
The legal basis for a habilitation procedure at the Faculty of Philosophy is the Thuringian Higher Education Act and the Habilitation Regulations of the University of Erfurt.

Thüringer Hochschulgesetz

Habilitationsordnung der Universität Erfurt vom 03.02.2016

For a habilitation at the Faculty of Philosophy, the requirements according to § 4 (1) of the habilitation regulations of the University of Erfurt must be fulfilled.

Applicants who are not members of the University of Erfurt may be requested by the dean to whom they wish to submit their application for habilitation to present themselves to the university in a scientific lecture related to the topic of the habilitation before the habilitation procedure is opened.


Please contact the Dean's Office prior to submitting your application or request.

Application for opening

The following information and documents are required according § 5 (3) of the the Habilitation Regulations of the University of Erfurt (Habilitationsordnung) to apply for the opening of the habilitation procedure:

  • written application with the following information (a template is available at the Dean's office):
    • designation of the subject(s) for which the applicant intends to habilitate,
    • 3 proposals for reviewers for the habilitation thesis and 2 proposals for the reviewers of the examination of pedagogical-didactic aptitude,
    • notification as to whether the authorization to teach according to § 7 Habilitation Regulations is being applied for,
    • members of the Max-Weber-Kolleg (MWK): indication whether the habilitation will be carried out in cooperation with the MWK
  • curriculum vitae
  • documentary proof of the doctorate
  • written habilitation thesis in 5 printed copies and an electronical version (PDF)
  • Declaration on honour according to Annex 1 Habilitation Regulations
  • three proposals for the topic of the scientific presentation
  • complete list of scientific publications
  • list of courses taught so far
  • official clearance certificate (exception: members of the University of Erfurt)
  • written statement on criminal and disciplinary convictions as well as pending criminal and disciplinary proceedings
  • written statement on any previous or simultaneous applications for habilitation elsewhere
  • receipt for the habilitation fee paid ("Allgemeine Gebührenordnung der Universität Erfurt"(in German only))  - Please contact Dean's office for details

You can find the checklist for the application for opening of habilitation procedure here.


Contact Person

Romy Klaer
Contact person for doctorate and habilitation
(Faculty of Philosophy)
C18 – teaching building 4 / C18.02.02

Office hours

Appointments for the submission of post-doctoral theses are possible by individual arrangement. Appointments and confirmations are made after e-mail enquiry.