Dr Anne Grüne


Study Advisor and Coordinator of the Master's Program Global Communication: Politics and Society (Faculty of Philosophy)


C18 – teaching building 4 / C18.02.25

Office hours

Current students please use my regular office hours (see under "research associate")

Prospective students please contact us via Email:


Visiting address

Faculty of Philosophy
C18 – teaching building 4
Alfred-Weber-Platz 4
99089 Erfurt

Mailing address

Universität Erfurt
Faculty of Philosophy
Postfach 90 02 21
99105 Erfurt

Research Associate (Senior Lecturer) (Seminar für Medien- und Kommunikationswissenschaft)


C18 – teaching building 4 / C18.02.25

Office hours

Office hours during the semester break:
February 11: 11 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. / 2:30 – 4:00 p.m.
February 25: 12 – 2:30 p.m.
March 24: 9 a.m. – 11 a.m. (Webex)
(Please register in advance via arsa.lekaj@uni-erfurt.de)

Visiting address

Seminar für Medien- und Kommunikationswissenschaft
C18 – teaching building 4
Alfred-Weber-Platz 4
99089 Erfurt

Mailing address

Universität Erfurt
Seminar für Medien- und Kommunikationswissenschaft
Postfach 90 02 21
99105 Erfurt

Departmental Coordinator for Studying Abroad (Seminar für Medien- und Kommunikationswissenschaft)


C18 – teaching building 4 / 02.25

Office hours

For all queries regarding your semester abroad (planning, learning agreement, recognition forms, etc.) please use my regular office hours.

Visiting address

Seminar für Medien- und Kommunikationswissenschaft
C18 – teaching building 4
Alfred-Weber-Platz 4
99089 Erfurt

Mailing address

Universität Erfurt
Seminar für Medien- und Kommunikationswissenschaft
Postfach 90 02 21
99105 Erfurt

Dr Anne Grüne

News and Information

Latest Publications

  • Hafez, Kai; Grüne, Anne (2022): Foundations of Global Communication. A Conceptual Handbook. London; New York, NY: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group Link to the publisher
  • Hafez, Kai; Grüne, Anne (2021): Grundlagen der globalen Kommunikation. Medien - Systeme - Lebenswelten. München: UVK/UTB Link to the publisher

Latest Activities and Projects

  • Spokesperson of the International and Intercultural Communication Section of the German Communication Association DGPuK (since Dez. 2022) Link to the Sections Website
  • Founding member of the DFG-Network "Kosmopolitische Kommunikationswissenschaft" (German Research Funding Organisation, 2021 - 2024) Link to the Networks Website


  • Consultation/Office Hours: I would like to ask all students to register for a slot in my Office Hours (see above) for general questions and matters that are not of utmost importance. Please understand that I am glad to help you during office hours but cannot enable individual and continous consultation via Email.


Research Focus

  • Communication and Media Studies: theories of global communication, global media and everyday culture, comparative communication cultures, theories of entertainment and popular culture
  • Cultural Studies: theories of popular culture and everyday culture, theories of hybridity and inter-/trans-/multiculturalism, sociology of knowledge, cultural globalization
  • Methodolgy: qualitative methods in media and communication studies, comparative methods in communication studies

Research Projects

  • Current research project: Habilitation/second thesis (post-doc-project) "The communicative management of global change. An analysis of the lifeworld substructure of a fragile global knowledge society."
  • 2015 - 2017 | Project Coordination | Media Systems and Communication Cultures in Indonesia and Germany: Structures, Dynamics and Acteurs of Public and Private Communication in Transformation | cooperation with the State University of Padjadjaran UNPAD Bandung/Indonesien | funded by the DAAD program "Higher Education Dialogue with the Muslim World" | project definition and implementation together with Sabrina Schmidt, M.A., Subekti Priyadharma, M.A. and Prof. Dr. Kai Hafez
  • 5 - 6 October 2017 | Conference OrganisationLifeworld Communication and the Global Wo/Man: New Perspectives on the Globalization Debate | Annual Conference of the International and Intercultural Communication Section of the German Communication Association | University of Erfurt | Project Definition and Implementation 
  • 27 – 29 October 2011 |Conference OrganisationBeyond "Center" and "Periphery": (De-)Westernization in International and Intercultural Communication | Annual Conference of the International and Intercultural Communication Section of the German Communication Association |  University of Erfurt | sponsored by Hans-Böckler-Stiftung / Thüringer Landesmedienanstalt TLM | project definition and implementation together with Dr. Dirk-Claas Ulrich and Prof. Dr. Carola Richter

