Student Council of History

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To connect with other History students, find relevant information on your study programm, get updates on the latest events and check what your student council is doing, join the History Moodle Room! The password is Geschichte.

The Council 2023

FSR 2023

The Committee

Speaker Tim Ramm
Deputy Speaker Lena Baulig
Public Relations Dylan Rubisch, Lucy Lenz, Saskia Thomas, Verena Pichler
Culture and Finance Verena Pichler, Charlene Schön, Dylan Rubisch
Social Affairs Lena Baulig, Charlene Schön, Friedrich Gehre, Tim Ramm, Petrus Beck
BA Representative Tim Ramm, Lena Baulig
MA Representative Saskia Thomas, Petrus Beck
Volunteers Alexandra Metzner, Melanie Lal, Franz Pliquett, Saskia Thomas, Verena Pichler, Lucy Lenz
Honorable Members Mrs. Meersteiner

Studying History with a Disability

You are a new or well-known face in history studies and are looking for support or a contact person, because you are studying with a disability? Then feel free to contact our inclusion representative.

General information and references can also be found on our Moodle site in the information tab.

Saskia Thomas
Inklusionsbeauftragte FSR Geschichte
(Faculty of Philosophy)