
On this page you will find important information on applying for acceptance as a doctoral candidate and on admission to the doctoral process.

The legal basis for a doctoral project at the Faculty of Philosophy are Thüringer Hochschulgesetz (Thuringian Higher Education Act), Allgemeine Bestimmungen für Promotionen an der Universität Erfurt (General Regulations for Doctoral Procedures at the University of Erfurt) and Promotionsordnungen (the doctoral regulations of the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Erfurt) in their current version:

Thüringer Hochschulgesetz

Allgemeine Bestimmungen für Promotionen an der Universität Erfurt

Promotionsordnung für die Philosophische Fakultät der Universität Erfurt vom 6. Juli 2022

Promotionsordnung für die Philosophische Fakultät der Universität Erfurt vom 6. September 2012

Promotionsordnung für die Philosophische Fakultät der Universität Erfurt vom 10. Januar 2007

Promotionsordnung für die Philosophische Fakultät der Universität Erfurt vom 20. September 2001

For a doctorate at the Faculty of Philosophy, the requirements according to § 8 of the doctoral regulations for the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Erfurt must be fulfilled.


Application for acceptance as a doctoral candidate

For acceptance as a doctoral candidate at the Faculty of Philosophy, an application must be submitted via Docata - the web portal for doctoral candidates at the University of Erfurt. Docata provides a step-by-step assistant that guides you through the application for acceptance as a doctoral candidate.

The web portal for doctoral students at the University of Erfurt can be found at

The application can be submitted after online registration in Docata. You will then receive your personal access data with which you can log in and process your application at any time.

You must have the following documents ready and submit them electronically (1) or by mail (2):

(1) Documents in electronic form

  • Exposé
  • Certificate of higher education entrance qualification (Abitur certificate, or similar)
  • a curriculum vitae, which provides information about the educational background in particular

(2) Documents in paper form

  • in Docata issued application for acceptance as doctoral candidate incl. declaration according to § 9 paragraph 1 No. 5 of the doctoral regulations which must be signed by the applicant
  • either a qualified, digitally signed document or certified copy of certificate of the admission-relevant degree (master's certificate or similar incl. Transcript of Record)
  • informal declaration of supervision issued and signed by the supervisor1
  • if applicable, supervision agreement signed by applicant and supervisor, if already available 1 (see template under Graduate Services)
  • if applicable, (informal) consent of a second person authorized to conduct examinations, in the case of studies in a subject that is not represented at the Faculty of Philosophy1
  • if applicable, a justified informal application in case of a dissertation project in a language other than German or English with the consent of the supervisors1
  • if applicable, contract on binational doctoral procedure (Cotutelle) - this must be concluded prior to the application for acceptance

1 Declaration of supervision, supervision agreement, cotutelle contract, consent of the second person authorized to examine, application for other language can also be submitted directly to the Dean's Office via the supervisor.

Application for admission to the doctoral procedure

To complete your doctoral studies, you must apply for admission to doctorate.  The application must be submitted via Docata - the web portal for doctoral students at the University of Erfurt. Docata provides a step-by-step wizard that guides you through the application for admission to the doctoral procedure.

To the web portal for doctoral students at the University of Erfurt →

If you are applying for admission according to an older version of the doctoral regulations, please refer to the doctoral regulations for information on which documents must be submitted

According to the latest doctoral regulations (2022!), you must have the following documents ready, which you must submit electronically (1 (via Docata)) as well as by mail (2):

(1) Documents in electronic form

  • Curriculum vitae, which in particular provides information about the educational background
  • complete list of publications of the doctoral candidate
  • names (and contact details, if applicable) of the (external) reviewers
  • a text-identical electronic version (PDF) of the dissertation
  • certificate of payment of a doctoral fee, the amount of which can be found in the general fee scheduleof the University of Erfurt; please request the bank details at the Dean´'s office

(2) Documents in paper form

  • in Docata generated application for admission to the doctoral procedure, which must be signed by the applicant
  • copy of the notice of acceptance as a doctoral candidate according to § 9 of the doctoral regulations
  • Honorary declaration of the doctoral candidate according to the appendix to § 11 paragraph 1 number 8 of the doctoral regulations
  • together with supervisor informally prepared and signed proof of three scientific presentations in academic contexts, at least one of which should have been given at the University of Erfurt on the dissertation topic; the doctoral committee decides on applications for exceptions
  • four copies of the dissertation
  • if applicable, proof of requirements according to § 8 paragraph 4 of the doctoral regulations

Contact Person

Romy Klaer
Contact person for doctorate and habilitation
(Faculty of Philosophy)
C18 – teaching building 4 / C18.02.02

Office hours

Appointments for the submission of applications and dissertations theses are possible by individual arrangement. Appointments and confirmations are made after e-mail enquiry.