List of Publications

Monographies and Editorial Works

  • Hafez, Kai; Grüne, Anne (2021): Grundlagen der globalen Kommunikation. Medien - Systeme - Lebenswelten. München: UVK/UTB. link to publisher
  • Grüne, Anne; Hafez, Kai; Priyadharma, Subekti; Schmidt, Sabrina (Eds.) (2019): Media and Transformation in Germany and Indonesia: Asymmetrical Comparisons and Perspectives. Berlin: Frank und Timme. link to publisher
  • Grüne, Anne (2016): Formatierte Weltkultur? Zur Theorie und Praxis globalen Unterhaltungsfernsehens. Bielefeld: Transcript. link to publisher
  • Grüne, Anne; Ulrich, Dirk-Claas (guest editors of special edition) (2012): (De-)Westernization in Media and Journalism Studies: Demarcating, Transcending and Subverting Borders. Global Media Journal – German Edition, 2 (2). link to the Journal website
  • since 2018: Co-Editor (together wih Prof. Dr. Kai Hafez) of the Scientific Book Series: "Internationale und Interkulturelle Kommunikation" of the publisher Frank & Timme in Berlin link to publisher

Book Chapters and Articles in Scientific Journals

  • Grüne, Anne; Wasserman, Herman; de Albuquerque, Afonso, & Kraidy , Marwan M. (2024): From Islandization to Joint Internationalization: A Conversation About a “Deep” Internationalization in Communication Studies Between Anne Grüne, Herman Wasserman, Afonso de Albuquerque and Marwan M. Kraidy. In: Global Media Journal - German Edition, 14(1). https://doi.org/10.60678/gmj-de.v14i1.300
  • Grüne, Anne (2023): On the (Im)Possibility of Cross-Border Audience Formation. In: Liane Rothenberger, Martin Löffelholz und David H. Weaver (Hrsg.): The Palgrave Handbook of Cross-Border Journalism. Palgrave McMillan, S. 299-315. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-23023-3_19
  • Grüne, Anne; Hafez, Kai; Holland, Till (2023): Transnational Interdependence and New Crisis Communication Governance? German Media Coverage of Europe and Asia during the COVID-19 Pandemic. In: International Communication Gazette, 85(8), S. 678-696. https://doi.org/10.1177/17480485231214372

  • Richter, C., Grüne, A., Hafez, K., Fiedler, A., Behmer, M., Horz-Ishak, C., Badr, H., Litvinenko, A., Hahn, O., Radue, M., Sarısakaloğlu, A., Löffelholz, M., Fengler, S., Illg, B., Hamidi, K., Hanitzsch, T., & Thomaß, B. (2023): Die „tiefe Internationalisierung“ der deutschen Kommunikationswissenschaft? Eine Evaluation der Personal- und Forschungsstrukturen sowie der Lehrprogramme deutscher Hochschulen. In: Global Media Journal - German Edition, 13(1). https://globalmediajournal.de/index.php/gmj/article/view/275
  • Grüne, Anne (2019): Dys/Functions of Popular Culture in Democratic Transformation: Comparative Perspectives on Germany and Indonesia. In: Anne Grüne, Kai Hafez, Subekti Priyadharma and Sabrina Schmidt (Eds.): Media and Transformation in Germany and Indonesia: ASymmetrical Comparisons and Perspectives. Berlin: Frank und Timme, p. 263-312. 
  • Grüne, Anne (2019): Gruppenkommunikation und Globalisierung: eine unzeitgemäße Betrachtung. In: Christine Linke und Isabel Schlote (Eds.): Soziales Medienhandeln. Integrative Perspektiven auf den Wandel mediatisierter interpersonaler Kommunikation. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, p. 185-195. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-27902-8_15   
  • Grüne, Anne; Hafez, Kai (2018): Fördert arabische Populärkultur die Individualisierung? Fernsehnutzung bei jungen Ägyptern. In: Florian Zemmin, Johannes Stephan and Monica Corrado (Eds.): Moderne im Islam. Islam in der Moderne. Leiden: Brill, p. 451-471. https://doi.org/10.1163/9789004364042_022  
  • Grüne, Anne (2018): "Big Brother is still watching you": Medien und Kommunikation in politischen Utopien/Dystopien. In: Irene Leser and Jessica Schwarz (Eds.): utopisch dystopisch. Visionen einer ‚idealen‘ Gesellschaft. Wiesbaden: Springer-VS, p. 179-194. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-21966-6_12  
  • Grüne, Anne (2016): Cultural Diversity in Transcultural Entertainment Shows – From Integrative to Post-Integrative Politics of Representation? In: Carola Richter, Indira Dupuis and Stefanie Averbeck-Lietz (Eds.): Diversity in Transcultural and International Communication. LIT, p. 167-189. 
  • Hafez, Kai; Grüne, Anne (2016): Westernization. In: John Stone et al. (Eds.): The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Race, Ethnicity and Nationalism. Vol V. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, p. 2205-2209.
  • Grüne, Anne (2015): Die Macht der Medien. In: EUNIC, Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen, Europäische Kulturstiftung (ECF): Europa: Festung oder Sehnsuchtsort? Kultur und Migration. Kulturreport Vol. 7. Göttingen: Steidl, p. 166 – 173. 
  • Englische Version: Grüne, Anne (2015): The Power of The Media. In: EUNIC, ifa, ECF: Europe: Closed Doors or Open Arms? Culture and Migration. Culture Report Vol. 7, Göttingen: Steidl, p. 166-173.
  • Hafez, Kai; Grüne, Anne (2015): Chaotische Fernwelt – getrennte Lebenswelten: Auslandsberichterstattung zwischen negativem und positivem Journalismus. In: Bernd Knappmann / Deutscher Fachjournalisten-Verband (Eds.): Positiver Journalismus. Konstanz: UVK, p. 99-112.
  • Grüne, Anne; Ulrich, Dirk-Claas (2012): (De-)Westernization in Media and Journalism Studies: Demarcating, Transcending and Subverting Borders, In: Global Media Journal – German Edition, 2 (2).

