

PhD Committee


Chairman: Prof. Dr. Frank Domahs
Members from the group of university professors:
Prof. Dr. Cornelia Betsch
Prof. Dr. Alex Burri
Prof. Dr. Lensen-Saal
Prof. Dr. Vasilios N. Makrides
Prof. Dr. Susanne Rau

Member of the group of academic staff:
PD Dr. Markus Hartmann

Member from the group of students:
Franz Eppler, M.A.


The doctoral committee is responsible in particular for

  • the opening of the doctoral procedures,
  • the appointment of the examination boards
  • the supervision of the procedures and
  • deciding on exceptions to the rules laid down in the doctoral regulations.

It can remedy objections and decides on declarations of invalidity and withdrawals of the doctoral degree in accordance with § 58 paragraph 7 ThürHG.

Administration of PhD committee

Romy Klaer
Contact person for master theses
(Faculty of Philosophy)
C18 – teaching building 4 / C18.02.02