Special Publications

  • Badr, H.; Behmer, M.; Fengler, S.; Fiedler, A.; Grüne, A.; Hafez, K.; Hahn, O.; Hamidi, K.; Hanitzsch, T.; Horz, C.; Illg, B.; Litvinenko, A.; Löffelholz, M.; Radue, M.; Richter, C.; Thomaß, B.; Töpfl, F. (2020): Kosmopolitische Kommunikationswissenschaft: Plädoyer für eine „tiefe Internationalisierung“ des Fachs in Deutschland. Publizistik (29.06.2020). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11616-020-00576-6  
  • Steinbach, Udo; Graf Strachwitz, Rupert; Rumignani, Piero Antonio (2015): Europe and the Mediterranean - Talking, Learning, Working, and Living Together. Europa Bottom-Up: Arbeitspapiere zur Europäischen Zivilgesellschaft, Nr. 11. Berlin: Maecenata Stiftung. Konferenzbericht unter Mitarbeit von Luis Castellar Maymó, Julia Dreher, Anne Grüne und Guillem Riutord Sampol. 


  • Grüne, Anne (2016): Buchbesprechung: Brinkmann, Janis: Ein Hauch von Jasmin. In: Publizistik 61 (1), S. 75-76.
  • Grüne, Anne (2013): Review: Global Television Formats. Understanding Television Across Borders. In: Global Media Journal - German Edition, 3 (2).

Academic Papers, Keynote Speeches and Roundtables

  • Revisiting the Role of Popular Culture and Communication in Democratic and Post-Democratic Transformations” | paper presented at the annal conference of the Global Communication Association GCA "Media, Politics, Migration, and Education in the Digital Age". 12 - 15 May 2019, Athens, Greek.
  • Globale Formate - lokale Transformation? Zum Vergleich jugendkultureller Fernsehrezeption am Beispiel "westlicher" und "arabischer" Populärkultur” | Keynote | 14th media workshop at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, Arab Media "Arabische TV-Forschung: Sender, Formate und Themen (organized by Bettina Gräf, Juli Singer and Sarah El Shemy), 11 January 2019, Munich.
  • Das Islambild in den deutschen Massenmedien. Medien- und kommunikationswissenschaftliche Perspektiven“ | paper presented at the interdisciplinary conference "Religion als Hafen oder Bedrohung - Religiöse Stereotypen in der medialen Vermittlung des 20. Jahrhunderts". 14 - 16 November 2018, Carl von Ossietzky University, Oldenburg.
  • “The Lifeworld Turn in Foreign Reporting: Theorizing Group Interactions and Audience Responses” | Vortrag gemeinsam mit Prof. Dr. Kai Hafez im Rahmen der Jahrestagung der Fachgruppe Internationale und Interkulturelle Kommunikation der DGPuK Journalism Across Borders, 26.-28. September 2018, Universität Ilmenau.
  • “Social Communication as the “Missing Link” in Global Communication: The Importance of Group-Communication for Social and Cultural Globalization Processes” | Vortrag im Rahmen der Jahreskonferenz der GCA. 17.-20. Mai 2018, Madrid, Spanien. 
  • “Popular Culture in the Realm of Democratic Transformation” | Vortrag im Rahmen der Konferenz “Media and Transformation in Germany and Indonesia: Dynamics and Regressions in Global Perspective”, 1.-3. November 2017, Bandung/Indonesien
  • „Globale Kommunikation der Lebenswelt: der „missing link” in der Globalisierungsdebatte?!“ | Einführungsvortrag/Keynote im Rahmen der Jahrestagung der Fachgruppe Internationale und Interkulturelle Kommunikation der DGPuK „Globale Kommunikation: Redefining the Field“, 5.-6. Oktober 2017, Universität Erfurt  
  • "Global Knowledge Gaps in Lifeworld Communication: New “Elites” and “Masses” in Global Communication" | Vortrag im Rahmen der Jahreskonferenz der IAMCR 2017, 16.-20. Juli 2017 | Cartagena, Kolumbien 
  • „Globale Vernetzung in der kommunikativen Lebenswelt: eine theoretische Inventarisierung“ | Vortrag auf der Jahrestagung der DGPuK 2017 „Vernetzung. Stabilität und Wandel gesellschaftlicher Kommunikation“, 1. April 2017 | Universität Düsseldorf
  • „Medienbilder und Weltbilder: Islam und Islamfeindlichkeit in Deutschland“ | Vortrag im Rahmen der LehererInnenfortbildung im Studienhaus Wiesneck, Institut für politische Bildung Baden-Württemberg e.V., 09. Dezember 2016 | Buchenbach bei Freiburg
  • "'Der verhinderte Dialog?!' Westliche und Arabische Lebenswelten" | Vortrag im Rahmen der Vortragsreihe der Stiftung Demokratie Saarland, 14. November 2016 | Saarbrücken
  • „'Big Brother is still watching you': Medien und Kommunikation in politischen Utopien/Dystopien | Vortrag im Rahmen der Tagung "Utopisch dystopisch. Visionen einer 'idealen' Gesellschaft", 7.-9. Oktober 2016 | Universität Hildesheim
  • „'We Can Relate to It, but not in an Egyptian Way': Discoursive Readings of Global Entertainment in Germany and Egypt – Comparing Audiences in Relation to 'Western' and 'Arab' Popular Culture" | Vortrag im Rahmen des 23. Internationalen DAVO Kongresses, 6.-8. Oktober 2016 | Uiversität Tübingen
  • "Global Injections in Local Lifeworlds: New Concepts and Theoretical Challenges in Global Communication Studies" | Vortrag im Rahmen der Jahreskonferenz der IAMCR 2016, International Communication Section, 27.-31. Juli 2016 | Leicester/UK
  • „Globale Wissensgesellschaft: Quo vadis?“ | Gastvortrag im Rahmen der Vorlesung „Globale Kommunikation: Medien, Systeme und Lebenswelten“ (Prof. Dr. Kai Hafez) im BA-Programm Kommunikationswissenschaft, 5. Juli 2016 | Universität Erfurt  
  • „Europas multikulturelle Identitätskrise – zum Spannungsverhältnis von Medien, Migration und kultureller Identität“ | Einführungsvortrag zur Veranstaltung: "Migration und Identität – wie verändert sich Europa?" EUNIC-Cluster Stuttgart, Kooperation der Volkshochschule Stuttgart mit dem Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen (ifa), dem Institut Français Stuttgart, dem Ungarischen Kulturinstitut Stuttgart (Balassi Institut) und dem Italienischen Kulturinstitut Stuttgart, 23. Juni 2016 | Volkshochschule Stuttgart
  • „Globale Kommunikation in der Lebenswelt: Einführung in ein interdisziplinäres Theoriefeld“ | Gastvorträge im Rahmen der Vorlesung „Globale Kommunikation: Medien, Systeme und Lebenswelten“ (Prof. Dr. Kai Hafez) im BA-Prgroamm Kommunikationswissenschaft, 14. und 21. Juni 2016 | Universität Erfurt  
  • „Ferne Welten – Medienwelten: Politische Kommunikation in Asien“  "Schnuppervorlesung" gemeinsam mit Prof. Dr. Kai Hafez im Rahmen des Hochschulinformationstags der Universität Erfurt, 21. Mai 2016 | Universität Erfurt
  • "Is Entertainment Really Political? Global TV Entertainment and Social Change in Egypt" | Vortrag im Rahmen der Jahreskonferenz des NUS Middle East Institute Singapur “Media in the Contemporary Middle East”, 3.-4. September 2016 | Singapur
  • "Globale Unterhaltungskultur" | Gastvortrag im Rahmen der Vorlesung „Internationale und Vergleichende Mediensystemforschung“ (Prof. Dr. Kai Hafez) im BA-Programm Kommunikationswissenschaft, 30. Juni 2015 | Universität Erfurt
  • “Comparative Discourses of Popular Culture: German and Egyptian Readings of Global Entertainment TV Formats?” | Public Lecture held at Cairo University/ Egypt, hosted by the Department of English Language and Literature and the Forum for the Study of Popular Culture, 1st of March 2015 | Cairo/Egypt 
  • “Diversity in Transcultural Entertainment Formats: From Integrative to Post-Integrative Politics of Representation?” | Paper presented at “Diversity in Transcultural and International Communication“, Conference of the International and Intercultural Communication Section of the German Communication Association (DGPuK) in Cooperation with the Creative Unit “Communicative Figurations”, 2nd – 3rd of October 2014 | Bremen 
  • “Global Entertainment TV Formats in German/Egyptian Comparison: Transcultural Identity Discourses and Collective Readings” | Paper presented at WOCMES 2014 – World Congress for Middle East Studies, 18th – 20th of August 2014 | METU, Ankara/Turkey
  • “Models of the Public Sphere” / “The Internet and the Public Sphere” | Lectures in the context of the Summer School “Political Communication. The Changing Role of Social Media in Muslim Countries“ together with Afifa El Bayed and Sabrina Schmidt, July 2013 | University of Erfurt 
  • "Skeptical Readers and Indifferent Cultural Identification in the Context of Formatted Television" | Paper presented at the IAMCR 2013 Conference, 25th - 29th of June | Dublin/Irland
  • “What is Cultural About Cultural Adaptation in TV Formats? Preliminary Observations From a Transcultural Study of Localising Format Shows in the German and Arab Television Landscape” | Paper presented at “Media Across Borders: 1st International Conference on the Localisation of Television, Film and Video Games”, 9th June 2012 | University of Roehampton, London/UK
  •  „Wissenschaft und Interdisziplinarität“ | Vorlesung im Rahmen des Wissenschaftspropädeutikums an der Universität Erfurt im BA-Programm 2011 | Universität Erfurt
  • „Medien und Transnationalisierung am Beispiel von Fernsehformaten“ | Gastvortrag im Rahmen der Vorlesung „Sozialwissenschaftliche Medienforschung“ (Thomas Lenz/Prof. Dr. Michael Jäckel), 2009 | Universität Trier 
  • „Transnationalisierung von Fernsehformaten“ | Gastvortrag im Rahmen des Seminars „Global TV“ (Carola Richter) im BA-Programm Kommunikationswissenschaft, 2009 | Universität Erfurt

Academic Panels and Roundtable Discussions

  • “Digital Media: a Silver Bullet for enhancing Transparency and Accountability?” | Leitung des Panels im Rahmen des internationalen Expertenworkshops "Goodbye to Elitism: Anchoring Global Governance in Societies" des INEF/sef, 25. September 2018, Universität Duisburg-Essen.
  • “Media Representation and Racism” | Chair der Session im Rahmen der Konferenz “Media and Transformation in Germany and Indonesia: Dynamics and Regressions in Global Perspective”, 1.-3. November 2017, Bandung/Indonesien 
  • „Entwicklungskommunikation als Forschungsfeld?“ | Referentin auf der Podiumsdiskussion der Konferenz „Theorie, Praxis, Crossmedialität und Mediation – Herausforderungen der Journalistenausbildung in fragilen Kontexten", 30. Juni 2017 | Universität Leipzig
  • "Der andere Islam: Medien und Alltag in einer jungen Demokratie", Forschungs- und Reiseberichte aus Indonesien | Konzeption, Moderation und Organisation der öffentlichen Abendveranstaltung (gemeinsam mit Sabrina Schmidt, Subekti Priyadharma und Prof. Dr. Kai Hafez), 26. April 2016 | Universität Erfurt
  • „Mission: Impossible? Feministische Perspektiven auf die Einwanderungsgesellschaft“ | Moderation des Diskussionsabends mit Sineb El Masrar und Anne Störger der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Thüringen,  8. März 2016 | Erfurt 
  • „Leben wir in einer Nichtwissenwollen-Gesellschaft?“ | Referentin auf der Podiumsdiskussion des FSRKW der Universität Erfurt, 15. Mai 2017 | Festsaal des Rathauses der Stadt Erfurt 
  • "Academic Response" | Abschlusspräsentation der Forschungsprojekte im Rahmen des Dialogprojekts "Mediensysteme und Kommunikationskulturen in Deutschland und Indonesien" (gefördert durch den DAAD) an der State University of Padjadjaran (UNPAD), gemeinsam mit Sabrina Schmidt, 4. November 2015 | Bandung/Indonesien

Reviews and Media Echo

Reviews on "Foundations of Global Communication"

In this breakthrough investigation, Kai Hafez and Anne Grüne place globalization, one of the most popular keywords of our times, under renewed critical scrutiny. In a powerful conceptual language, they develop an original account of the asymmetries and tensions of our interconnected world and offer a novel understanding of how its various communicative actors and their systemic relations, at once, bind us together and keep up apart. The outcome is a compelling narrative that sheds light on some of the most urgent challenges of our time, including the rise of global fundamentalisms and illiberal populisms. A must-read.

Prof. Lilie Chouliaraki, London School of Economics and Political Science


This is a wide-ranging, sophisticated yet critical discussion of the globalization of communication. Telescoping from the systemic to the individual, and encompassing politics, commercial networks and media systems, the book provides a multi-faceted assessment of the potential and limitations of global communications.

Prof. Herman Wasserman, University of Cape Town, South Africa


Hafez and Gruene’s book offers much needed insight into the challenges of today’s diversity of globalized interconnections. It is an excellent source for scholars and students alike when aiming to assess globalized communication in its concrete current formations. Through combining conceptual debates and empirical insights, the book is a key read to understand the multifacted interactions of our digital world.

Prof. Ingrid Volkmer, University of Melbourne, Australia


This extremely useful and timely translation of the original German publication by Hafez and Grüne is a great resource for students and researchers alike, as it deeply enriches – both theoretically and methodologically – the burgeoning literature on global communication’.

Prof. Daya Thussu, Baptist University, Hong Kong


In summary, it is difficult to overestimate the importance of this book. In its enormous but sober scope, it makes one wonder how scholars in global communication and global media studies have managed to engage in the field for such a long time. The methodical approach to considering all forms of communication and their impact and influence on global interdependence is breathtaking. Those who have spent years gauging and assessing the globalizing power of mass media will have their bubbles burst – and enjoy it, for the  sophistication through which this text carries its arguments leaves little room for anything but appreciation. In that sense, it is a genuine tour de force for the field and makes one wonder if anything will be the same after. The writing is comprehensive, convincing and utterly compelling.
[...] With this book, Hafez and Grüne have made a towering contribution to the academy, destined
to influence scholarship on global media and communication for some time to come in the foreseeable future. The way we look at cross-border communication desperately needs to change, and by more exactingly considering processes at work in social systems and lifeworlds, we may now have a more realistic empirical footing to stand on.

Dr. Todd Nesbitt, European Journal of Communication 2023, 28(3), 314-322


Hafez und Grüne gelingt es mit ihrem Handbuch, die Kommunikationstheorie prominent zu platzieren. (...) (Sie) tragen zu einer soliden Fundierung und fruchtbaren Diskussion zur Globalisierungsdebatte aus kommunikationswissenschaftlicher Sicht bei. (...) Nehmen Sie dieses Handbuch auch wirklich physisch oder virtuell „in die Hand". Das Lesen ist ein Gewinn.

Translation: "Hafez und Grüne successfully and prominently position communication theory in the globalization debate. (...) They contribute to a solid foundation and fruitful discussion of globalization from the perspective of communication studies. (...) Make sure that you take this handbook really "into your hands". You will definitely profit from reading it." (own translation)

Prof. Dr. Thomas Herdin, Univ. of Salzburg, Publizistik 2022, 67, 141-143


Von der Erforschung vielschichtiger Interdependenzen (Nationalstaat vs. Transnationalisierung, globale Eliten vs. lokale Mehrheiten, Einwirkung von/auf Medien) bis zur nötigen Verantwortung der Global Player ist hier anspruchsvoll nachzulesen. M.E. alternativlos.

Translation: "The deep structure (of the handbook) enables users targeted entries. Readers receive complex and sophisticated information about multi-layered interdependencies (nation state vs. transnationalization, global elites vs. local majorities, role of the media) and the relevant responsibilty of global players. There is not alternative to this book."

Annette Rugen, 2021, ekz Bibliotheksservice ID IN 2021/20

About the Anthology "Media and Transformation in Germany and Indonesia: Asymmetrical Comparisons and Perspectives.

Media and transformation in Germany and Indonesia is a thought-provoking and analytically helpful book. It corrects some established assumptions and proposes directions of asymmetrical comparisons for further research. Its comparisons, made through a collection of writings with the aim of bridging a gap between theory and practice, succesfully remind us that we live in asymmetrical constructions in multiple dimnesions, and that nothing is really an apple or an orange - or a durian.

Souisa, Hellena (2021): Indonesia - Media and transformation in Germany and Indonesia: Asymmetrical comparisons and perspectives Edited by Anne Grüne, Kai Hafez, Subekti Priyadharma and Sabrina Schmidt Berlin: Frank & Timme, 2019. Pp. ix, 342. List of Authors, List of Conference Participants. Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 1-3.  DOI:10.1017/S0022463421000370


Teaching Focus

  • theories and methods in comparative global media and communication research
  • globalization, media and popular culture
  • hybridity/transculturality in film and television
  • theories of international and transcultural communication
  • sociological communication theories
  • qualitative methods in communication studies

Teaching in the Master's Program "Global Communication: Politics and Society"

Introduction: Global Media and Communication Research

  • Introductory Seminar: Theories in Global Media and Communication Research
  • Introductory Seminar: Methodology in Global Media and Communication Research

Specialization Module: Communication, Culture and Society in Global Comparison

  • Global Knowledge Culture(s) – Postcolonial Perspectives on Film, Arts, Literature, Science, and the Media
  • The Globalization of Everyday Life: Global Lifeworld Communication of Individuals and Groups
  • Lifeworld Communication and Communication Cultures
  • Audiences, Culture and Society in Global Comparative Perspectives
  • Global Popular Culture

Specialization Module: Media Discourses, Media Use and Media Effects in Global Comparison

  • Global Entertainment Media

Methods Modules

  • Qualitative Methods: Comparing Audiences
  • Applied Methods: Self-Study Units
  • Applied Methods: Qualitative and Quantitative Content Analysis of Media Discourses in Global Comparison (zusammen mit Dr. Regina Cazzamatta)

Final Module

  • Master-Colloquium
  • Supervsion of Master-Theses

Teaching in the Bachelor's Program "Communication Studies"

Entertainment, Popular Culture and Globalization

  • Globale Unterhaltungskommunikation
  • Transkulturelle Kommunikation im Kino: Filmwelten im internationalen Vergleich
  • Popkultur und Protest: Fall School
  • "Big Brother is Watching You“: Politische Utopien in Film und Literatur (gemeinsam mit Prof. Dr. Kai Hafez)
  • Globalisierung, Medien und Populäre Kultur: Neue Ansätze und Postkoloniale Perspektiven
  • Globales Fernsehen?! Fernsehkulturen im internationalen und transkulturellen Vergleich
  • Hybride Kulturen in Film, Fernsehen und Popkultur
  • Mediale Unterhaltung in globaler Perspektive
  • Millionäre und Models, Superstars und Soaps: Formatierte Fernsehunterhaltung in transkultureller Perspektive
  • Transnationale Fernsehkulturen

Social Communication

  • Lebenswelt 2.0 - Soziale Kommunikation im Wandel!?
  • Soziologische Kommunikationstheorien Revisited: Die Stellung von Medien in der „interkulturellen“ Lebensweltkommunikation
  • Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven der interpersonalen Kommunikation: kommunikationswissenschaftliche Zugänge zur Lebenswelttheorie

Culture and Communication

  • Cultural Studies in der Kommunikationswissenschaft
  • Cultural Studies und Kommunikationsforschung: Theorien, Befunde und Perspektiven
  • Kultur und Kulturvergleich in der Kommunikationswissenschaft
  • Theorien der internationalen und transkulturellen Kommunikationswissenschaft



  • Qualitative Methoden in der Kommunikationswissenschaft
  • Qualitative Methoden der Kommunikationswissenschaft: Datenauswertung
  • Feldforschung: Akteure öffentlicher und privater Kommunikation in Transformationsprozessen (gemeinsam mit Sabrina Schmidt, M.A., inkl. Exkursion nach Indonesien)

International Teaching Projects

  • 3 November 2017 | International Colloquium | Emerging Scholars Workshop: Media and Popular Culture | Colloquium with indonesian PhD candidates in the context of the international Conference "Media and Transformation in Germany and Indonesia: Dynamics and Regressions in Global Perspective" | Speaker/expert together with Prof. Dr. Randa Aboubakr (Cairo University), Dr. Yasraf Piliang (Bandung Institute of Technology), Dr. Centurion Priyatna (Universitas Padjadjaran UNPAD) | Bandung, Indonesia
  • 4 - 16 Oktober 2016 | bilateral seminars/workshops Fall School | Communication, Popular Culture and Protest in Germany and Indonesia | workshop units with German and Indonesian students in the context of the Fall School "Media Systems and Communication Cultures in Germany and Indonesia" | Erfurt, Germany
  • Winter semester 2015 | bilateral seminar/student research projects | Feldforschung: Akteure öffentlicher und privater Kommunikation in Transformationsprozessen | teaching units and supervision of bilateral student research projects in the context of the excursion "Media Systems and Communication Cultures in Germany and Indonesia" | cooperation project between the University of Erfurt and UNPAD (DAAD Higher Education Dialogue with the Muslim World) | University of Erfurt und Universitas Padjadjaran Bandung, Indonesien
  • 3 - 5 March 2015 | workshop leader| Doing Qualitative Research in Media and Popular Cultural Studies | workshop with students from the Cairo University in the context of the projects "Spaces of Participation: Topographies of Social and Political Participation in Morocco, Egypt, and Palestine" in cooperation of the Forum for the Study of Popular Culture Cairo, Zentrum Moderner Orient Berlin, University of Muhamed-V Rabat, und University of Bir Zeit Ramallah | Cairo, Egypt
  • 9 August 2013 | seminars/Summer School | Models of the Public Sphere / The Internet and the Public Sphere | teaching units with German and Pacistani students in the context of the Summer School "Political Communication. The Changing Role of Social Media in Muslim Countries",  Chair for Islamic Studies at the University of Erfurt (DAAD Higher Education Dialogue with the Muslim World), together with Afifa El Bayed and Sabrina Schmidt | Erfurt, Germany

Teaching Research Projects

Teaching in the Master's Program "Kommunikationsforschung: Politik und Gesellschaft" (until 2018)

  • Formatierte Weltkultur? Globalisierung und Lokalisierung in der Unterhaltungskom-munikation
  • Qualitative Methoden: Die Verarbeitung globalen Wissens in der lokalen Alltagskom-munikation
  • Die Stellung von Medien in der „interkulturellen“ Lebensweltkommunikation
  • Qualitative Methoden: Ethnografie der Gruppenkommunikation „Wie wir unser Bild von der Welt konstruieren – die kommunikative Verarbeitung von globalem Wissen in der Lebenswelt“
  • Globale Unterhaltung – lokale Kultur? Kritische Perspektiven der inter- und transkulturellen Kommunikationsforschung
  •  Qualitative Methoden am Beispiel der Rezeptions- und Aneignungsforschung
  • Global Civil Society: Internationale Kommunikation jenseits der Massenmedien (SoSe 2015, 2 SWS) 
  • Selbststudieneinheiten

Curriculum Vitae


  • born 1983, 1 child
  • since April 2019 | Senior Lecturer at the Department of Media and Communication Studies and Coordinator of the Master's program Global Communication: Politics and Society
  • current research: habilitation project on „Globalization, Knowledge Society and Everyday Culture
  • January 2015 | doctorate: „Formatierte Weltkultur? Transkulturelle Unterhaltungskommunikation am Beispiel der Reproduktion und Rezeption globaler Fernsehformate in Deutschland und Ägypten
  • 2015 – 2018 | Lecturer/Assistant Professor at the Chair for International and Comparative Communication Studies (Prof. Dr. Kai Hafez)
  • March 2015 | Guest Lecturer at the Forum for the Study of Popular Culture and Cairo University
  • 2014/15 | Lecturer at the Department of Media and Communication / University of Erfurt
  • 2010 – 2014 | Research Assistant at the Chair for International and Comparative Communication Studies (Prof. Dr. Kai Hafez)
  • 2012 | 4 weeks research period in Cairo/Egypt
  • 2002 – 2008 | Master's Degree in Cultural Studies (Sociology and History of Culture), Journalism und English Language and Literature at the University of Leipzig
  • 2005/06 | Exchange Semester in Cultural Studies at the Université Lumière Lyon II, France
  • 2003 – 2007 | Tutor and Head of Department of the local radio station „Mephisto 97.6“  (feature production) 
  • 2007 – 2010 | Freelance Author for MDR Figaro, DeutschlandradioKultur, Kreuzer Leipzig, freelance activities for Stiftung Haus der Geschichte (Zeitgeschichtliches Forum Leipzig) and Bachfest Leipzig

Memberships and other Academic Activities

Functions in Academic Self-Administration

  • Coordination of the Master's-Program Global Communikation: Politics and Society
  • Departmental Coordinator for Academic Exchanges at the Department of Media and Communication Studies
  • Representative in the University of Erfurt's Advisory Board for International Affairs
  • Member of several appointment processes for professors